Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 419: The Core of the Abyss (1/2)

"What kind of ivy?" Zhou Lu had a look of fear on his face, and he took a few steps closer to Lin Mo: "Don't sound so scary!"

At the same time, everyone's eyes turned to the ivy.

On one wall of the entire library, lush ivy trees covered the entire wall. There was no wind at the moment, and all the leaves were like scales growing on this ancient building. However, it looked like a Creepy feeling.

"Don't tell me, I do feel a little uncomfortable when you say that!" Liu Mi also shuddered and couldn't help but take a step back.

Wei Na took a deep look at Lin Mo, smiled and said: "Your words made me think of something...

Many people died under this wall back then! "

Lin Mo and others immediately looked at Wei Na, waiting for her to continue.

"I also saw it in the Eros Association's information. A hundred years ago, when this place was transformed into a museum, the ivy appeared on that wall.

At first, everyone thought these creepers looked pretty good, so they kept them.

But one night, when the staff was at work, they saw a pair of feet inside the ivy leaves.

As he got closer, he saw a human body that had been covered in ivy.

Those roots were rooted in the flesh like blood vessels, and were even squirming continuously. Just looking at them made people feel extremely frightened.

Then more people came here, and after exploration, they discovered that there was more than one corpse under the leaves climbing the valley!

Some people wanted to destroy these creepers, but eventually found that they couldn't be destroyed at all!

Whether it is burned by fire, chopped with a knife or other methods, the ivy can always recover in a short period of time.

Later, some people even discovered that those who took action against the ivy died inexplicably!

Therefore, since then, the ivy in the library has become a taboo, and no one dares to approach it anymore. "

Wei Na told what she knew, and then looked at Lin Mo: "What you just said is that the ivy seems to be staring at us?

Do you think it has given birth to spiritual intelligence? "

Lin Mo turned to look at the lush ivy and slowly shook his head.

"Let's go. I don't know the specific situation. I always feel that this ivy is weird!" Lin Mo said and walked directly towards the distance.

Everyone also followed at the same time.

But as soon as Lin Mo took a few steps, he heard a shout coming from his ears.

"Don't leave, I will die if you leave!"

It was a woman's voice. Lin Mo paused and turned around, but saw nothing.

"Are you hallucinating?" This thought came to Lin Mo's mind and he continued walking.

"It's me! It's me calling you!" The voice sounded again.

Lin Mo paused and did not look back this time. Instead, he said silently in his heart: "Ivy?"

"It's me!" the voice said: "Please don't leave, stay!"

It turned out to be a real ivy!

Lin Mo glanced at Wei Na and others beside him calmly, and saw that their expressions were as usual. It was obvious that only Lin Mo could hear this voice.

However, Lin Mo kept moving and led a group of people onto the return car.

After returning to the villa, Lin Mo took out the preliminary analysis of mental power and read through it carefully.

Although the things introduced in this book are indeed very basic to Lin Mo, there are also some details that he has ignored before.

After reading the whole article, Lin Mo actually had some insights.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Lin Mo started practicing spiritual power directly according to the content in the book.

Throughout the afternoon, Lin Mo felt that although his mental strength had not improved, it was as if he had been tempered and his toughness had increased a lot.

"Improving the toughness of mental power is actually improving the intensity of mental power. This is one of the dimensions!" Lin Mo thought with shining eyes and a smile on his face.

He opened his eyes and glanced at the room. Now he was the only one left.

He opened the door and walked out, only to find Zhou Lu and others sitting cross-legged on the bed, practicing seriously.

"Where's Vina?"

"Miss Wei Na went back and said she had something urgent to deal with!" Zhou Lu opened his eyes and said with a cheerful smile: "What's the matter, boss, do you want Miss Wei Na to sleep with you?"

"You think they're all with you!" Lin Mo said angrily, then pondered for a moment, then turned and left.

Zhou Lu looked at Lin Mo's back, chuckled, closed his eyes and continued practicing.

It was night before he knew it, and Lin Mo was reading the book in his room, thoughtfully.

"Why did that ivy say those things to me? Also, what's so strange about this book? Why does its light shine so brightly in the spiritual world?"

His fingers traced the pages one by one, feeling the matte texture of the paper, and his brows furrowed deeply.

"You can't tear this thing into pieces, right? Or burn it on fire?"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Mo took out a Qi and Blood Pill from his body and stuffed it into his mouth.

Holding the book with one hand, he slowly closed his eyes.

Game loading...

When Lin Mo opened his eyes, he had already entered the dream world.

"Core detected, do you want to display it?"

Such words appeared before my eyes.

"Show!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

"There are not enough Qi and Blood Pills. One hundred Qi and Blood Pills will be consumed for this display!"

Looking at the words that reappeared in front of him, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly widened.

You actually have to consume Qi and Blood Pills? !

The Qi and Blood Pills Lin Mo brought had already been consumed halfway.

After leaving the dreamland, the book in Lin Mo's hand had disappeared.

With a thought, Lin Mo saw a preliminary analysis of spiritual power in the spiritual platform.

The difference between the book and the one in the hand is that the book is shining brightly in the spiritual platform. One glance can tell that this thing is definitely not a mortal thing.

"This book is really a treasure!" Lin Mo said with emotion.

Then he suddenly thought of something: "Is it because of this so-called core that the creeper communicates with me?

But, what is the core of this? "

Lin Mo thought of this and couldn't help but want to go to the ivy.

"I don't believe that a strong Martial Emperor like me can be a match for that creeper?" Lin Mo thought as he stood up and walked towards the library.

I went there once during the day, but this time Lin Mo took advantage of the night to go alone.

Although the distance was a bit far away, Lin Mo's ghostly presence was in full swing, and his speed directly increased to a terrifying level.

Half an hour later, Lin Mo's blood and energy were rising all over his body, and his whole body seemed to be hidden in mist, neither real nor illusory.


Slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air, Lin Mo stabilized his body and looked at the ivy from a distance.

"You...are here!" The ivy's voice sounded again.

The blades moved automatically without wind, making a rustling sound, like countless insects crawling across the sand, which was creepy.

Lin Mo didn't speak, but looked at it from a distance.

"Please...come closer to me!" The ivy's voice sounded in Lin Mo's heart.

At the same time, Lin Mo actually had an impulse in his heart - to get close to the ivy!


Lin Mo snorted coldly, and his spiritual power suddenly burst out, and in a short period of time, it shrouded the front.

"You'd better be honest. If I find you using your mental power against me again, I guarantee you will regret it!"

Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice and showed his mental power at the same time.

At the same time, the Kyushu Order was hung in front of him. As long as something went wrong, he would leave immediately.

"Please... come close to me!" The ivy spoke again, but this time, there was no mental power that made Lin Mo feel controlled.

Lin Mo took a step forward: "Why did you let me stay? Why did you find me!"

"Because of that thing on your body!" The ivy's voice sounded, and at the same time a leaf flew up towards Lin Mo. When Lin Mo was preparing to defend, it landed on Lin Mo's eyebrows.

Lin Mo's pupils shrank. This position was good between the eyebrows, but this was also where the spiritual platform was located.

And the only thing Lin Mo got out of the reference room was... that book!

He took out the book and waved it in front of the ivy: "So this is what you are looking for?

Tell me what exactly is this? "

"He is what I am looking for!" came the voice of the ivy: "He is the core of this abyss!"

"Abyss Core?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, this was indeed a new word.

However, Lin Mo didn't have much doubt, because in the dream world, the hint given to him at that time also found the core.

Obviously, that core is this book, the core of the abyss.

"Some things will be born in the abyss. They are the core of the entire abyss. In fact, I don't know the specific function, because I have never mastered this thing!" Ivy's voice sounded: "However, I know how to show the core. "

"Teach me!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

Since you can have sex for free, you can’t have one more Qi and Blood Pill!

"Ignite it with the power of Qi and blood!" The creeper gave a specific method.


Lin Mo thought for a while, then directly generated a ball of energy and blood at his fingertips, then raised a flame and pointed it toward the book.

With a cry, the whole book burned.

Just when Lin Mo felt that he had been fooled, the book changed again.

Above the book, light began to appear automatically.

And these rays of light are like mottled light spots on the book. As the flame burns, these light spots begin to slowly gather together.

In the end, the light became more and more intense. After gathering, there was a piece of jade as wide as a thumb in Lin Mo's palm.

The entire jade piece is only about ten centimeters long. It is light green in color and some faint lines can be seen on it.

These lines are very faint and cannot be seen clearly unless you look carefully.

Lin Mo tried to see these lines with his eyes, but soon found that these lines were too complicated and could not be seen clearly at all.

Even if you force yourself to look at it, your eyes will feel like they are being stripped away.

"The lines on it are repelling your observation!" The ivy's voice sounded: "And I know how to use it!"

"Tell me!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice again.

Addicted to whoring for free.

"No." The ivy refused.

The prostitution failed.

Lin Mo was not discouraged: "You asked me to help you, but you have to pay a price, right? If you are not willing to pay such a price, how can I help you?"

The ivy was silent.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, feeling that something was wrong.

"No." The ivy's voice became firmer: "This is my secret."

"Okay, forget it then, bye!" Lin Mo said, put the jade pieces away, turned around and prepared to leave.

Since there are lines on the jade pieces, you only need to look at a few of them every day, and there will always be a time when you finish them all.

Then we can slowly analyze the meaning of these lines.

"Liar!" The ivy's voice sounded. This time, Lin Mo heard the anger in its voice.

With almost no delay, Lin Mo heard the sound of breaking wind coming from behind.

Turning around, he saw a green branch flying towards him.

Countless leaves were flying, forming hundreds of arm-like strips flying towards Lin Mo.

"Sure enough, he has become a spirit!" Lin Mo shouted, and a light flashed in his hand.

A flame rose up from the three-pointed two-edged sword, and then kept jumping around in hundreds of arms.

The sword light kept intertwining all over the sky, and Lin Mo kept swinging the three-pointed two-edged sword to chop off those arms.

But after the arm was chopped into pieces, it turned directly into green and then reassembled.

Flames have little effect in front of creepers.

This surprised Lin Mo. This thing was obviously a green plant, so how could it have evolved a flame-retardant function?

However, what surprised Lin Mo was yet to come.

A dizzy feeling instantly rose in Lin Mo's mind.

"Poisoned! I was actually poisoned! When did it happen!"

Lin Mo understood what happened in an instant.

During the fight with the ivy, he was actually poisoned, just for such a short moment!


The Xuanwu power circulated, and the poison in Lin Mo's body was quickly eliminated.

The power and toxins of the water element were fighting crazily in Lin Mo's body!

This feeling was magical. Lin Mo struggled to support it while looking at the ivy.

Obviously, these toxins were the reason why those who wanted to destroy the ivy died.

When they destroyed the ivy, they were poisoned unknowingly.

"What a poisonous thing!"

The next moment, Lin Mo felt the fluctuations of mental power coming in crazily!

Feeling this vast spiritual power, Lin Mo's heart sank.

This ivy's mental power is actually much higher than him!

"Become a part of me!" Ivy's voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears.

This voice was full of joy and expectation.

"What the hell, I just wanted to have sex for free, but you actually want my life!" Lin Mo cursed, while thinking about countermeasures in his mind crazily.

The mental energy is pouring in overwhelmingly, with almost no blind spots from all directions. It is basically impossible to resist!

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