Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 43 Is this guy a monster? !


At the moment when Lin Mo pressed the test button, a faint sound came.


In just a moment, some people standing outside the door had covered their ears and squatted on the ground, with painful expressions on their faces.

Leng Feng and others took a few steps back with ugly faces, and did not dare to stand at the door at all.

Sun Qian and Zhang He's faces changed drastically. After looking at each other, Sun Qian took a step forward, blocked the door, and protected the students behind her.

"Damn it!" Zhang He cursed, then turned around and picked up a few students squatting on the ground, jumped a few times, and put them away from the measurement room.

Lin Mo, who was standing in front of the instrument, frowned slightly.

"Is there noise? Is the machine broken?" With doubts, he glanced at the number displayed next to him. Now the strength of the mental attack is 6 points.

"Yan Kai said before that 9 points of mental power has reached the standard of the first-grade martial king..."

Thinking of this, Lin Mo increased the attack intensity of the mental power by two points.

At this time, the mental attack has reached nine points!

"Retreat!" Sun Qian's forehead was covered with sweat, and she looked at Lin Mo with a vigilant look.

Because she was far away from the instrument, and the mental attack was not aimed at them, she could withstand the current attack intensity.

But if the intensity of the mental attack increased again, she might not be able to withstand it!

She glanced at the screen not far away, and the mental power displayed on it had reached 8 points!

And Lin Mo still stood there, motionless!

"He... really endured 8 points of mental attack?!" Sun Qian looked at Lin Mo, and her pretty face was full of shock: "Impossible... How could he, a third-grade warrior, reach such a terrifying mental power?!"

"Could it be that the instrument is broken?" Zhang He had already returned to the door, but after seeing the numbers on the screen, he quickly leaned against the wall, glanced at the motionless Lin Mo, and added: "Or the mental impact directly turned people into idiots?!"

Sun Qian nodded, this possibility was the greatest.

The moment the mental impact exceeded the limit of the brain, at that time, people would become idiots.

Idiots are almost immune to mental power. In other words, mental power can only destroy the body of an idiot, but not the brain.

After all, the brain of an idiot is already blank...

"Become an idiot?"

When a group of students hiding in the distance heard this, their expressions were different.

Some people looked terrified, wondering what would happen if such an attack fell on them?

Some people were pale. When they just felt the six-point mental attack, they felt that their heads were about to explode. They dared not imagine how terrifying the 8-point mental attack would be.

There were also people like Leng Feng, who smiled smugly when they heard that Lin Mo had become an idiot.

"Find a way to save him!" Sun Qian looked at this scene and couldn't help but speak.

Although Lin Mo became an idiot, at least he is still alive now. Being an idiot is much better than being a corpse.

"Save people? How?" Zhang He spread his hands: "With our current mental strength, we will become idiots in nine out of ten cases if we go in...

Call people, only call people! Several captains of the Jinling Military Department can be invited... I'll make a call now!"

He turned around and was about to leave.

Just as he turned around, Lin Mo raised his hand again.

"It feels like it hasn't reached the limit yet!" Lin Mo whispered, and then increased the strength of his mental strength by 1 point.

9 points!

It's already the mental strength standard of a first-grade martial king!


This time, a clear sound came, and even if they were standing outside the door, a group of people still felt as if their heads were hit hard by a hammer.

Crack! Crack!

In the room, the glass shattered and splashed out, and Zhang He, who couldn't dodge in time, was left with several wounds on his face.

"Damn it, the glass in the testing room is just ordinary glass!" Zhang He cursed again: "Who the hell could have thought that a monster with a spiritual power reaching the level of a martial king would appear in the genius training camp!"

"He has reached the spiritual power of the martial king level at the level of a warrior. Looking back at the hundred years of the prosperity of martial arts, there are only a few people in Jinling who can reach this level!" Sun Qian held the door with one hand and wiped the sweat from her face with the other hand: "Lin Mo, stop!"

Lin Mo turned around, looked at them, nodded with a smile, and then pressed the close button.

Sun Qian suddenly collapsed to the ground as if she had collapsed.

And Lin Mo walked out step by step and stood in front of her: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to have such a big impact on you..."

Sun Qian stood up with the help of Zhang He's hand and looked at Lin Mo deeply: "Are you really just a warrior..."

"The real deal." Lin Mo smiled and said: "The blood value should have just broken 30."

"Just broke 30..." Leng Feng, who was standing aside, showed a look of shock on his face when he heard this.

Leng Feng had always believed that Lin Mo was at least a fourth-grade warrior, but he was only a third-grade warrior!

A sense of defeat welled up in his heart, and Leng Feng looked at Lin Mo deeply, and finally fell silent.

"Fuck..." Yan Kai on the side couldn't help but curse: "I've seen perverts, but I've never seen such a pervert...

For a guy like Lin Mo, I'm afraid only those freaks in the university can compare with him!"

"You guys continue to train, Zhang He, let's go!" After Sun Qian recovered, she turned around and left with Zhang He.

Feeling the awe-inspiring gazes from all around, Lin Mo smiled faintly and turned to leave.

Yan Kai looked at Lin Mo's back, opened his mouth, but in the end said nothing.

At first, he felt that he was born with a superior background and was not weak in strength, so he could treat Lin Mo as a brother with an equal mentality.

But in just one day, when he faced Lin Mo, he actually developed a strong sense of inferiority.

"Maybe we are never from the same world!" Yan Kai smiled: "Each has his own way of living!"


In the monitoring room, Sun Qian looked at Zhang He and said seriously: "What do you think of Lin Mo?"

"What do you think?" Zhang He sighed: "This guy is a monster. Having him here is a huge blow to everyone!"

Sun Qian also nodded in a resigned manner: "At first I wanted Lin Mo to be a whetstone to help these guys grow, but now he has become a mountain in everyone's heart!

If he continues to stay here, I'm worried about the impact on their body and mind..."

"It seems that you already have a plan!" Zhang He changed to a comfortable position and lay on the chair: "Tell me, how are you going to arrange this freak?"

"A few days ago, the military sent a message that they wanted to select some people for secret training. The difficulty of the selection is far beyond the genius training camp. I think this kid can try it!"

Sun Qian said, then picked up the red phone next to her and pressed a few numbers.

"Report, I already have a recommended candidate for the Condor Special Training..."

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