Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 385: Changes in the Physical Body

The scorching breath was constantly spreading out in all directions, and the source of all this heat was the figure hanging in the air.

"Lin Mo..." Xiao Lu's face recovered a little, and now he looked up at the sky and spoke softly.

And the eagle was shocked, staring at Lin Mo's body, or more specifically, at the shadow behind Lin Mo.

That was... Suzaku!

At this moment, there was a shadow of Suzaku hanging behind Lin Mo, with its fiery red wings spread out, like two burning clouds!

The pair of eyes were constantly flashing like two ancient symbols, and seemed to be filled with inexplicable power.

"So strong!" The eagle finally couldn't help but speak.

"It seems that your strength has improved, not bad!" Xiao Lu just glanced at Lin Mo and nodded slightly.

In fact, Lin Mo was also a little excited at this moment. This time his strength has improved a lot again, and he has reached the peak of the fifth-grade martial emperor!

In addition, his physical body...

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and walked down from the air step by step.

Along with this process, the phantom of the Vermillion Bird also merged with Lin Mo's body little by little, and finally dissipated.

The temperature around him suddenly became normal, and even the hawk had a feeling that the entire Vermillion Bird Mountain had become less special.

It was as if Lin Mo's awakening had taken away something from the Vermillion Bird Mountain.

"Lin Mo... Congratulations!" The hawk looked at Lin Mo in front of him and finally said this.

"Do me a favor." Lin Mo looked at the hawk and said, "Help me test how strong my body is!"

The hawk looked at Lin Mo with a question mark on his face.

"I told you to attack him!" Xiao Lu stood aside and whispered, "Why are you still standing there? Go ahead!"

Attack? !

The hawk was stunned for a moment, then reacted and immediately smiled.

"No problem!" He slowly retreated, thinking back to the way Lin Mo roasted him to eat, and anger surged in his heart.

"Lin Mo, you have to be careful, my strength is not weaker than yours. Now I will go all out. If you feel you can't win, dodge immediately!" The eagle spoke loudly.

Its whole body was suspended in the air, and its eyes fell on Lin Mo.

A ray of light slowly gathered on his mouth, and finally became about the size of a baseball.

"This is my strongest attack..." The eagle shouted coldly: "Go! Eagle strikes the sky!"

As the last word fell, the ball of light suddenly shot out!

In an instant, the ball of light was accelerated to exceed the speed of sound!

On the ground, dense cracks continued to extend, and trees fell down wherever they passed.

And all this happened in an instant!

When the ball of light appeared in front of Lin Mo, the whole time had passed for less than a second!

"Damn, this guy didn't dodge!" The eagle shouted and looked at Xiaolu.

He hoped that Xiaolu would take action, because even a monster stronger than him might not be able to catch his attack, let alone Lin Mo, a mere human!

"Don't look at me, you might be disappointed!" Xiaolu pointed at Lin Mo and whispered, "See what the powerful body is!"

The eagle turned his head to look at Lin Mo and was stunned.

The light ball was actually caught by Lin Mo with both hands, and then slowly compressed.

The whole process was very slow, and the violent energy kept tossing and surging in Lin Mo's palm, but the hands seemed to be made of metal, maintaining a uniform speed and slowly closing.

In the end, the metal ball was directly covered by the two hands and closed in the palm.


A faint muffled sound came from the palm, followed by energy fluctuations, sweeping out in all directions.

However, these fluctuations were not very strong, just rolling up the surrounding rocks and splashing around.

"Such a violent force was actually all absorbed by his body...or it was directly resisted!

So strong! What's wrong with his body?" The eagle couldn't help but look at Xiaolu, wanting to get an answer from her.

Xiaolu shook his head: "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on. You should wait for him to tell you the details!"

The eagle nodded and stopped talking. He just stood there and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, Lin Mo clapped his hands and smiled.

The strength of the body has improved a lot compared to before. Now it should have reached the peak of the emperor!

The body becomes the emperor, and then the body becomes the emperor!

According to Lin Mo's understanding, this step is the peak of the body.

The so-called peak is what the next step should be. No one knows.

At least after the step of the body becoming the emperor, the road of the body is cut off.

"Not only has the strength of the body increased, but other powers have also increased!" Lin Mo said slowly: "It's the fire attribute!

I originally had the fire attribute, but that was only the power of blood and qi. Now it seems that my body contains this power!

The reason why the attack of the hawk just now was destroyed so easily by me is largely because my body absorbed most of the power of the fire attribute!

However, where did this characteristic of the body come from?

Is it because the body comes from the Nirvana Pool of the Vermillion Bird, so it also has some of the characteristics of the Vermillion Bird's body?"

Lin Mo made such a guess, and then looked at the hawk: "Thank you."

"Before you thank me, tell me what's going on with your physical body now. It's amazing that you can withstand my attack!" Goshawk said quickly. He was now very interested in Lin Mo's physical body.

"It should be because of the Nirvana Pond that my body has some of the characteristics of Suzaku." Lin Mo said after considering.

Because he only feels a little bit of the characteristics of the physical body now. As for whether there are other characteristics, that needs to be discovered later.

"Part of the characteristics of Suzaku!" Goshawk looked at Lin Mo with an envious look on his face.

He is a bird and has a natural worship mentality towards Suzaku.

Now that I heard that Lin Mo possessed some of Suzaku's characteristics, I felt extremely envious.

After taking a look at the direction where the Nirvana Pond was, I felt regretful and thought I should jump in and have a look.

Maybe you can transform into a beautiful set of feathers?

It's a pity that now it's too late, the Nirvana Pool has disappeared.

"Anyway, thank you very much this time. I gained a lot!" Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu and Goshawk.

"Have you had any other changes?" Xiao Lu, who had been standing there, suddenly asked.

Her eyes fell on Lin Mo, and she seemed to be very concerned about Lin Mo's answer.

"Other changes?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and shook his head slowly.

"So far, I don't have any other feelings. I will continue to feel it later and let you know what I find!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Xiao Lu really contributed a lot to successfully condensing the physical body this time.

"It's okay, I just asked casually. There is no other question that would be better!" Xiao Lu said, but there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"It's time to go back. We've been away for too long!" Goshawk suddenly said: "After all, we've been away for five days. Don't let any problems arise on the Holy Mountain!"

Xiao Lu also nodded: "The Holy Mountain is my body after all, and it is easy to cause problems if I leave it for too long.

Moreover, you have been away from the outside world for about five days now, and you need to go back and take a look! "

Lin Mo nodded. It was very simple for him to leave here, as long as he woke up from the dream.

"In this case, I will leave first. As per the old rules, the Qi and Blood clones will still stay here to accompany you, so I will leave first!"

Lin Mo spoke with a smile, and then tried to leave the dream.

At the same time, inside the giant city of Rob.

Several powerful auras rose into the sky, and black clouds quickly gathered in the sky, pressing toward the ground little by little.

It felt like the sky was about to collapse.

Feeling the pressure of this confusion, many people in the city looked solemn.

On the contrary, where these auras originated, everyone had excited smiles on their faces.

"Teacher, do you think that if Lin Mo comes out of seclusion, he will be shocked to see so many powerful Martial Emperors all of a sudden?"

Wei Yunlong looked at Chen Banzi standing next to him and spoke with a smile.

At this moment, it was Liu Lei and No. 1 to No. 5 who were in front of them.

During this period, their strength has increased rapidly, and Liu Lei is about to reach the realm of Emperor Wu.

Numbers 1 to 5 are to attack the Martial Emperor realm.

This speed of improvement is really terrifying.

"I hope it goes smoothly, Yunlong, you take people to the outskirts of Luobu City. If there is any disturbance, you must notify us immediately!" Chen Banzi said with a solemn expression.

"There shouldn't be any problems. The Zhu family is gone, and Lin Mo seems to have no other enemies..." Wei Yunlong said softly.

But he still honestly led Xiao Yan and others out of the giant city of Luobu and flew outside.

"Haha, the strength of Rob Giant City has become stronger and stronger, congratulations!"

Just as Wei Yunlong led everyone away, a sneer rang out.

Then he saw a huge palm slowly covering it and grabbing at the black clouds in the sky.

"Damn it! Who's taking action!" Wei Yunlong and Chen Banzi shouted at the same time.

The black clouds in the sky are the momentum gathered by Liu Lei and others. If it is broken, it will be difficult to break through.

The hand in front of me suddenly poked out, obviously trying to destroy Liu Lei's breakthrough!

"The dark clouds are looming overhead. It's not a good sign no matter how you look at it. I'll help you clear the clouds and see the sun!"

The voice sounded again, and one hand was still firmly heading towards the black cloud.

It can be seen that there is endless energy and blood rolling around that hand, like a wave, and as soon as it comes into contact with the black clouds, part of the black clouds dissipate!

"Get out of here!"

Wei Yunlong and Chen Banzi took action at the same time. They concentrated their swords and slashed down, trying to stop the hand.

But the other hand blocked the light and shadow of the sword.


The black clouds dissipated instantly!

At the same time, Liu Lei and others who were sitting there opened their mouths and spit out a stream of blood.

Breakthrough failed!

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