Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 480: It's the Kuafu clan

Lin Mo watched Yang Mi use the leather scroll, and immediately understood how to use it.

He took out the leather scroll that the survivors of the pre-Qin dynasty had given him, and then imitated Yang Mi and tapped it lightly with his fingers.


Suddenly, a man next to Yang Mi exploded!

Such a scene scared the people around Yang Mi and scattered around.

But how could Lin Mo let them go?

A group of beasts who killed women and children had no need to live!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo kept pointing at it with his fingers!

There were continuous muffled sounds, and people in the distance exploded one after another!

Seeing such a scene, not only Yang Mi, but also A Gu and A Yang next to Lin Mo showed shocked expressions on their faces.

There was a touch of respect in their eyes when they looked at Lin Mo.

"Impossible... The original version should have disappeared long ago. When the Lord God gave me this scroll, he said that no one has the original version!

How could this happen? The Lord God would not lie to me!" Yang Mi had a crazy look on her face, and she was unwilling to believe that her scroll was not as good as Lin Mo's.

"Is the Lord God you mentioned Xu Fu?" Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he thought of that old thing.

When he got married, Xu Fu attacked him directly, and many people were injured. If it weren't for the help of the Lord of Soldiers, the battle that day might have been disastrous, and he might not even have the chance to appear here.

"You dare to call the Lord God's name directly!" Yang Mi's face showed an angry look, raised her hand and pressed hard on the scroll!

She wanted to attack Lin Mo directly.

But how could Lin Mo give her such an opportunity? When she attacked, he had already taken the lead.


Lin Mo's fingernail scratched it lightly, and Yang Mi's right hand fell directly to the ground.

Blood gushed out, and Yang Mi's face showed a painful look.

A Gu rushed up, picked up the scroll, and then sent it to Lin Mo.

"Keep it for yourself, this thing is useless to me!" Lin Mo had the original scroll in his hand, and this replica was of little use to him!

Moreover, during the use just now, Lin Mo also discovered another problem!

The real use of the scroll is not here!

Putting the scroll away, Lin Mo walked towards Yang Mi step by step.

Yang Mi looked at Lin Mo with hatred in her eyes. When he approached, she roared and rushed up from the ground.

A dagger had appeared in her hand, and she stabbed Lin Mo's heart fiercely!

Lin Mo's eyes were stunned, and he raised his hand and slapped it!


Accompanied by a light sound, Yang Mi screamed, and the whole person fell to the ground, with a swollen face.

"So, you know me, right? The reason for the scene that day was directed and acted by you, right?" Lin Mo asked softly, while picking up the dagger on the ground.

Yang Mi looked at Lin Mo with a cold expression on his face: "You have offended the Lord God, so we will naturally find a way to kill you!

Although I don't know you, the Lord God has left a mark on you. All the Lord God's believers, as long as they feel this mark, will attack you!"

Yang Mi sneered and stared at Lin Mo.

So that's it!

Lin Mo nodded. Xu Fu used some means to leave a mark on his body.

But from beginning to end, Lin Mo didn't notice where the mark was.

"Could it be that the Lord of Arms didn't notice the mark?" Lin Mo said softly with a puzzled look on his face.

"Or does the Lord of Arms know the mark on my body but didn't remove it?"

A lot of ideas popped up in Lin Mo's mind. If the Lord of Arms didn't know, it would be fine.

If he knew the existence of this mark but didn't say it, then it is very likely that the Lord of Arms wanted Lin Mo to become a magnet and collect all the Japanese or the Lord God's believers!

Then kill them directly!

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he felt that the last possibility was more likely!

"Master Bing, you are also a swindler!" Lin Mo shook his head. He actually had no opinion on this. In fact, even if Master Bing told him the actual situation, he would choose to leave the mark on his body.

Instead, Master Bing concealed this matter, which made Lin Mo a little unhappy!

"I hope that after I go out, my strength will soar. Then Master Bing, you can see whether I will deal with you or not!" Lin Mo chuckled and gently slashed the dagger in his hand across Yang Mi's neck.


Yang Mi showed an unwilling look on his face and finally died!

Lin Mo slowly got up and looked at A Gu and A Yang beside him: "Continue to go deeper?"

A Gu and A Yang thought about it and finally nodded.

At present, the leather scroll on Lin Mo's body actually has a great effect. In this case, it is definitely necessary to take this opportunity to go deep and explore it!

"In this case, let's go in!" Lin Mo nodded, and then led the two people to walk inside.

Along the way, Lin Mo used the blood and qi of water to recover from the injuries of Agu and Ayang.

"Lin Mo, you are very strong, really strong!" Ayang sighed.

"You might become stronger if you were outside, there is a problem here!" Lin Mo smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to rescue you all!"

Agu and Ayang showed a grateful look on their faces. If Lin Mo had said such words at the beginning, they would definitely not take it seriously.

But now the strength shown by Lin Mo has completely convinced them, so they have a sense of expectation in their hearts!

I hope that one day Lin Mo can really let them leave here!

"Wait a minute!"

Just as the two followed Lin Mo forward, the former suddenly stopped and spoke softly.

"What's wrong?" Agu looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help asking.

"Keep your voice down!" Ayang raised a finger and said softly.

"Who is it, come out!" Lin Mo took the leather scroll in his hand and shouted.

At the same time, Agu took out the fire from his body, ignited the fuel he carried, and threw it forward.

With the light of the fire, everyone saw the figure standing there.

It turned out to be a two-meter-tall skeleton, with a tattered robe on his body, but judging from the appearance of the clothes, it didn't look like a modern person at all!

"The human race from a long time ago!" Lin Mo stepped forward, observed the skeleton, and nodded slowly. As long as he was sure that it was a human race, there would be no big problem.

Soon, Lin Mo noticed a problem, that is, the huge body in front of him had no leg bones!

This two-meter height is his upper body!

The leg bones of the lower body were cut off and fixed with stones!

And the height of the stone is only a dozen centimeters!

In other words, the height of this giant may be close to four meters!

Knowing this possibility in their minds, Lin Mo and A Gu and others showed shocked expressions.

So far, when have we seen a human race close to four meters in height!

However, at this moment, Lin Mo suddenly thought of a race.


Lin Mo's eyes flickered. At the beginning, he guessed that the so-called abyss was actually related to the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

So is this abyss also part of the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

If this is really the case, then the human skeleton in front of him may really be the Kuafu clan!

"Let's go, let's keep moving forward!" Lin Mo spoke in a deep voice, and then took the two of them to go deeper.

The deeper they went, the more they felt that there seemed to be eyes around them spying on them.

This feeling was not good, as if they were being stared at by something and could be bitten at any time!

"Be careful, this place is indeed dangerous!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice, and at the same time, he had the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand and looked around vigilantly.

Now he could only lament that his mental power was not good enough, otherwise he could directly emit mental power to explore the surroundings.

Fortunately, they continued to move forward for a distance and still did not encounter any danger.

At this time, they heard an echo from a distance, which was the sound of their footsteps.

They lit the fire and threw it forward.

A look of shock suddenly appeared on the faces of several people.

In front of them, there were countless skeletons piled up, and their body sizes were similar to those seen before!

"All of them could be from the Kuafu clan!" Lin Mo said softly.

At this time, Agu and Ayang's eyes were attracted by the murals around them.

The picture on the mural was actually very simple, that is, a tall giant chasing a huge sun!

"Kuafu chasing the sun!"

Lin Mo's face showed a look of emotion. He didn't expect that his guess was right. This is really the Kuafu clan!

After confirming his thoughts, a doubt emerged in his mind.

Since this is the burial place of the Kuafu clan, why did they die here?

With this question, Lin Mo and A Gu and others looked around again!

It's a pity that after looking around, there was no other discovery.

However, it made Lin Mo understand a lot about the daily life of the Kuafu clan.

The life of these people is very simple, just hunting beasts every day!

The most memorable story may be the story of Kuafu chasing the sun!

"Lin Mo, you said, Kuafu chasing the sun, why is the sun in this picture so huge!"

A Gu pointed at the sun and looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was also stunned by the question. He looked at the picture and felt a little weird in his heart, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Now that he was reminded of this, he also reacted.

This painting is really weird. The size of the sun is really too big, which seriously affects the size of the entire mural!

"Why do I feel that this sun looks like a hole!"

Ayang stared at the huge sun and slowly said: "This size is more than four meters, even Kuafu can pass through!

If this place is an entrance, then the explanation is clear!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, it was indeed as Ayang said.

This is probably an entrance!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo jumped up suddenly, and then punched the sun!


The entire stone wall was destroyed in an instant, and cracks spread all around!


There was another light sound, and the sun collapsed directly, and a dark hole appeared in front of everyone!

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