Looking at the angry look on Ayang's face, Lin Mo suddenly thought of the Chinese monks who came in with them.

"I hope it's not them!" Lin Mo whispered in his heart.

A group of people killed their way out of the beast tide and came to the stone forest. Looking at the forest of stones in front of him, Lin Mo's eyes showed a smile.

"It seems that we came in time, so they haven't had time to prepare the formation yet!"

There was indeed no fluctuation of the formation in the stone forest of Konoha Village not far away.

"They should think that the beast tide is enough to kill us!" Agu also nodded with a smile: "Let's go and take a look!"

Lin Mo and others walked forward together.

As soon as they walked a distance, Ayang's face showed a solemn look: "Be careful, they are coming!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo's eyes flashed and looked in the direction of the other side of Konoha Village.

Sure enough, there were people standing on several stone pillars.

Lin Mo did not see any familiar figures in the crowd, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. At least it would not be the Chinese who came with them this time.

"Taia Village, you are here to die today. Don't worry, we will definitely help you!"

The leading man chuckled and said.

"His name is Kimura Takuya, the village chief of Konoha Village. He is very strong, almost like my brother!" Agu explained, pointing to the middle-aged man who had just spoken.

"The few people standing beside him are all good players in Konoha Village. They are not weak, and they can form a formation, which is very powerful in killing the enemy!"

Lin Mo listened to Agu's words and nodded slightly.

He looked at the people in Konoha Village with a flickering look in his eyes, because he found a problem, that is, these people in Konoha Village look like... Japanese!

And the name also looks like Japanese!

"These people are not really Japanese!" Lin Mo sneered on his face. If they are really Japanese, then there is nothing to say, just kill them!

"Set up the formation!"

At this time, Kimura Takuya's face showed a hint of coldness, and he shouted directly.


Several figures immediately moved, their positions were very precise, and they directly formed a formation.

"You two don't understand the formation, don't make a move, just try to protect yourself! We don't have time to protect you!"

Ayang looked at the villagers around him and shouted: "Follow me to set up the formation!"

Accompanied by a series of figures shaking, the formation here was also completed directly!

The two formations kept moving, and then they collided with a bang!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise.

Just as Ayang said, the collision of the two formations was very powerful!

Even Lin Mo felt that the strength of these two formations had surpassed that of the Martial Saint!

At this time, Ayang and Agu had already rushed towards Kimura Takuya and others.

"You pay attention to protect yourself!" Lin Mo glanced at Yang Mi: "I'll help them!"

After that, he rushed directly to the distance.

"A mere peak warrior dares to show off in front of me!"

A middle-aged man from Konoha Village looked at Lin Mo with a cold look on his face.

However, the next moment, Lin Mo rushed towards him without saying a word!

The man showed a look of astonishment on his face. He wanted to say something, but found that Lin Mo didn't seem to give him a chance to speak!


The three-pointed double-edged sword seemed to come alive in Lin Mo's hand, and the blade flashed, and several bloody wounds appeared on the middle-aged man's body.

Feeling the tearing pain on his body, the middle-aged man felt a little aggrieved.

He has now reached the realm of King of Martial Arts, but he has to be beaten by Lin Mo. This is simply a great humiliation!

"You deserve to die!" The middle-aged man roared, and then the whole person rushed towards Lin Mo again.

This time he actually used the energy on the surrounding stone pillars to fight Lin Mo.

"You plan to fight me with this?" Lin Mo showed a mocking look on his face, and then his eyes swept over these stone pillars one by one.

Finally, Lin Mo saw the stone pillar in the distance.


After a loud bang, the stone pillar was directly destroyed.

The middle-aged man didn't expect that Lin Mo would find the key to the formation in such a short time and destroy the stone pillar!


While he was stunned, the three-pointed two-edged sword in Lin Mo's hand had pierced his chest straight through!

"Fighting with me, you are distracted, you are really good!" Lin Mo had a helpless look on his face and threw the man's body towards the direction of Konoha Village.

"Blue Bird!" Looking at the man's body, a woman in the crowd showed a sad look on her face, and her eyes were full of anger when she looked at Lin Mo.

"I will kill you!" The woman rushed towards Lin Mo.

She held two long swords in her hands, and when she swung and slashed, the sword light was like water.

Facing such a scene, Lin Mo had no worries at all, because the woman's strength was much weaker than that of the middle-aged man.

After a brief fight, Lin Mo swung the three-pointed two-edged sword to cut off the woman's body.


Just when Lin Mo's battle achieved good results, a loud noise came from a distance.

A large part of Tai'a Village's formation was actually defeated by Konoha Village's formation!

Blood began to flow from the corners of some villagers' mouths, and they looked very miserable!

Lin Mo looked at this scene and quickly searched for information about the formation of Konoha Village in his mind.

Soon, Lin Mo found the key information of the formation. Lin Mo had exchanged many formations in his dream, and this formation was one of them.

"According to the information, this formation is called the Dragon Trapping Formation. Although it is relatively low-end, it has many advantages. The biggest advantage is that it can trap many people.

It is generally most widely used in group battles!"

Lin Mo recalled the weaknesses of the formation in the information center.

"Attack the person at the twelve o'clock direction in the big battle!"

Lin Mo suddenly shouted to Agu and others.

The villagers were stunned at first, and then reacted.

Ayang laughed and punched!

With a bang, the man at the twelve o'clock direction flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.


A large mouthful of blood spit out, and the man's face became extremely ugly.

"There is also the three o'clock direction!"


"Nine o'clock!"


Under Lin Mo's instruction, Ayang kept attacking. Every time he punched, a figure would fly up and hit the wall in the distance.

As the number of people continued to decrease, the power of the formation became weaker and weaker. In the end, the formation collapsed directly!

"Ayang, you actually relied on external forces!" Kimura Takuya looked at Lin Mo with an angry look on his face.

"Didn't you borrow external forces? Are those beast tides the ideas you can think of?" Ayang responded coldly: "The people you brought are the backbone of Konoha Village. Now they are dead or injured. Do you think I should take this opportunity to overthrow your Konoha Village!"

Speaking of this, the coldness on his face became more and more intense. The next moment, he actually took Agu and the remaining villagers to the direction of Kimura Takuya!

Kimura Takuya's face changed. In the past, the strength of both sides was almost balanced, so when the battle came to the end, they usually retreated!

But this time, the balance of combat power tilted!

And the cause of all this is Lin Mo!

Kimura Takuya looked at Lin Mo, his eyes flashing with endless hatred.

Facing such a look, Lin Mo's mouth was cold.

"Brother Ayang, I think what you said makes sense. While they can't do it, let's try to cut the grass and eradicate it!"

As he said that, he took the initiative to rush towards Kimura Takuya!

Ayang saw that Lin Mo actually took the initiative, and a happy look appeared on his face. He rushed towards Kimura Takuya regardless of anything!

Kimura Takuya looked at this scene and just wanted to curse.

What's the situation, you rush towards me, this is to kill me!

Kimura Takuya turned around and ran without saying a word!

At this time, if you don't run, you're a fool!

But they finally caught this opportunity, they will definitely not give up.

So, an extremely funny scene appeared, one person was running madly in front, and three people were chasing behind.

Fortunately, Lin Mo's ghost shadow was finally able to be used again. After just a few breaths, Kimura Takuya was caught up by Lin Mo.


The blade flashed, and the three-pointed double-edged sword directly forced Kimura Takuya back!

At this time, Ayang and Agu also arrived.

Looking at the desperate Kimura Takuya, Lin Mo and others had no mercy on their faces and killed him directly!


Kimura Takuya's body fell heavily to the ground.

Ayang and Agu looked at each other and smiled.

"Finally, it's completely solved!"

"Are you really going to destroy Konoha Village?" Ayang looked at Agu with a questioning look on his face.

Agu glanced at Lin Mo and slowly said, "Brother Lin, what do you think?"

"Let's go and take a look, and pull out those people who secretly helped them!" Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he suspected that the Japanese had also come in!

Agu nodded, so the three of them went to Konoha Village!

When they arrived at Konoha Village, everyone suddenly smelled a pungent smell of blood.

Smelling this smell, Lin Mo's face changed slightly, and he came to the gate of the village in a few flashes.


Agu couldn't help but exclaimed. The whole village was covered with traces of blood on the ground, and there were flames rising to the sky in several rooms in the distance!

The roads of the whole village were full of corpses!

Three people wandered in the village with horrified looks on their faces.

Among the corpses, there were children, women and old women!

"This bunch of beasts!" Lin Mo couldn't help but curse.

Although he didn't like neon, he always had sympathy for children and the weak.

But now someone actually attacked them!

"Help... Help!"

At this time, a weak cry for help sounded.

The three looked at each other, with excitement on their faces, and rushed towards the source of the sound without hesitation.

A woman was lying on the ground in the house. Her clothes were tattered, and there were wounds on her face and body. There was a huge knife wound on her back.

But she was not dead, she was still alive, and was struggling to crawl out.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Lin Mo's face suddenly darkened.

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