Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 411: Eros Association

"Weina, this woman, looks beautiful, but she's actually not a good person. She just took us to where we live, but she asked us to find it on our own with backpacks on our backs!"

Zhou Lu followed Lin Mo. They both had backpacks on their bodies and were complaining softly at the moment.

"It's not too far, just in time to see how the public security is around here, and we need to pay attention to what will happen tomorrow!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Zhou Lu nodded: "I will arrange it."

Several people followed the map and soon arrived at the residence arranged for them by the Beautiful Country. It turned out to be a villa area with a nice environment.

"Boss, look at the villas over there. They have lights on and heavy metal music coming from inside. Hehe..."

When passing the gates of several villas, Zhou Lu suddenly looked at Lin Mo with a smile and said.

"Is there any problem?" Lin Mo was a little confused.

Zhou Lu and others looked at each other, then laughed.

"Boss, you don't know. The beautiful country is quite liberal in some aspects. For example, with heavy metal music and lights like this, parties are usually held in the house...impart!"

Lin Mo's head was full of black lines, and in the end he could only say one word: 6!

"I wonder if we will have activities tonight!" behind Zhou Lu, a man said with a chuckle.

"You still have to take care of your little brother here, don't lose your big head just because of your little head!" Lin Mo said lightly.

Everyone was shocked, and then nodded.

Arriving at the door of the villa where they lived, Lin Mo took out the key to the villa door from his backpack.

The entire villa has three floors, with the living room and kitchen at the bottom, and the bedrooms upstairs.

"I'm in the second room on the third floor. I'll go up and take a look first. Everyone, please go to bed early and pay attention to your safety!"

Lin Mo stood at the top of the stairs, thought for a while and then said: "Everyone can rest assured tonight, I will always monitor the surroundings!"

Zhou Lu and others nodded repeatedly.

After reaching the third floor, Lin Mo stopped in front of the door of the second room, twisted the door handle, and then locked the door.


Just after Lin Mo locked the door, there was a sound of water.

Lin Mo raised his eyes and became alert.

There's someone in the bathroom!

He cautiously approached the door of the bathroom, then raised his hand and clapped it. The power of Qi and blood bombarded the door of the bathroom, and the rising mist suddenly came out from inside.

"If you break the door, the whole room will be wet with water vapor, and it will be uncomfortable to sleep!"

In the bathroom, the sound of water continued, and a woman's voice sounded at the same time.

The most important thing is that this woman's voice sounded familiar to Lin Mo.


It’s Vina!

It was less than an hour before they separated. Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, she would be here and taking a bath in this room!

"Do you want to come in and wash together?" An invitation came from inside the room.

Lin Mo was speechless for a moment, and then said calmly: "I'm going out first!"

"Wait a moment!"

Footsteps sounded behind him, followed by a burst of fragrance that penetrated his nostrils.

As soon as his eyes blurred, he saw Wei Na, who was still steaming all over, standing in front of him.

The most important thing is that Wei Na is still in the same state as when she took a bath, and her wet hair is scattered on her white collarbone.

After a brief period of confusion, Lin Mo looked away.

"Miss Wei Na, we Chinese people are not as open as you, so please respect yourself!" Lin Mo turned around and said lightly.

"Am I not beautiful? Or do you think we are open because you suspect that I am the kind of casual woman?"

Wei Na's voice sounded behind Lin Mo, and then he felt her getting closer to him.

"I... am still innocent! I know you Chinese people care more about this, so I'm here to accompany you!"

Wei Na spoke softly, and then actually stretched out her hand and hugged Lin Mo.

Lin Mo dodged in a flash, then rushed to the bed, and then threw a blanket towards Wei Na.

"If you have anything to do, just say it, there's no need to do that!" Lin Mo said calmly.

Wei Na wrapped up her proud figure, walked towards Lin Mo, sat down on the bed, and then lay back.

"Do you know about the Cupid Association?" Wei Na looked at Lin Mo and suddenly spoke.

"I just found out." Lin Mo nodded: "I don't know the specific situation yet."

"The Cupid Association is an organization in the beautiful country, and all its members are women. We people are not very strong, so we need to keep looking for shelter.

Those who protect us are actually our early investors!

And you are the investor I choose! "

After Wei Na's words fell, Lin Mo felt that the power of Qi and blood in his body seemed to begin to surge, and an extremely hot feeling surged in his body.

"The legendary martial arts skills we women practice are left behind by Venus, the Goddess of Love. If you are with me, your strength will improve very quickly!"

Wei Na spoke softly, and at the same time Lin Mo felt the impulse in his body getting stronger.

"Why are you restraining yourself?"

"What's wrong with being with me?"

Lin Mo could only hear Wei Na's voice in his ears from time to time, and the voice seemed to have endless penetrating power, echoing directly in the depths of his mind.


The Nine Provinces Order flew out from Lin Mo's body, and a beam of light fell on Lin Mo, making him calm down quickly.

At the same time, the Zhen character flashed and landed on Wei Na.

Wei Na couldn't move, but Lin Mo stood up and glanced at him.

After a little hesitation, he pulled up the quilt and wrapped her up.

"I have a fiancée, so I can't bear it anymore!"

Lin Mo chuckled: "However, for the Cupid Association to be able to develop to its current level, it must have its own secret methods!

Lin Mo knows that he is not conspicuous in China. Although he is the leader this time, both Li Fengchun and Tang San have higher strength and reputation than me. I don't know what the point of your investment in me is! "

"That's just what you think. After our Cupid Association has evaluated the potential of you, everyone believes that you have more potential, and the benefits of investing in you will be greater!" Wei Na said with a smile.

"So, the Cupid Association actually has its own news channel, right?"

A smile appeared on Lin Mo's face: "You don't have to use this method to invest in me, we can use a brand new method.

For example, I need your channel to get news! "

Wei Na looked at Lin Mo and realized at this moment that she had unknowingly fallen into the trap Lin Mo had prepared for her.

"If you are with me, we can still provide you with information channels!" Wei Na said: "In your China, isn't it normal to have three wives and four concubines?"

"What era did three wives and four concubines have?" Lin Mo said helplessly: "Anyway, I just need your information channels!

Of course, we have a cooperative relationship, and I can provide you with help as long as it does not violate China's principles and my personal principles! "

Wei Na thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"I promise you." She whispered: "Can you let me go now?"

"You'd better sleep well here!" Lin Mo chuckled, then opened the door and walked out, locking the door at the same time.

As soon as he left the room, Lin Mo heard noises coming from several other rooms.

Listening to these voices, Lin Mo was speechless for a while.

Co-author Wei Na not only prepared gifts for herself, but there were also gifts waiting in other rooms!

"A bunch of disobedient guys!" Lin Mo shook his head helplessly, then sat on the sofa in the living room and closed his eyes slightly.

Thunder surged, Lin Mo performed the Thunder Breathing Technique, and the power of Qi and blood began to increase crazily.

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, but he was also a little helpless. All the Qi and Blood Pills had been consumed, and now he couldn't enter the dreamland.

After a night of silence, Lin Mo heard the sound of the door opening in the villa early the next morning.

Then I heard Zhou Lu and others teasing each other.

"Tsk tsk, the women of the Cupid Association are indeed extraordinary. After a night of activity, not only do they not feel any tiredness, but they actually have increased their energy and blood!"

"I heard what you said last night, tsk tsk, it was over in less than ten minutes!"

"How much better are you than me? I exercised five times last night! What about you? You slept until dawn, right?"

A few people bickered, and then they saw Lin Mo sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Then the smiles on their faces faded a lot at the same time, and they stepped forward at the same time.

"How was your rest last night, boss?" Finally, a person next to Zhou Lu asked.

"That must be pretty good!" Zhou Lu said with a smile: "I wonder who the boss was with last night..."

Lin Mo looked at the smiling people and shook his head helplessly: "I warned you earlier, don't lose your big head just because of your small head.

Now it seems that you still haven’t listened to what I said!

After one night, don't you feel the difference in yourselves? "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Boss, the difference between us now is that our own strength has become a lot stronger, hehe!

If I had slept for a few more days, I might have broken through to a small level! "

After the Martial Emperor, every additional 10,000 qi and blood can be regarded as a small breakthrough.

You can add a small step in a few days, which is really good speed.

"There is no free dinner in this world. Use your spiritual power to look inside the spiritual platform and take a good look." Lin Mo said lightly.

After such a reminder, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then used their own mental power to look inside themselves.

"how so?!"

The three people suddenly exclaimed, with a look of fear on their faces.

"Why is there such an extra thing on our mourning platform!"

"It seems to be a brand..." Zhou Lu frowned: "I heard that the Cupid Association likes to use the body as an investment..."

"So, now you understand what they're investing in?"

Lin Mo smiled faintly: "The brand on your platform should allow you to have some kind of contract with them in the future."

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