Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 428: Hundred Times Gravity!

In just an instant, Lin Mo stopped his waist, and the Thunder Breathing Technique began to operate. The power of Qi and blood surged, covering Lin Mo's entire body.

"Seventy times gravity corresponds to the physical strength of an emperor. I think you need to have an adaptation process!"

Wei Na's voice sounded outside, and she put her finger on the adjustment button, ready to adjust the data at any time.

"Adjust to eighty times the gravity!" Lin Mo said. He had now stood up and at the same time made a movement that was more suitable for the circulation of Qi and blood.

The power of qi and blood continued to flow through the meridians as if boiling. Under the pressure of gravity, the strength of the physical body began to increase suddenly!

Sweat began to flow down Lin Mo's face, but his expression remained unchanged and he was still seriously feeling the changes in his body.

"Seventy times the gravity is already the limit for many emperor-level bodies. I think you should adapt to it for a period of time before increasing it!" Wei Na said: "We have a lot of data to support it. How can you still Five days is enough!”

"No, I think I can do it!"

Seeing Lin Mo's persistence, Wei Na finally had no choice but to press the button and adjust the gravity to eighty times!

The moment the multiplier of gravity took effect, Lin Mo's body trembled suddenly, and then a tsunami-like gravity hit Lin Mo's body!

The power of Qi and blood surged crazily, so much so that all Lin Mo's muscles were trembling.

Thunder is also surging. This is the power of thunder constantly tempering the physical body. You can see a layer of dirt emerging from the outside of the body.

"What a terrifying gravity effect, coupled with the Thunder Breathing Method, the improvement of the physical body is almost visible to the naked eye. The most important thing is that the physical body that was no longer unable to discharge dirt actually discharged dirt again!"

Lin Mo was extremely pleasantly surprised. Even though his physical body had improved in recent times, there was no dirt discharged from his body.

But now, dirt has been discharged again, and the whole body looks more crystal clear.

"Continue!" Lin Mo shouted outside: "Raise to ninety times gravity!"

There was a look of disbelief on Weina's face. It took only ten minutes for Lin Mo to adapt to the eighty-fold gravity increase.

On the side screen, the assessment of continuing to increase the gravity level is that it is completely possible to continue to increase.

In other words, Lin Mo's ability to withstand gravity has not reached its limit at all!

"Lin Mo, I will increase the gravity to ninety times now. If you can't bear it, you have to tell me immediately. Do you understand?" Wei Na spoke and reminded loudly.

Lin Mo did not answer, but nodded heavily.


With a crisp sound, Vina directly increased the gravity to ninety times!

This time, Lin Mo felt that every part of his skin was under terrible pressure.

In other words, every pore seems to bear the gravity of a mountain!

A slight sound came from Lin Mo's body. It was the sound of bones being crushed by gravity. He even had a feeling that with the increase of gravity, his own height seemed to be decreasing!

Time was passing slowly. Wei Na stared at Lin Mo and at the same time stared at the display screen, which also had various data on Lin Mo's body.

Now the data were flashing rapidly and constantly changing, showing the changes in Lin Mo's body.

Those data prove one thing, that is, under such a terrifying gravity, his body is still slowly getting used to it and adapting slowly!

"You can't go in, Miss Wei Na told me, she doesn't want to see you!"

Just when Wei Na was shocked by Lin Mo's endurance, an anxious voice sounded outside.

That was the person guarding the door outside, telling Wei Na in this way that someone was coming in from outside.

"Get out of here, do you know who I am?" A rough man's voice sounded, followed by a scream.

Wei Na's eyes turned cold, because he saw blood splattering outside, so the person he just blocked must be dead!

"John, what are you doing here!" Weina turned around and looked coldly at the young man standing at the door.

The man was tall, wearing a white suit, with long yellow hair hanging around his shoulders, and his blue eyes flashed coldly.

It can be seen that there is another body lying at the door, it is the previous guard.

Behind John were two men in black, presumably his bodyguards.

At this moment, the two bodyguards had cold expressions on their faces, staring at Wei Na and Lin Mo who were practicing in the gravity room.

"Vina, I just came to see who your final choice is!" John looked into the gravity room, and then his eyes fell on the data screen: "Ninety times gravity, the physical body of the emperor's realm, is indeed not bad. Got it!

But it’s not enough, Vina, I really didn’t expect that you didn’t choose me, but why you chose such a waste! "

"John, he is my contractor. I hope you will be careful when you speak, otherwise, I will take action against you!" Wei Na's face flashed with coldness. If he didn't need to take care of Lin Mo's data panel, he would definitely be there now. Already taken action.

"Haha, Wei Na, you should know very well that I will not take action against you!" John sneered, and then looked at Lin Mo in the gravity room: "He... I think I need to help you test it!"

He strode forward and stretched out his hand to hold the door of the gravity room.

"What are you doing!" Vina's face changed. If John went in now, Lin Mo would definitely be in danger.

At the moment, Vina didn't care about so much. She waved her fist at John with the power of blood.


John snorted coldly, and his broad palm directly grasped her fist. No matter how Vina moved, she couldn't break free.

"You'd better be honest!" John sneered, then raised his hand and slapped Vina on the shoulder, making her stagger back two steps.

The two bodyguards behind John stepped forward and held Vina down with their hands.

"You two keep an eye on her. After I deal with the people inside, come out and comfort her!" John looked at Vina and smiled faintly: "At the beginning, I wanted to be your contractor, but you were unwilling. Now, you chose such a man!

But it doesn't matter. I will kill this guy later and taste you!

I heard that if the contractor dies, you will not live alone. However, even if you die, you have to wait until I enjoy it!"

After leaving this sentence, John opened the door and walked in.

Lin Mo originally planned to rush out and attack John, but when he saw John coming in, he was not in a hurry.

John's blood and qi power is probably the peak strength of the eighth grade of the martial emperor, and his physical strength has reached the peak of the emperor.

After walking in, John's blood and qi began to surge wildly, and then moved quickly.

Under the terrifying gravity, John's movement speed dropped a lot at once.


With a punch, John's fist smashed the air in the gravity room, and blasted towards Lin Mo's cheek with a long whistling sound!

Ghostly trace!

Lin Mo's figure flashed, and the whole person moved sideways.

Thunder jumped, forming a human-shaped trajectory behind him.

"Under ninety times the gravity, my movement speed has slowed down a lot, but it is still much stronger than John!" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and after rushing out, he turned around and stood beside John.


Five Beast Fist!

Under gravity, the power of the Five Beast Fist decreased a lot, but the phantoms behind him were all revealed!

John never thought that Lin Mo could still fight back under such terrible gravity, so that he was hit directly on the back of his waist with a punch, and the whole person was knocked several steps away!


The bright red blood spit out, and when he was about to continue to attack, he felt the terrifying killing intent approaching, and Lin Mo actually jumped up high.

Eagle step!

John's pupils suddenly contracted. Under such gravity, Lin Mo could actually jump so high!

"Adjust the gravity for me! Adjust it to 100!"

John's eyes were fierce, and he shouted to the outside.

If Lin Mo jumped up to a height of 100 times the gravity, he would definitely fall hard!

One of the two men directly operated the screen and adjusted the gravity to 100 times!

At the moment when the gravity took effect, John's body trembled violently.

And Lin Mo, who had already jumped up, trembled slightly, and then fell to the ground with a bang!

On the ground, a crack appeared on the solid floor, and then spread to the distance!

Lin Mo panted violently. He had not fully adapted to the 90 times gravity. Now the gravity suddenly increased to 100, which really made him unable to bear it instantly!

"Hehe, aren't you very powerful?" John looked at Lin Mo's appearance, with a grim smile on his face, and then the whole person's blood and qi surged wildly, rushing towards Lin Mo.


The terrifying impact force caused Lin Mo to fly up and hit the ground about two meters away.

Lin Mo only felt that this time he broke several bones in his body.

The power of Xuanwu flowed, and the repair ability brought by the water attribute began to act crazily on Lin Mo's body.

This feeling was so comfortable that the bones began to make crackling sounds, which were the broken cracks on the bones healing.


After John launched such a powerful attack, he also stood there, bent over and panted.

Such a terrifying attack was a bit too much for his body, which had reached the peak of the emperor.

"Hehe, kid, it feels bad to have broken bones!" John sneered, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly became shocked.

Because Lin Mo, who was originally lying on the ground after being knocked, actually stood up little by little!

The most important thing is that a layer of hazy light began to flow on Lin Mo's body.

"This is..." John was extremely shocked. Looking at the changes in Lin Mo's body, he didn't know what to say for a while!

"This is a physical transformation, hahaha, Lin Mo's physical strength is going to increase!"

Vina looked at Lin Mo's changes and smiled. Even though she was held down, she was still laughing: "John, don't you think your physical strength at the peak of the emperor is very strong?

Now you see, Lin Mo is younger than you and not as strong as you, but now his physical strength is about to catch up with you!

The most important thing is that if it weren't for you, Lin Mo might need some time to take this step. Now because of your appearance, he has taken this step ahead of time!"

Playing with the mentality! Vina's words are completely playing with the mentality!

But John could do nothing about it, because from a certain perspective, it was indeed he who made Lin Mo take this step ahead of time!

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