Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 416: New Uses of Mental Power

"It's like God's will!"

In the gymnasium, Lin Mo looked at the lottery results in his hands with a helpless smile on his face.

Two words were clearly written on the lottery results: Neon!

This time, it will be Neon's team that will fight against Lin Mo and the others.

According to Lin Mo's prior knowledge, the people led by Neon this time were from the Black Dragon Society, that is, those who came down from Gao Tianyuan.

The team leader Lin Mo and the others were facing was called Yamaguchioka. He was very powerful and had reached the peak of the seventh level of the Martial Emperor. It was said that the blood of Amaterasu was still flowing in his body.

The remaining people are also Neon's strong men, with the lowest strength being the peak of the Martial Emperor's sixth rank.

The time left for Lin Mo and the others to recover was only an hour.

"If you can recover, take action. If you can't recover, just admit defeat!" Lin Mo looked at Zhou Lu and others and said this.

A group of people lowered their heads and finally could only agree in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, even if I'm the only one on the field, I can go through all of them by myself!"

Lin Mo smiled and spoke out what was in his heart.

Lin Mo really didn't take Neon seriously. They were just a bunch of hypocrites, nothing to worry about.

But Lin Mo would not underestimate the enemy when facing them. Once they fought, he would not give them the slightest possibility of turning defeat into victory.

"Boss, it's us who are dragging you down!" Zhou Lu finally spoke.

Lin Mo just glared at them and then began to heal their injuries.

Wang Cai's injury was relatively serious, but the injuries sustained by Zhou Lu, Lin, and Liu Mi were not serious, so after Lin Mo's treatment, they have all recovered to the best of their ability.

An hour passed quickly and finally the game started.

In the first battle, Zhou Lu was the first to take action, and the final result was victory.

Liu Mi took action in the second battle and encountered Yamaguchi Gang, and finally had to admit defeat.

On the contrary, when Lin Mo came on the field, he encountered a relatively weak opponent.

Because there was one less person on Lin Mo's side, it was Lin Mo who finally came on the field to fight Yamaguchioka.

The so-called Amaterasu bloodline only lasted a little longer under Lin Mo's hands, and was eventually trapped by Lin Mo's spiritual realm. By the time Neon's side surrendered, Yamaguchioka had already lost his mind.

In fact, when Yamaguchioka wakes up, they will be surprised to find that a person who was originally a good person has become an idiot when he wakes up...

The day's competition ended with Lin Mo and the others winning.

At the same time, Lin Mo met Li Fengchun.

They didn't have Lin Mo's good luck. They lost one game and won two, which was considered a good result.

The person he met in the losing battle was a friend Lin Mo just met, it was the guy named Aaron.

"How strong is he?" Lin Mo looked at Li Fengchun and asked with a smile: "Has he mastered the power of two elements?"

Li Fengchun glanced at Lin Mo, shook his head with a wry smile and said: "When I fought with him, I didn't force him to use all his strength. In front of him, I was still too weak and couldn't stand up to him!"

This was the first time that Lin Mo saw such a frustrated expression on the middle school boy.

"Looks like you've been beaten, haha!" An extremely mocking voice came from Lin Mo's mouth, making Li Fengchun's face suddenly look ugly.

"You're so special..." Li Fengchun raised his finger and pointed at Lin Mo. After baring his teeth for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Sooner or later, I will surpass him one day!"

"That's good, I'm waiting to see the day when you surpass him!" Lin Mo smiled and patted Li Fengchun on the shoulder, and then said: "Tell me, what did you feel when you fought with him?"

"Spiritual power!" Li Fengchun looked up at Lin Mo: "I know you are also a mind qi master, but what I want to say is that his mental power should not be weaker than yours. The most important thing is that he has far more control over his mental power. Above you, if you two use your mental power to fight, you will definitely lose in the end!"

"Beautiful Country was originally the place where Qi Masters originated, so even if they have a more powerful mental power manipulation method than me, it is reasonable!" Lin Mo nodded: "But, tell me Say it!”

"At the beginning of the fight, I thought I had the upper hand, but in the end, I suddenly realized that I had always been in a world he built with mental power. What is different from the spiritual world is that he built The world is more real.

No, it’s not more real, it’s a factor that integrates the real world into the spiritual world!

Anyway, from the beginning to the end, he watched me rush through the spiritual world, and finally fell to the ground and surrendered!

What's more, in the spiritual world he built, he can control time! "

"Control time?" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face. Lin Mo could control everything in the spiritual realm, but there was only one thing he couldn't control, and that was time.

In the spiritual world, the passage of time is the same as in the real world.

But Aaron can actually control the passage of time? !

"It's a bit scary!" Lin Mo nodded and sighed.

"Yeah, can you imagine, I have been fighting for so long, but when I finally gave in, I realized that I had only been on stage for a short time!

I may have set a record for fastest to throw in the towel. "

Li Fengchun said with a depressed face.

Lin Mo couldn't help but laugh after thinking about such a scene.

Just like when you are fighting with someone, when you are getting ready to fight, the other person suddenly kneels on the ground and raises the white flag to surrender.

"You are indeed the miserable one." Lin Mo raised his hand and patted Li Fengchun on the shoulder: "Let's go back and have a good rest. You shouldn't need to fight tomorrow. Are you interested in walking around San Francisco with me?"

"I'm injured and can't tell. I'll have a rest tomorrow so I can heal!"

In addition, I advise you not to walk around San Francisco. This place is fine during the day, but it is easy to get robbed at night!

Nowadays, martial arts is booming, and the ability to rob is very strong. "

"You must have read too many online novels. San Francisco is not as chaotic as you said. Besides, I don't plan to wander around. I just want to learn about the beautiful Guonian Qi Master." Lin Mo suddenly thought of it again. After hearing one thing, he asked: "What was the result of the battle over Tang San's side?"

"We lost two games, one to Beautiful Country and the other to Neon. We only won when we fought against Kimchi Country." Li Fengchun frowned and said, "Tang San's strength is still very strong, no. Know why this is the case.”

"You should be careful anyway." Lin Mo said with a smile: "This Tang San is not a kind person!"

Li Fengchun nodded, then turned and left with his people.

While Lin Mo and Li Fengchun were talking about Tang San, the latter was sitting comfortably in a room in the gymnasium.

To his left and right stood a beautiful woman, one squeezing his shoulders, and the other stuffing peeled grapes into his mouth.

There was also a woman kneeling in front of Tang San, shaking her head and trying hard to learn the scriptures.

But sitting opposite Tang San was a woman wearing a ninja uniform.

"Eri Sakura, you should be very clear about the purpose of the Black Dragon Club's arrangements for you to come here. This is his relevant information. I believe you won't let me down, right?"

Tang San closed his eyes, enjoying it while popping up a photo.

Erizakura caught the photo and after taking a look at it, flames jumped from her fingertips and swallowed the photo directly.

"I will personally kill the person!" Before leaving, Erika left these words.

Feeling the contempt in Erika's mouth, Tang San revealed an indifferent smile, snorted slightly, and gave the girl kneeling in front of him the final response.

"Lin Mo, I'm already looking forward to seeing you die in front of me." Tang San stood up, let the three women come forward to tidy up his clothes, and then turned around and left.

When he returned to the villa, Lin Mo was surprised to find that Wei Na was waiting in the living room with a few more women.

Zhou Lu and others' eyes widened when they saw those women.

Because except for Wei Na, the other women are different from yesterday.

Does the Eros Association have such extensive resources? Why is it different every day? !

"Could these be the group of people who served Tang San or Li Fengchun and the others yesterday?" Zhou Lu asked sarcastically.

"Mr. Zhou is looking down on our God of Love Association!" Wei Na chuckled: "If Mr. Zhou wants to, our God of Love Association can make sure that you are not the same every day throughout the year."

"Tsk tsk, can you apply for membership in your God of Love Association? I want to apply for VIP." Lin Mo said with a teasing smile: "But let's forget it tonight, they all have a hard time getting on the kang, so don't bother.

Let them all go back! "

"Boss, I think that although I am injured, this kind of thing will not be delayed!" The first person to speak was Wang Cai. This guy was brought back by Zhou Lu and Liu Mi at a unit price, but now he raised his hand proactively: "I It's almost done. If you don't believe me, I'll do some push-ups for you..."

Lin Mo and others were suddenly speechless.

"Let them go back!" Lin Mo waved his hand helplessly: "By the way, Miss Wei Na, you stay!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they looked at Lin Mo strangely.

"Boss, you are not kind, keep people for yourself, not for us!" Zhou Lu chuckled: "How about we all move out tonight, so as not to hear things we shouldn't hear! "

"In order to prove my innocence tonight, I decided that when I chat with you tonight, I will be very attentive and make sure that you will never forget it!" Lin Mo specially emphasized the word "careful".

Zhou Lu and others' expressions changed slightly, and they quickly carried Wang Cai away from here.

"What's the matter, are you overthinking it?" Weina followed Lin Mo into the house, sat directly on the bed, and looked at Lin Mo with a smile on her face.

She had changed into a long gauze dress and was sitting on the bed. The breeze blew and the gauze floated, giving her a softer and graceful beauty.

Such a woman sitting on the bed is indeed a huge temptation.

"You are overthinking." Lin Mo smiled faintly: "I called you here to ask you where I can get information about Qi Nian masters."

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