Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 493: Falling God Valley

This casual sword made Lin Mo feel trembling!

There seemed to be countless roars in his ears!

Countless shadows appeared in front of him. They were all soldiers on the battlefield. The weapons in their hands were full of blood, but they looked at Bai Qi with fanaticism in their eyes!

"God of War! God of Killing!"

They called out fanatically, and countless evil spirits were released from their bodies, and then condensed to form blood-colored clouds above the sky!

The scarlet clouds covered Lin Mo's head, and an unparalleled sense of oppression made him almost breathless!

At the same time, the breath on the battlefield spread out, as if to swallow Lin Mo!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and didn't take a step back.

Bai Qi looked at Lin Mo's performance and nodded slightly: "You are very good. You are not scared by my killing intention. In this case, let's take the next step!

Welcome to the Falling God Valley!"

As soon as the voice fell, the scene in front of him changed suddenly!

Looking around, everything was blood red!

It was the blood-colored steam formed by the scorching air after the blood flowed. The air was full of the smell of blood.

Corpses were piled up like a hill, and there were even many human-shaped beasts mixed in!

From a distance, Lin Mo saw a figure holding a golden spear in his hand. Even at a distance of thousands of meters, Lin Mo could still see his eyes.

It was a pair of majestic eyes, each with two pupils!

Born with double pupils!

"This is..." Lin Mo looked at the majestic figure, with a look of shock on his face.

"A powerful man from the future, although only a remnant soul was left, he killed to this place by instinct and led the human race to establish a glorious military exploit!

His name seems to be Xiang Yu!"

"Xiang Yu?! King of Western Chu?!" Lin Mo looked at the figure in the distance, with a look of shock on his face.

In the history of China, Xiang Yu committed suicide after his defeat, and his body was cut into countless pieces, but who could have thought that his residual soul would come here and become a hero!

"After his death, his body appeared in the Meteor Valley and became one of them!"

Bai Qi spoke faintly, like a tour guide!

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and walked step by step towards the depths of the Meteor Valley.

"Boy, you have to think about it. It's not too late for you to turn back now, and you can still go back intact. If you continue to walk, it will be too late!"

"Senior, martial arts must be fought for, and the junior must go step by step!"

Lin Mo's face was firm and he spoke slowly.

Facing Lin Mo's expression, Bai Qi could only sigh lightly in the end, standing beside Lin Mo with a sword, and stopped talking.

Since the matter has been decided, there is nothing to hesitate, so Lin Mo's speed is very fast.

Although the ghost shadow is not used here, he still shows an extraordinary speed!

"Boy, you can ignore the killing intent and keep your own rhythm. You are amazing!" Bai Qi followed Lin Mo and watched this scene. He couldn't help but praise him.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior!" Lin Mo responded with a smile, then paused slightly and looked at another place not far from him.

After seeing the scene over there clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank!

"This is..."

If the previous battlefield was tragic enough, the battlefield in front of him could be called terrifying!

Countless corpses piled up to form a mountain, and rivers surrounded the mountains, but the liquid in the river was not spring water or anything else, but bright red blood!

All this blood flowed from the corpses!

In the middle of the mountain of corpses, there stood a figure, and next to this figure lay a huge beast!

But this beast looked a little naive, with black and white hair, a round head, and a short tail.

"Panda!" Lin Mo looked at the beast in front of him, and another name came to his mind: Iron-eating beast!

Since the beast in front of him is an iron-eating beast, then the figure beside him is...

Lin Mo's face showed excitement. At this time, he couldn't care so much and rushed directly in the direction of the man!

"Be careful!" Bai Qi's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but remind him.

But it was too late to remind him. After guessing the identity of the man, Lin Mo couldn't think so much. The only thing he wanted to do was to get closer as soon as possible and pay homage to the legendary existence!


Just as he approached, dozens of figures appeared in front of Lin Mo. They blocked there, and seemed to be unwilling to let Lin Mo get close to that figure.

The most important thing is that these beings exude a terrifying pressure, like gods who came out in ancient times!

"These are his eighty-one brothers, each of whom can be called a hero, or even a god!" Bai Qi's face was serious: "Lin Mo, turn back now, you still have a chance!"

"Thank you for your reminder, but I have never thought of turning back!"

Lin Mo responded with a low laugh, and then suddenly took out the three-pointed double-edged sword on his body: "Come on!"

After that, he rushed up directly!

Lin Mo's speed could be said to be extremely fast. In just a short moment, he arrived in front of those figures. The weapon in his hand had already flown out and fell directly on them!


One after another figures fell down, Lin Mo turned around and looked in the direction of Bai Qi, with a puzzled look on his face.

"There's nothing to doubt, I just don't want to waste too much time in this place!

Your boy is quite pleasing to the eye so far, so if you can take away the opportunity here, then take it away! "

Bai Qi put away the sword in his hand and spoke calmly.

The reason why those people died before was naturally because of Bai Qi's action!

When he slashed out with his sword, the endless killing intent and the killing aura of a military strategist suddenly aroused, which really made people tremble all over!

Those who faced the sword light were directly killed and turned into ashes!

"Thank you, senior, for helping me!"

Lin Mo clasped his fists respectfully at Bai Qi and spoke loudly.

However, there was no response because Bai Qi disappeared!

What was left in place was a rusty long sword, with no trace of divinity left on it!

"It seems that endless years have passed, and there is no way to maintain the remnant soul of Senior Bai Qi. The sword just now exhausted all his remaining strength, and it can only dissipate completely!"

Lin Mo sighed with emotion, picked up the iron sword, then dug a deep hole in the ground with his bare hands, buried the sword in it, and finally saluted respectfully.

"Senior, don't worry, Lin Mo will never let you down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the figure.

The look on his face became more and more excited, and the closer he got, the stronger the emotion became!

Strong, mighty, and unrivaled!

The man in front of him was holding a pair of mountain axes, and he looked around with a cold look on his face.

He was wearing ancient clothes, and some of the decorations on his body were completely different from what they are now!

"It turns's really the legendary demon Chi You!"

Finally, Lin Mo spoke and stopped in front of Chi You's body. They were about two meters apart at this moment. Feeling this momentum up close was almost breathless!

"Devil? After I die, will they call me Demon?"

At this moment, Lin Mo heard a voice in his ears, and then he looked to his left, where a man wearing a white gown appeared out of nowhere!

There was a faint smile on the man's face, and there seemed to be endless thoughts between his eyebrows.

When Lin Mo heard this, he turned around and looked at the man in white in front of him, his heart full of doubts.

Because Lin Mo doesn't know this person!

Suddenly, he thought of what the man said before, and his heart trembled.

"You said I called you the Demon God... So, you are... the Demon God Chi You?!"

Lin Mo spoke out his thoughts, and then looked at the man in front of him in shock.

"Of course it's me, the Chi You you're talking about is me!" The young man said softly: "I don't know why my image is like this!

But it doesn’t matter, I was a little uncomfortable with it at first, but after so many years, I’m used to it now!

In fact, if you hadn't called me out, I might not even have seen you. "

Lin Mo frowned slightly, not understanding what this sentence meant.

"I fell into a deep sleep. I heard the news about Xiang Yu from you earlier, so you should have understood it!

The history here is different from the history you have over there, so in another world, I was defeated and died, but in this world, I made a huge contribution to the entire human race!

Like Xiang Yu, I was also defeated and killed, and my own remnant soul appeared here! ! "

A rare look of sadness appeared on Chi You's face: "I tried my best to bring the remnant soul of my brother here, but I didn't expect that Bai Qi would kill him directly!

But having said that, my brothers have lived for so many years, and the opportunities for us to take action are becoming less and less. If they can die in Bai Qi's hands, it can be considered a very good destination! "

Lin Mo didn't quite understand Chi You's words, but he could feel the happiness in his words.

"Senior, you and Xiang Yu both talked about the battle. I want to know if your enemies are the creatures of the abyss!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

Chi You nodded: "It's them, but it's not all them!"

"In this world, there are too many parallel time and spaces. The people in some parallel time and space are very low in strength, but the strength in some spaces is definitely far superior to ours!

So our opponents are actually them! "

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