Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 399: Rush! Divine weapon stained with blood

"It's still missing a set of armor!"

"If there is another vertical eye between the eyebrows, it will be perfect!"

Lin Mo held the three-pointed two-edged sword and slashed it twice, thinking so in his heart.

"Thank you, Lord Bing, I helped you with this!" Lin Mo nodded with satisfaction, and the three-pointed two-edged sword flashed in his hand, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Ah! This, this, this..." Lao Jiu looked at this scene with a shocked look on his face: "Storage space? Did you get a storage space from the abyss?"

Lin Mo nodded and smiled: "I opened up a storage space in my body by chance!"

"When? Where? Under what circumstances?" Lao Jiu held Lin Mo's hand and asked one after another as if he had seen his own mother.

"Lao Jiu, please restrain yourself!" The Lord Bing coughed helplessly and spoke slowly.

"Sorry, Senior Lao Jiu, this is a secret. First of all, even if you go there again, you won't have this opportunity. In addition, I have promised others that I will not reveal this place!" Lin Mo made up a lie and said with a smile.

"Okay!" Lao Jiu nodded, and then looked at the Lord of Arms with confidence: "Lord Lord of Arms, you see, the storage space really exists. Please approve some funds for me. I promise to research things like storage rings!

After all, someone saw something similar in the abyss!"

"Okay, Lao Jiu, you really know how to find time to ask me for money!" The Lord of Arms nodded helplessly: "Okay, I know, I will approve a sum of money for you after I go back. In addition, I happen to have a ring in my hand, you can take it to study!"

The Lord of Arms fumbled around for a while and threw a ring to Lao Jiu.

Looking at this white and gold ring, Lao Jiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he carefully took it in his hand, smiling foolishly at the Lord of Arms.

"Thank you, Lord of Arms!" Then he turned and left.

"Master Bing, I'm leaving first. I'm about to leave. Some things still need to be arranged!" Lin Mo clasped his fists and said to Master Bing.

"I'll take you!" Master Bing nodded and walked ahead.

Lin Mo was helpless. He knew very well that Master Bing must have something to tell him.

"These days, people from the Kong family are likely to contact you..." Although Master Bing's face was not clear, Lin Mo could feel that Master Bing was looking at him at the moment, and his eyes should be very deep.

"If you contact me, what should I do?" Lin Mo said.

"It's best to see blood when you get the new weapon." After saying this, Master Bing's figure slowly disappeared.

Lin Mo stood in place, feeling the terrifying murderous intent contained in the last sentence, his eyes flickered slightly.

After leaving the martial arts hall, Lin Mo stood outside the gate of the Ministry of War, slightly hesitant.

Most of those friends in college back then are now inconvenient to contact.


At this moment, a brake sound rang in my ears again.

Familiar voice, familiar fiery red sports car, familiar woman sitting in the car.

Li Yan was wearing a miniskirt, white shirt, and huge sunglasses on her face, revealing only a small part of her fair face.

"Get in the car!"

It was still the same two words, and the tone was the same as before.

Looking at Li Yan's anxious face, Lin Mo suddenly smiled, opened the car door and sat in directly.

To be honest, Lin Mo didn't like the feeling of sitting in a sports car. The whole person seemed to be stuffed into a coffin, and even made him feel extremely depressed.

Li Yan obviously didn't expect Lin Mo to get in the car directly, and was a little surprised.

"You..." Li Yan opened her mouth.

"What do you mean, drive quickly, your grandfather should be waiting for me!" Lin Mo interrupted her directly and spoke lightly.

Li Yan was stunned. She thought Lin Mo would refuse to take the car as before, so she had already made an appointment to go out and play later.

Now that Lin Mo is in the car, she will take Lin Mo back to Li's house. It will take a long time to go back and forth, and she may not be able to catch up with the agreed time.

"Can you take a taxi back? I suddenly have something to do!" Li Yan fumbled around on her body, then took out a stack of cash and handed it to Lin Mo: "I'll pay for the taxi fare!"

"No, I haven't ridden in a sports car since I was a child, and I suddenly want to enjoy it!" Lin Mo smiled and refused: "Hurry up!"

After saying that, he took off the sunglasses from Li Yan's face and stuck them on his face. He adjusted the seat slightly and lay down in the car.

Li Yan was trembling with anger. When she met someone like Lin Mo, she felt too low!

"Grandpa still wants to match me with this low man, hum, he doesn't deserve it!" Li Yan thought to herself, and stepped hard on the accelerator, and the fiery red car rushed out like a ball of flames.

The roaring engine sound made several guards stare straight.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that this guy is a gigolo. This car must be worth tens of millions!"

"Of course, if I were as handsome as this guy, I would definitely be a gigolo!"

"I'm different. I usually eat gigolos!"

Several guards talked enviously, but Lin Mo had already walked away.

The Ministry of War is in the suburbs, while the Li family is in the city. If you want to go back, you have to walk dozens of kilometers.

There is also a long mountain road in between.

The sports car overtook other cars on such a road at a speed of over 160. Lin Mo lay there, and his mental power was constantly checking the surroundings.

He "saw" many cars swerving in fear because of the passing of the sports car.

Li Yan looked calm, with a cold look in her eyes. She decided to teach Lin Mo a lesson and let him know what regret is.

So, the speed increased again, and the whole car shuttled forward like a stream of light.

This sports car must have been modified, so that she did not slow down at all in some sharp turns, and the whole car rushed out in a beautiful arc.


At this time, Li Yan suddenly heard the snoring of Lin Mo.

He actually fell asleep!

Li Yan was immediately surprised, and for a moment she even forgot to pay attention to the traffic in front.

"Be careful!" At this time, Lin Mo suddenly spoke.

Li Yan immediately came back to her senses, looked forward, and her pupils suddenly contracted.

A car accidentally hit the mountain wall when turning, and now it was across their lane.

The distance between the two cars was less than 100 meters, and Li Yan's current speed had reached 180 yards!

Too late! No time at all! We're going to hit!

At this speed, even a martial arts master would be seriously injured!

Li Yan's pretty face was pale, and she didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Don't be afraid, just drive straight!"

At this moment, Lin Mo yelled.

With a flash of light in his hand, he had the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and stretched it out of the car window.


At the moment when the two cars were about to hit each other, Lin Mo suddenly slashed the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand on the ground.

A huge crack spread out, and on the other side of the mountain road was the lake. At this moment, the sharp breath was stirred out, and two huge waves suddenly burst out on the lake!

The recoil force made the sports car fly directly into the air!

Driven by inertia, the sports car passed directly above the car, and then landed on the empty lane in front.

When the car landed, Li Yan exclaimed and let go of the steering wheel.

Lin Mo held the steering wheel tightly with one hand and held a three-pointed double-edged knife with the other.

His eyes were already looking not far away, where an accident happened again!

Huge rocks rolled down from the mountain, some of which were as big as a tricycle, and fell on the mountain road, instantly shooting out countless gravels.

"I'll drive!"

Lin Mo roared, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and yelled to Li Yan at the same time: "Come to my side, let's change positions!"

Li Yan was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly, hurriedly unbuckled the seat belt, and then struggled to crawl towards Lin Mo.

Under the miniskirt, her two legs touched Lin Mo's body, and a strange feeling spread throughout her body.

The most important thing is that the two people inevitably had some close contact in this process.

Li Yan blushed immediately, but Lin Mo just pulled out from under her with a normal look and sat in the driver's seat.


The three-pointed double-edged sword was constantly swinging, the blade light flashed, and those huge rocks turned into powder.

Lin Mo controlled the Ferrari with one hand, while swinging the weapon to protect the body of the car, and also dispersed his mental power.

In just three minutes, Lin Mo drove the car out of this mountain road, and at the same time, he braked, and the whole car drifted out, and finally stopped in the corner of the road.

"Stay in the car and don't move!" Lin Mo opened the door and walked down, standing on the roadside, looking at the mountain wall in the distance.

The mountain with a height of 100 meters was right in front of him. After a little hesitation, Lin Mo slashed the weapon in his hand at the mountain wall fiercely!

"Zang Ni Ma! Come out for me!"

The terrifying knife light was visible to the naked eye. After falling on the mountain wall, it spread out all of a sudden and stopped directly at the top of the mountain.

Then click!

The sound continued, and large pieces of stone on the top of the mountain broke, and then became powder and scattered.

At the same time, two figures jumped down from the top of the mountain and finally landed in front of Lin Mo.

"Not bad, you can find us!"

One of them looked at Lin Mo and said lightly.

"Kong family?" Lin Mo did not answer them, but asked lightly.

"Since you know who we are, then just surrender honestly. Luobu Jucheng, you have a very bad influence on the Kong family. Some people in the Kong family are very angry.

If they are angry, they must be calmed down. If you want them to calm down, someone must never breathe!

So, you should understand what you should do, right?"

The two people from the Kong family looked at Lin Mo with mocking expressions on their faces, like two cats teasing mice.

"Of course I know!" The three-pointed double-edged sword in Lin Mo's hand flashed, and it chopped down directly at the two people!


Two muffled sounds came, and the two figures were directly chopped into four pieces by Lin Mo!

"Just now the weapon master said that the weapon should be stained with blood, and you guys are here to deliver it. Are you all timely rain in the Kong family?!" Lin Mo shook off the blood on the weapon and spoke lightly.

Sitting in the car, Li Yan watched Lin Mo kill two people casually, and her face turned pale.

Although she was not weak in strength, she had never killed anyone. Seeing Lin Mo killing people, she felt a sense of fear permeating her whole body.

"What are you going to do..." Seeing Lin Mo get in the car, Li Yan shuddered and asked in a trembling voice.

"Take me to the Kong family!" Lin Mo smiled and said, "Then you can leave!"

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