"A new place outside the abyss?!"

Xiao Lu and others looked at Lin Mo with serious expressions on their faces.

If what Lin Mo said was true, what would the environment of the new place be like?

If it was the same as the human world, would it be possible for some monsters to enter it?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lu's face showed an expectant look: "Can I enter there again?"

"It's very dangerous. The roar I faced gave me an extremely terrifying feeling!

So, I suggest that we must wait until our strength reaches a certain level before trying to open it!"

"My strength has now reached the level of Emperor Wu. How about you open it first and I'll go in and take a look?"

Faced with Xiao Lu's request, Lin Mo thought about it and finally nodded.

It's just right to try whether it can be opened in the abyss.

Taking out the jade piece, Lin Mo put the jade piece into the groove as if he was in Takamagahara!

Afterwards, a door opened directly.

This time, Lin Mo did not hear the terrifying roar.

"How about we go in together?" Lin Mo looked at the door and spoke slowly.

"I'd better go in by myself first. If there is any accident, I can leave in time!" Xiaolu said, and then flew towards the door.

Lin Mo looked at the door nervously. If there is any accident, he will take action immediately. When Xiaolu comes out, he will close the door directly.


At this moment, a roar rang out.

"Close the door quickly!" A figure flew out directly, accompanied by a hurried voice.

Lin Mo's reaction was also fast enough. After hearing the sound, he closed the door directly.

Looking at the closed door, Xiaolu's face was already pale. He raised his hand and patted his chest, and then he said in a long breath: "Fortunately, you are fast enough, otherwise the whole abyss would probably be in trouble!"

Seeing Xiaolu's lingering fear, Lin Mo was full of curiosity about the situation inside.

"What is inside? What does the monster look like? Did you see it?"

Xiao Cang on the side couldn't help asking.

"The environment inside is similar to that of the human world. I saw the sun and felt the abundant spiritual energy between heaven and earth. I scanned the area with my spiritual power and found that the area was large enough!

But there are also living creatures there, and these creatures are extremely powerful!"

"Are you referring to that monster?" Lin Mo had heard that roar, and now he still felt excited when he thought about it.

"No, the roaring monster should be raised by those creatures!" Xiao Lu shook his head and said such a sentence.

Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise. He could never think that those terrifying monsters were actually raised?

If this is true, how powerful would those raised monsters be?

"These creatures look like humans, but they are too big, with a height of seven or eight meters, and they are unkempt, looking like savages!"

Xiao Lu told everything he saw.

"Giant...Classic of Mountains and Seas..." Lin Mo listened to what Xiao Lu said, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Then his eyes lit up and he thought of a possibility.

The jade piece was written with the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the Classic of Mountains and Seas recorded a certain creature that was very tall!

They were called... the Kuafu clan!

Lin Mo thought of this possibility and said it out loud.

Xiao Lu knew a lot about Chinese mythology because of the martial arts clone, so after Lin Mo said this conjecture, she was the first to agree.

Then it was Xiao Cang who agreed. Although she was still hostile to Lin Mo, she at least agreed with Lin Mo's idea.

As for the martial arts clone, he didn't have many ideas of his own. Most of the time he was practicing silently.

"In this case, when the strength is enough, you can have a friendly exchange with them!" Lin Mo smiled and said his thoughts.

"Yes, I also think that if you want to communicate with them, you must have enough strength, otherwise, you don't know how you died!"

In fact, Lin Mo also thought so. Although the Kuafu clan in the Classic of Mountains and Seas was sunburned to death in order to catch up with the sun, it was also for humans, but countless years have passed. God knows what the Kuafu clan thinks now?

So it is safer to wait until you are strong enough!

"Xiaolu, what do you think about the coalition of the abyss creatures?"

Which area you want to explore is basically a matter for the future, so Lin Mo simply changed the topic and directed the chat to the abyss creatures.

The last time the incident in the United States had a huge impact on Lin Mo, so many innocent creatures died in the mouths of monsters.

Although Lin Mo led the monsters to enter Neon this time, up to now, the monsters are still staying on Mount Futu, and they have not taken the initiative to attack if no one provokes them.

"Since the birth of my consciousness, I can feel that all the materials in the abyss are getting less. In the past hundred years, the probability of the birth of strong people among the abyss creatures has decreased a lot!

In addition, some monsters are starting to age, and even die!

It was almost impossible a long time ago!

Then this situation directly caused problems in the minds of many abyss creatures, and they felt that they must hurry up and enter the human world!

It was at this time that the Neon Man approached the creatures of the abyss and told them that he had mastered the method of opening the gate of the abyss.

Finally, that time in the beautiful country, many monsters entered the world.

In fact, those monsters are just selected wastes, because when they enter the human world for the first time, they are destined to die.

The final result was the same. Many monsters died in the world, but they saw the sun before they died, so it was worth it! "

Listening to Xiao Lu's statement, Lin Mo's face showed a thoughtful look.

It's obviously the same thing, but when said from different people's mouths, it gives people different feelings.

After your position is determined, will you involuntarily say something that is consistent with your position?

With this idea in mind, Lin Mo discussed many things with Xiao Lu.

In the end, the two made an agreement, that is, Neon Island will finally be taken care of by the creatures of the abyss!

Then, Xiao Lu will try his best to kill the remaining eight kings, and then rule the entire coalition by himself!

In the end, what Xiaolu wants to do is to make the whole abyss, only her voice!

All creatures in the abyss must obey her orders!

As for the new world opened by the jade piece, both Lin Mo and Xiao Lu thought that was something in the future!

And what about the innocent people on Neon Island?

In Lin Mo's view... death is death!

"There is one last thing I want to ask you!" Lin Mo thought for a while, and suddenly thought of another purpose of coming here this time, so he looked at Xiao Lu and said: "I want to reserve the next mature holy fruit! "

"The quality of the holy fruit is not required to be too high, as long as it can reach the realm of the Martial Emperor!"

Lin Mo added with a smile.

Xiao Lu rolled her eyes at Lin Mo: "What good things are you thinking about? When I take control of the coalition forces, everything will be distributed centrally.

There are actually not many fruits on the holy tree. If you want it, then I will definitely be able to give you some of it! "

Lin Mo nodded. This was already a relatively good result. In fact, the body of the holy tree was Xiao Lu himself, so theoretically, Xiao Lu had absolute control over those fruits.

Therefore, whoever Xiao Lu wants to give it to, the Holy Fruit will belong to him!

Calculating the time, it only took two days to enter the Luobu Abyss. I don’t know if those pre-Qin survivors have reached the Luobu Abyss!

With this thought, Lin Mo said goodbye to Xiao Lu directly and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, the martial arts clone suddenly stood in front and stretched out a hand towards Lin Mo.

"What do you want?" Lin Mo was a little surprised, because Wu Daofeng's own consciousness seemed to have matured a lot, and now he knew how to ask him for things!

"Game console!" The martial arts clone asked a question that Lin Mo had never expected.

"Game console?" Lin Mo felt that he had heard wrongly, so he asked again as confirmation.

"I want a game console, and it needs to be waterproof!" The martial arts clone directly stated his further requirements.

Lin Mo nodded. The game console was at least much better than asking for money to buy a house.

After all, it is also a loss. Losing money when buying a house usually costs half the life of the person who buys the house. But buying a game console...

Laughing to death, you can’t lose at all!

Seeing Lin Mo agreeing to him, the martial arts clone immediately laughed.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Lin Mo left the dreamland and opened his eyes on the bed.

It was quiet all around. It seemed that Chen Banzi had protected this place very well. No one had disturbed Lin Mo in the past few days.

After getting up and moving around, Lin Mo walked out of the room and saw Chen Banzi sitting on a stool drinking tea.

"Master, thank you for your hard work these days!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Since he knew that Lin Mo could not be disturbed while in retreat, Chen Banzi simply stayed outside the door.

With a strong man at the level of the Martial Emperor guarding the door, under normal circumstances, the possibility of being kicked in and attacked by someone is not very high!

"It's not hard, but you look very happy. What's wrong?" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo with a smile.

Chen Banzi was actually a little resistant to his cheap disciple at first.

But what happened later made Chen Banzi's attitude towards Lin Mo change a lot.

Now he is serving Lin Mo wholeheartedly.

"By the way, Master, what are the results of Li Fengchun's practice during this period?"

"They are all very good, especially Li Fengchun. After he learned it well, he even recorded a video and started spreading it on the Internet.

By now, many people in China are already learning this technique! "

Listening to Chen Banzi's words, Lin Mo nodded helplessly. Fortunately, Li Fengchun didn't have many useful things in his hands.

So letting it out shouldn't be a big problem.

After once again confirming that there was no danger in Robb City recently, Lin Mo finally asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"Where are the Pre-Qin survivors brought back from Neon now? I want to take a look at them!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"What remnants of the Pre-Qin Dynasty? Why didn't I know?"

No one expected that after Chen Banzi heard Lin Mo's words, he immediately shook his head and directly denied it.

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