Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 426 Contracting Parties

"China's ranking should be high enough this time. If we really encounter a strong person like Aaron later, there is no need to hold on!" Li Fengchun looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

"Even so, I still want to fight against the strong!" Lin Mo said with emotion.

Aaron's strength allowed Lin Mo to see what genius was, and Lin Mo firmly believed that what he saw today was just the tip of the iceberg of his strength.

"What are my chances of winning if I really face him?" Lin Mo whispered in his heart, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The afternoon game was relatively easy for Lin Mo. Facing another strong team from Baixiang Kingdom, Huaxia defeated all their opponents with a crushing attitude.

"From this point of view, Ah San is quite honest. If Amir is the strongest, then he is the strongest. The following teams are not good enough!!" Zhou Lu said with a smile on his face in the afternoon. In the game, he played twice by himself and ended with a complete victory, which made him feel good.

"It's just the White Elephant Kingdom, it's really nothing to worry about!" Liu Mi also laughed. Compared with the last battle, he only felt that this time he really won heartily.

"Let's prepare well for the finals. We in China have finally qualified to enter the finals and strive to get a good result in the finals five days later!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

After the afternoon game, the Chinese team entered the quarterfinals, and the finals will be held five days later to select the top three.

In other words, they need to make free arrangements for the next five days.

Aaron's strength left a deep impression on Lin Mo, so Lin Mo planned to continue to attack the nine steps in the next few days, striving to raise his mental power to another level.

Then he just had to find a way to increase his physical strength.

For now, although the emperor-level body is considered invincible in the same realm, compared with a true genius, the difference is still too big.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh. The magma in the dream world was no longer enough, and he had to find a new way to forge his body.

"Boss, can we stretch our muscles tonight!" Liu Mi suddenly came forward mysteriously, looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

Lin Mo didn't realize what relaxing his muscles and bones meant at first, but when he saw the wretched look on his face, he immediately understood.

This bitch is definitely missing those women from the Cupid Association again!

It has to be said that the Cupid Association does have two brushes. After they returned to the villa, Wei Na and three women were standing guard in the living room.

Liu Mi and others' eyes widened when they saw the women standing behind Wei Na, because these women were actually different from the previous women!

The most important thing is that the quality has improved!

"Boss, let's go in first!" Liu Mi didn't want to wait any longer, so he pulled one of them back to the room.

"Tonight I will show off my power as a Chinese!" Zhou Lu chuckled and pulled a woman back to the house.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, looked at Wang Cai. This guy's injury has not healed yet. He just followed him for a glance during today's game. He was basically sitting in a wheelchair the whole time.


Wang Cai opened his mouth and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Mo raising his hand.

"Have a good rest and try to recover from your injuries as soon as possible. Don't think about other things for now!" Lin Mo said softly.

"Boss, I think I'm almost good, really!" Wang Cai struggled to stand up from the wheelchair: "I can do it!"

"..." Lin Mo was speechless and could only wave to the last remaining woman.

The woman covered her lips and smiled, then took the initiative to push Wang Cai's wheelchair into the room.

Now, only Lin Mo and Wei Na were left in the entire hall. Neither of them spoke, and the whole atmosphere suddenly became weird.

"Mr. Lin, why don't we go into the room and talk too!" Weina said: "Otherwise, if I hear something I shouldn't hear later, I might be shy!"

"Are you shy?!" Lin Mo couldn't help but say: "Isn't your theoretical knowledge much better than theirs?"

"Giggle!" Wei Na suddenly laughed when she heard Lin Mo's words: "What's the use of having rich theoretical knowledge? Some people don't dare to practice it with me!"

Lin Mo's head was full of black lines. He was no match for talking to this woman about this kind of thing. He could only wave his hands and said: "Okay, I won't tell you this anymore. I have other things to ask you! Let's go up. explain?"

After that, he walked directly towards the stairs, because he had just heard the sound of breathing. If he continued to stay in the living room, he might really hear a lot of things he shouldn't hear.

Vina covered her mouth and followed with a smile.

The two of them entered the house one after another, but Lin Mo was clearly the one who entered the house first, but just as he was closing the door, a figure took the lead and sat on the bed, half-lying there, staring at Lin Mo.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me?" Wei Na's eyes were blurred and she looked at Lin Mo with a smile on her lips.

Under the light, light seemed to be dancing on her lips, making Lin Mo instantly understand what seductive lips were.

Going down from the honey lips, you can see the slender and white neck, and then the proud mountains...

"Ahem!" Lin Mo coughed lightly and looked away: "I want to know if there is any way or place to exercise the body here."

"Exercise your physical body?" Wei Na looked at Lin Mo, and her eyes suddenly flashed: "The strength of your physical body... is actually at the level of an emperor!"

She was really shocked. In the original investigation of Lin Mo, there was no information on the strength of the physical body at all, because according to the Cupid Association, Lin Mo's physical body should not be very strong.

But now that I saw it, it was unexpected.

In the late stage of the Emperor, there is only one step left to reach the peak of the Emperor!

Wei Na only felt that she would always be shocked again and again by Lin Mo.

"So now I want to take another step!" Lin Mo said.

Aaron's physical strength was probably at the early stage of the Emperor level. If such a powerful physical body collided directly with Lin Mo's current physical strength, it would definitely make Lin Mo fall apart in an instant.

"I didn't expect your physical strength to reach this point. If you want to take a step forward, I do have a place that can satisfy you!" Wei Na thought for a while, stood up and looked at Lin Mo and said: "The God of Love Association There is a place called the Eye of Zeus, which can temper the physical body, and there is also a 100-level gravity chamber, which is also effective on the physical body.

However, there is a prerequisite..."

Wei Na looked at Lin Mo, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Miss Wei Na, please tell me if you have any prerequisites!" Lin Mo suddenly became excited when he heard these two places.

Gravity Chamber The beautiful country can actually reach level 100, while the strongest in China is only around level 50. Such a level can only push a person's physical strength to the emperor level.

But at level 100, it should be enough to push the physical strength to the emperor level!

As for where the Eye of Zeus is, Lin Mo doesn't know yet, but he is also full of expectations.

"We need to conclude a contract with the Cupid Association..." Wei Na slowly spoke, but her eyes were fixed on Lin Mo.

"Conclude a contract?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized what the so-called contract was.

For other people, this is definitely a good thing. After all, it can not only improve the strength, but also display the power of China on a woman like Wei Na. It kills two birds with one stone and makes the guest and host happy...

"Is there any other way?" Lin Mo finally said.

"I knew you wouldn't even dare to ask for anything that comes to your door!" Wei Na was speechless for a while, then stood up and stood in front of Lin Mo: "I even doubt whether there is really something wrong with you..."


Just when Lin Mo was about to speak, he suddenly felt a hand grabbing at him like lightning.

Lin Mo felt a hand directly grab his handle!

Then the hand was released as fast as lightning!

"Okay, I believe you are fine!" Wei Na's face turned red. She had rich theoretical knowledge and always thought that Chinese men were short and capable. She did not expect that such a "big talent" as Lin Mo would come out!

"You follow me and pretend that you and I have made a contract, do you understand?" Wei Na looked at Lin Mo and spoke seriously.

"Understood!" Lin Mo nodded, and then saw Wei Na stand up, take out her mobile phone, peel off a phone and go out.

A few minutes later, Vina walked towards the door: "Follow me!"

After saying that, he actually stepped forward and took Lin Mo's arm.

Lin Mo originally wanted to struggle, but Wei Na hugged her tightly: "Have you forgotten what I told you?"

Lin Mo sighed and could only let her hold him and left the room.

When he entered the living room, a strange sound came to his ears, which made Lin Mo, who had just been assaulted, turn a little red.

Fortunately, Weina had already opened the door of the villa, and a car was waiting at the door.

"Miss Wei Na...congratulations!" The driver, a white male, looked at the two of them up and down and suddenly laughed.

Wei Na nodded and took Lin Mo to sit in the back row.

After getting in the car, Wei Na leaned in Lin Mo's arms with a happy look on her face.

Lin Mo could only sigh and endure it silently...

Half an hour later, Lin Mo and Weina arrived in front of a huge building. The car slowly stopped and the door opened.

Lin Mo looked at the ancient Greek-style buildings in front of him and couldn't help but sigh, the Cupid Association is still rich.

Such a building, no matter where it is located, costs a lot of money.

"Let's go!" Weina pulled Lin Mo into the building. At the gate, the two people who originally wanted to verify Lin Mo's identity were glared at by Weina.

"Don't you two see who brought him?" Wei Na said coldly: "This is my contractor!"


The two gatekeepers looked at Lin Mo with shock in their eyes.

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