Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 409 Leaving the Abyss

"You are a little impulsive..."

Looking at the fallen Chu Xiong, everyone felt their hearts tremble. After a long time, Li Fengchun slowly stepped forward, opened his mouth, and spoke softly.

"He wants to kill me!" Lin Mo shook off the blood on the three-pointed two-edged knife and said lightly.

"The power of the Chu family in the mountain city is really terrifying. Don't say that you only have Rob Giant City. Even if you add the entire Li family, the Chu family is no longer the opponent!" Li Fengchun said helplessly: "Many times, you have to learn to give in. !”

"You just think too much, that's why you are not as good as me!" Lin Mo smiled and patted his shoulder and said softly.

"You!" Li Fengchun suddenly felt a little unhappy. He came here to care about Lin Mo. Who would have thought that he would be humiliated like this in the end.

"Lin Mo, don't worry, we won't tell anyone about this!" Zhou Lu and others stumbled forward and said firmly.

"If you don't tell them, can you still control their mouths?" Lin Mo raised his finger and pointed at the people around him: "What will happen if these people tell them?"

"You mean, kill them?" Li Fengchun hesitated and asked.

"You are too murderous!" Lin Mo smiled helplessly: "If you want to tell me, you can say whatever you want. Since I, Lin Mo, have done it, I am not afraid of anyone telling me!

Of course, if I were caught, I would definitely kill someone! "

Having said this, Lin Mo walked towards Zhou Lu and others: "Thank you very much this time. I owe you all this favor!"

The people in front of them were all injured, and some were even seriously injured. Their chests were constantly heaving while they were lying on the ground. This was the only way to show that they were still alive.

"Lin Mo, we have said before that all of us will follow you. Now that we have chosen, we will not regret it!

So don’t say anything like you owe us a favor! Zhou Lu said with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded, hesitated, and said: "I have a way to see if I can restore you, but I haven't tried it, so I can only experiment on you..."

"Start with me first!" Zhou Lu stepped forward and sat in front of Lin Mo: "You can try whatever you want, just do it!"

Lin Mo nodded and raised his hand to put on Zhou Lu's shoulder.

The self-healing ability was originally only able to heal his own injuries, but now Lin Mo wanted to try it to see if he could also heal other people's injuries.

Mysterious movement, a water attribute power directly entered Zhou Lu's body. In just a moment, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"My injuries are healing so fast!"

Zhou Lu couldn't help but speak. He originally had a penetrating wound on his chest, but now the wound was covered with granulation, and the wound was healing like crazy at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just ten minutes, Zhou Lu's injuries were already healed!

Withdrawing the power of Qi and blood, Lin Mo had a smile on his face, and at the same time he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Self-healing ability can not only heal yourself, but also heal other people, but the healing speed will be slower!"

Lin Mo quickly judged how useful the self-healing method was.

Zhou Lu stood up, his face full of excitement, and there was a hint of respect in his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo.

It's amazing that such a serious injury was completely resolved within ten minutes.

At this time, a good physical condition can definitely improve the chance of survival.

When the others saw that Zhou Lu was almost healed, they looked at Lin Mo eagerly and spontaneously lined up in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo treated them one by one, while Tang San, Li Fengchun and others stood there and watched quietly.

They saw that those people were obviously seriously injured, but under Lin Mo's treatment, they recovered quickly.

"This Lin Mo really has some tricks up his sleeve!" Someone couldn't help but sigh.

"Why don't you flatter him at this time? After all, if Lin Mo gets injured later, it would be great if Lin Mo can help!"

"Okay, you can use your beauty to seduce Lin Mo. He is a young boy, and he might be fascinated by you!"

Everyone witnessed this scene with their own eyes and had an intuitive understanding of Lin Mo's ability to heal injuries.

As a warrior, there is no way to avoid injury. Knowing and becoming friends with a strong healer will definitely bring many benefits!

"Everyone should be almost recovered, so come with me. We've been wasted here for a day or two, so we need to hurry up!

Save those people in the beautiful country from waiting impatiently! "

Lin Mo said and led Zhou Lu and others towards the entrance of the abyss.

Although everyone still wants to continue exploring the entire abyss, Lin Mo is right. They have been delayed here for two days. If they cannot reach the beautiful country on time, it will be Huaxia who will be embarrassed!

"Let us go, provided you know how to leave this island. Otherwise, how will we leave? Don't tell me that you plan to swim over, otherwise I will die laughing!"

Someone said calmly, he is from the Kong family. Although Lin Mo has shown super healing methods, for the people of the Kong family, such Lin Mo is not only useless to them, but will become a stab in their back. !

"If you don't believe me, don't follow me. After all, I think you Kong family members are quite unhappy too!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Then he led a group of people to walk out in a mighty manner.

Arriving on the island again, Lin Mo's eyes swept across the entire island.

"During the time we were away, no one came up to the island, so we should be in an unknown or very dangerous sea...No ship would approach such a sea!

I just took a look at the map, and our map did not mark the existence of this place!"

Hearing this, everyone's hearts began to beat. Could it be that they were really going to die on this island?

"Wow, I don't want to die here. I haven't been in love yet. I want to give birth to a monkey for the person I like..."

A woman couldn't help crying.

We said before that laughter is contagious, and the same crying is contagious.

Someone cried, and soon there was crying again in the crowd, but this time the source of the sound was a young man.

"This guy is called Xie Cong, a mama's boy. I didn't expect that such a small thing would scare him to tears!" Zhou Lu stepped forward and told Lin Mo the man's information in his ear.

Lin Mo was speechless. A grown man crying like a woman.

"If you cry like this again, I don't mind throwing you into the sea to feed the fish!" Lin Mo's voice was cold and rang directly beside Xie Cong's ears.

This sentence was like a transparent tape. After the voice fell, the boy's voice was interrupted and he could only make a humming and humming sound.

"It's much quieter now!" Zhou Lu smiled and nodded: "Lin Mo, what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, just walk through the sea!" Lin Mo pointed to the sea in front of him where he couldn't see the shore at all: "As long as we choose the right direction and keep moving forward, we can reach it!"

"Brother Lin Mo, if you have a way, please tell me directly. I really can't swim such a long distance!" Tang San also spoke helplessly, even with an apologetic smile on his face: "I'm sorry to trouble Brother Lin!"

"You're welcome!" Lin Mo waved his hand. In fact, Tang San was always on the defensive against Lin Mo.

You have to know that Chu Xiong had been following Tang San before. He couldn't have been unaware of this person's identity, but Tang San didn't reveal a single thing from beginning to end.

Even though it was obvious that someone was plotting to frame Lin Mo, Tang San didn't make a move. This person just looked like a passerby, standing there watching the fight.

So, Lin Mo has always been wary of this person.

Fortunately, Tang San hasn't made any extraordinary moves so far, otherwise, Lin Mo might have taken action directly.

"There is a way, provided that you can keep up with my speed!"

Lin Mo stood directly by the water and used his water control ability directly!

Then everyone's eyes widened suddenly, because the endless sea water was directly divided into two in front of Lin Mo, revealing the rocks and fine sand under the sea water!

Lin Mo was madly impacting on such a ground, but the consumption of doing so was undoubtedly very huge, so soon Lin Mo's face showed a pale look.

"Follow up!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth, and his speed was still terrifying. In the next day, Lin Mo and others almost worked hard without sleep.

"How far have we run? Should we be there soon?"

"If we keep running, I'll be exhausted. I need to lie down and rest for a while. Let's go!"

"I can't care about that. Let's rest first. I don't believe you two won't be tired!"


Everyone spoke up. They really couldn't bear the high-intensity sprint.

Lin Mo smiled and slightly expanded the scope of exploration with his water control ability. In an instant, the water surface that was separated by Lin Mo in front of them extended directly, and then they saw the towering buildings.

They also saw a red wire-drawn bridge across the sea. Lin Mo had seen this bridge in many movie theaters.

"This is... We have arrived in the beautiful country!"

"We are really there!"

"This is... too incredible!"

Everyone looked at the tall buildings in the distance, and their faces showed excitement.

Just as they were about to speed up and rush out, a huge ship suddenly passed in front of them, and the huge ship left a shadow in their hearts.

At this time, a speedboat quickly stopped not far away. A young blond-haired and blue-eyed woman stood on it. She looked at everyone and smiled, "Everyone, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

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