The man in front of him is Zhou Lu's little follower named Wang Cai. It is said that he was the groom five times last night.

Of course, this morning he also asked Lin Mo with a sad face to help remove the mark.

At this moment, Wang Cai's face was full of anxiety: "Hurry up and follow me!"

Lin Mo nodded and followed Wang Cai in the other direction.

"Tell me what happened!" Lin Mo said as he ran.

"The people from Baixiang Kingdom took the initiative to cause trouble, and Zhou Lu couldn't help but take action. Then they took advantage of the large number of people and beat Zhou Lu.

Zhou Lu and the others held back that group of people and asked me to come find you! "Wang Cai said breathlessly.

He also had wounds on his face, but they weren't serious.

White elephant country? The team led by the leader named Amir?

"You run slowly, I'll go over and take a look first!" Lin Mo's figure flashed, and his ghostly shadow spread out at full speed. In just the blink of an eye, he disappeared from Wang Cai's side.

In the distance, Aaron suddenly turned around and looked at the direction where Lin Mo disappeared, and raised his eyebrows: "This speed is actually faster than me!

He is indeed the man that my sister has fallen in love with! "

On the other side, after Lin Mo rushed out some distance, he saw a group of men in turbans fighting around two people from a distance.

One of them was Zhou Lu, who was already covered in paint, but the other was in worse condition, with blood stains on the corner of his mouth and one of his legs, which was obviously broken.

But even so, the two of them roared angrily and fought as if their lives were on the line.

Lin Mo also heard the classic curses, mixed with blood and saliva, and several white hats had plum blossoms on them.

"Stop it all!"

Lin Mo stopped, and his voice mixed with mental power came out.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then covered their ears and screamed.

"Boss!" When Zhou Lu saw Lin Mo coming, he suddenly showed an excited look on his face: "Kill them, how dare you attack us!"

"Yes, you scolded them and you dared to fight back!"

Behind Zhou Lu, the guy whose leg was broken said with an unhappy face.

"Who are you? Are you with them?" A young man who had been watching the show in the distance came over with an indifferent expression.

He speaks Baixiang Mandarin, but his clothes are different from other Baixiang martial arts cultivators.

"Amir!" The martial arts cultivators from Baixiang Kingdom looked at the young man and spoke one after another.

Although I can’t understand Bai Xiang’s language, I can hear the name clearly.

"He asked if we were in the same group!" Zhou Lu glanced at Lin Mo and quickly translated.

"Tell him that we are in the same group." Lin Mo said with a smile: "Ask them again what they are going to do with the people who beat us!"

"Your people scolded us first, so we should fight back!" Amir said with a cold face: "If you are unhappy, I will beat you too!"

"Did you curse first?" Lin Mo frowned and looked at Zhou Lu.

"They are gossiping now, thinking that I can't understand the White Elephant language, and saying that we are all trash. I was so angry that I scolded them!" Zhou Lu said with an unhappy face.

"So, they were the ones who caused trouble first, right?" Lin Mo nodded, then looked at Amir.

Amir also looked at Lin Mo, his eyes full of provocation.


The next moment, Lin Mo's mental power burst out instantly, covering Amir.

Boom boom!

In the spiritual world, Amir saw a volcano erupting directly with a height of ten thousand feet, and a huge red bird flew out of the magma with a cry!

The terrifying temperature seemed to burn the entire world clean!

Amir trembled all over, and above his head, a ball of light flickered, and the effect of the confusion element had been realized on him.


Amir uttered a syllable in his mouth, and a white elephant appeared in the spiritual realm. With a bang, it raised its two front paws high, and then slammed them to the ground!

The entire spiritual world was shattered, but the confusion element was still flickering.

The roaring sound continued, and the puzzle element was swaying, and it was about to fall.

At this time, the shadow of a cross holy sword slowly fell down.


There were cracks in the light of the confusion element. Lin Mo looked at this scene and took the confusion element back. Then he looked in the direction of the cross holy sword, snorted coldly, raised his hand and punched it out!


The golden fist seal dissipated, and at the same time, the cross holy sword also dissipated.

Lin Mo felt his energy and blood boiling. The previous sword strike probably wasn't the full force of the sword wielder, but despite this, he already felt the pressure.

"The competition has not started yet. If we fight in private again, we will be disqualified from the competition!"

This voice sounded with an authentic London accent.

"It should be those people from the Cross Church. These people have always claimed that they are fair and just messengers, but looking at it now, they are obviously trying to sidestep the situation!" Zhou Lu muttered quietly beside Lin Mo.

"Forget it." Lin Mo stopped his hand and looked at Amir: "Do you still want to try?"

Amir's eyes were cold. He had suffered a loss from his previous attack.

But he didn't care because he felt that he hadn't had time to use all his power yet!

Therefore, he wanted to wait until he had a fight with Lin Mo and then defeat him severely.

"Let's go, the game is about to start. This group of people is bullying the minority. Winning or losing is meaningless. Once you are on the stage, fight to the death!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Don't take this group of Asan too seriously!"

"Haha, don't worry, boss, we are not afraid. Even if there are more of them, we dare to fight!" Zhou Lu laughed: "You don't know, when my grandfather fought with Asan, in the end, he directly forced them to move their nest away, and two people chased them to fight a company.

We can't let them down!"

Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "However, when you fought, where were Li Fengchun and Tang San?"

"Li Fengchun was taken away. Their competition venue is in another direction. Tang San doesn't know. It seems that he left not long after you left. He said that he wanted to take people to understand the rules of the game!" Zhou Lu said with regret: "If they were there, we would definitely win a great victory!"

Lin Mo nodded and said nothing.

But in his heart, he felt that Tang San's departure was a bit... too coincidental.

"I hope it's not someone you recruited!" Lin Mo said in his heart, and at this time, they had already arrived at the preparation area.

The facilities in the preparation area were also very complete. Lin Mo even saw several large beds placed there, and there were several boxes of children's burp bags at the head of the bed...

"Boss, the beautiful country is open, these things can be placed randomly!" Zhou Lu picked up one and said with a smile.

"What's the big deal? When we held the sports meeting, we also prepared a lot of these things..." Wang Cai said nonchalantly, and then looked at Lin Mo: "Boss, will you draw lots later?"

"I will draw lots and learn about the rules by the way!" Lin Mo nodded and walked towards the draw.

The competition venue was posted with the way of the game. Lin Mo glanced at it and understood the general idea.

This time, the game adopted the lottery system. Every time the lottery was drawn, it was a battle between countries. The two countries drawn fought each other. The specific people who went on stage to fight could be decided by themselves.

But the same person could not go on stage every time.

The result of the competition is based on a points system, and the countries with the highest points will fight in the final battle.

The final battle will determine the top three, and the fighting method used is... team battle!

"Simple and rough!" Lin Mo commented on the rules of the game, but he had to say that this method was very good, at least Lin Mo liked it very much.

When drawing lots, Lin Mo saw Amir.

At this moment, Amir looked at Lin Mo with a cold look in his eyes, as if he was going to rush up and bite Lin Mo to death.

"You'd better pray that I don't draw you!" Amir said in a garbled manner.

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't understand!" Lin Mo casually drew a lot: "But I can also tell you that if I meet you, I will beat you to death!"

Looking at the lot in his hand, Lin Mo turned and left.

Soon everyone finished drawing.

When the final result came out, Lin Mo almost laughed to death.

He actually drew the teams led by Amir.

The White Elephant Country was also divided into groups of four, and went to several competition areas respectively.

The three people led by Amir were in the same battle zone as Lin Mo and his team.

It seemed that Amir also knew the result of the game, so he looked at Lin Mo with ill intentions and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders and did not want to respond to such childish behavior.

"I will heal you first, Wang Cai will go first, do you have confidence?" Lin Mo looked at Wang Cai, his strength was also at the peak of the fifth-grade martial emperor, which was also a good strength.

"Just do it!" Wang Cai shouted: "Boss, don't worry, I will go up, even if I bite them, I will bite them to death!"

"Okay, you go first, I will heal them!" As he said that, he directly wrapped the blood power with the Suzaku flame and transported it to the bodies of Zhou Lu and others.

Wang Cai stepped onto the ring step by step, and Amir sent a young man, whose strength was also at the peak of the fifth grade.

However, the young man's muscles swelled all over his body, full of explosive power.


With an order, the young man shouted directly and rushed towards Wang Cai.

Wang Cai moved around the ring very quickly and flexibly.

But the young man didn't care about that at all. He swung his fist in anger, and the terrifying power actually made a roar in the air.

"What a strong power!" Lin Mo used his mental power to monitor the progress of the game while healing their injuries.

The young man's power was a bit outrageous!


On the stage, a muffled sound came, and the young man punched Wang Cai in the chest.


Wang Cai spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole face turned pale.


Another punch hit his back, and Wang Cai's eyes widened, his face full of pain.

Lin Mo's expression changed slightly. In the face of such a terrifying power, Wang Cai was defeated so quickly.

"We admit..." Lin Mo was about to admit defeat when he heard Wang Cai on the stage shouting.

"No! I can still fight..." Wang Cai spoke loudly with blood foam in his mouth.

Then, he didn't know where the power came from, and he actually rolled up the young man with his hands and feet, and then fixed him tightly.

Finally, she opened her mouth and bit the young man's neck hard!

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