Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 503 Reading Memory! (1/2)

Lin Mo's face showed a solemn look. Just a glance at himself made his body explode!

The most important thing is that this look is very familiar, and it is almost the same as Xu Fu's before!

Fortunately, the separated sky quickly closed, and that look disappeared directly!

Cold sweat began to flow on Lin Mo's forehead. He took a deep breath and made a plan in his heart.

"I must quickly absorb all of Xu Fu's memories, and then refine the three marks as soon as possible!"

After making this plan, Lin Mo chose a direction and started to move forward.

Now there is only one seal left on his body. This seal has begun to loosen. Qi Tian helped him to unlock a large part of it. He needs to find an opportunity for the rest.

As he moved forward, Lin Mo suddenly thought of one thing, that is, he has been here for more than half a year, and he has not met anyone else again!

At the beginning, the entire Blue Star arranged people to enter here, but now they are all gone!

"Isn't it an accident?" Lin Mo showed a puzzled look on his face.

These people are the hope for fighting the enemy in the future. As long as it is a force that can be gathered, Lin Mo does not want to give up.

This time, Lin Mo walked forward for ten days without encountering any people, but on the tenth day, he found a place suitable for absorbing memories.

There is a mountain in front of him. At the foot of the mountain, Lin Mo saw a cave entrance from a distance.

As long as the formation is laid at the entrance of the cave, it will take some effort for others to break in, and it will also notify Lin Mo in the cave.

In Lin Mo's view, this is the best way!

With a flash of his figure, Lin Mo stood directly at the entrance of the cave, and his mental power radiated out, covering the entire cave.


A roar came from the cave. It was a grizzly bear, which was powerful and had reached the middle stage of the Martial Emperor. Feeling someone approaching, he roared and rushed out of the cave!

The huge body was very fast in the cave, but the moment he rushed out of the cave, he saw Lin Mo, and his huge body struggled desperately to stop.

Finally, it used both hands and feet to slow down its speed, but still rushed towards Lin Mo.

A terrifying look appeared on the face of the grizzly bear. Although it was just a fierce beast, it had already developed intelligence, so it knew that the aura emanating from Lin Mo was terrifying and that he was no match for it!


Lin Mo raised his hand and pressed forward, blocking its head directly.

The hair on the grizzly bear's body stood up. This was not because of anger, but because of fear.

Its head was held in someone's hand. If it was slightly forced, the whole head would definitely explode!

Just as the grizzly bear was trembling with fear, Lin Mo let go of its head: "I want to borrow your cave for a while. During this time, you can live in your original place. Just leave me some space!

Of course, I will give you some compensation!"

Lin Mo spoke softly, and he knew that the grizzly bear should understand what he meant.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Mo's voice, the grizzly bear blinked his eyes, then nodded humanely, and even took the initiative to give the entire cave to him and go to find a place to live elsewhere.

"No need, I just need someone to help guard it!" Lin Mo thought about it, and directly raised his hand to condense a ball of blood and qi.

Preliminary estimates show that this ball of blood and qi contains at least tens of thousands of blood and qi!

Now that Lin Mo's strength is about to reach the level of Emperor Wu, the terrifying speed of the Thunder Breathing Method has increased again, and it takes more than ten minutes to condense tens of thousands of blood and qi.

It's just that the condensation speed is very fast, but it's very slow to absorb.

However, such pure blood and qi is a huge income for the grizzly bear!

He hesitated for a moment, held the blood and qi in his arms, and then opened his mouth to swallow it.

Feeling the power in his body increasing, the grizzly bear smiled, and sat directly at the entrance of the cave.

Lin Mo couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene.

However, even with the grizzly bear guarding, Lin Mo was still worried, and he still honestly arranged a protective formation.

Generally, it is impossible for a mid-level martial artist to break the formation. If a stronger person comes in, Lin Mo can also sense it in advance and deal with it calmly!

The grizzly bear sensed the formation arranged by Lin Mo, and a thoughtful look appeared on his big face: This human is so powerful, why does he want me to guard the cave entrance?

The grizzly bear shook his head and didn't think about it if he couldn't figure it out. Anyway, at present, he has made a lot of money!

Lin Mo, who entered the cave, found a relatively clean place to sit cross-legged. After condensing a blood ball, Lin Mo opened his mouth and swallowed it!

Feeling the blood ball expanding in his body, Lin Mo closed his eyes directly!

The game is loading!

Opening his eyes, Lin Mo came to the Fire Cloud Cave, looking at the light ball suspended in front of him, and chose to absorb it without hesitation!


As Lin Mo touched the light ball, countless information suddenly flooded into his mind!

This amount of information was so overwhelming that Lin Mo was completely stunned before he could react!

It took a long time for Lin Mo to slowly get used to the terrifying information in his mind.

Then he began to sort it out slowly.

In the picture, he saw Xu Fu walking out of a farmyard with a gloomy smile on his face and a short knife in his right hand with bright red blood on it.

"Dalang of the Xu family, what are you doing? Why does the blood smell so strong on you!"

"I didn't do anything. I was killing a pig at home. I helped get the blood!"

Xu Fu explained with a smile: "It's just right. Third uncle, please come in and help me. I'll give you a piece later!"

The man known as Third Uncle had a look of surprise on his face. A large piece of pork was also a big income. He chuckled, rubbed his hands and walked towards the yard.

But as soon as he walked into the courtyard, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

There were three corpses lying in the yard. They were Xu Fu's parents and sister!

At this moment, they all have wounds on their bodies, blood is flowing out, but their hearts are missing!

"Ah! This!"

The man screamed in horror, but just after this sound, his chest was penetrated.

The short knife was inserted into his chest first, and then it was slashed hard!

A long wound suddenly appeared on the man's body.

Immediately afterwards, a hand reached into the wound, violently pulled out the heart, and devoured it with a big mouthful.

The man fell to the ground, and Xu Fu licked his lips with satisfaction, then turned and left!

In the picture, Xu Fu is wearing gorgeous clothes and has a calm smile on his face.

In front of him is a pile of bamboo slips. From some of the opened bamboo slips, you can see densely packed text, mentioning overseas fairy mountains and some information on the fairy mountains!

Seeing this information, Xu Fu's smile became much brighter.

"Hehe, I finally found it, I finally found it!"

"When I master those marks and merge with the body of the outer realm, I can take the highest step and become the supreme existence!

Then the whole universe will be mine!

Ha ha ha ha! "

Accompanied by a burst of wild laughter, the maid who was about to walk in from outside the door suddenly turned pale with fright, turned around and was about to run away.

But the next moment, Xu Fu's voice came from inside the house.

"Wherever you want to escape, come in! I am very happy today and I am ready to give you a chance to pay for me!"

The maid's face was extremely pale, she bit her lip, but did not dare to run away.

If she escapes, everyone in the family will be killed by Xu Fu!

I could only walk to Xu Fu with trembling steps.

Looking at the frightened woman in front of him, Xu Fu showed a satisfied smile on his face: "Hey, that's the look, what I like to see the most is this look!

come over! "

Pulling the woman's sleeve hard, the woman lay completely in Xu Fu's arms. With the sound of the cloth splitting, Xu Fu opened his mouth and bit it!

A few minutes later, Xu Fu walked out with blood at the corner of his mouth. Someone immediately entered the room and carried the woman away.

You can see that the woman's face still has a look of pain and fear, and there is a wound the size of her head on her chest, and the heart inside is long gone!

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely be able to find you elixirs from overseas so that you can live forever!"

Xu Fu's voice resounded throughout the hall. Sitting on top of the hall was a man wearing a black dragon robe =.

There was a majestic look on his face, and there was an indescribable look in his eyes when he looked at Xu Fu.

Xu Fu himself was very strong, but when faced with this man's eyes, fear surged in his heart, and he could only lower his head, not daring to look at him.

"I will give you three hundred boys and girls. I hope it will bring good results to me!"

The man spoke slowly and waved his hand to tell him to step back!

After walking out of the hall, Xu Fu's face showed a look of ecstasy. He succeeded, he finally succeeded!

As long as you make good use of the three hundred boys and girls, you can get those three marks!

The big ship sailed on the endless sea for a long time, and the three hundred boys and girls grew older from the children.

They were full of fear of Xu Fu.

There were three thousand guards following the ship. In addition to the three thousand guards, there were five hundred women and children!

These women are Xu Fu's food rations. Until now, many people on the ship have died, but there are more than 300 boys and girls!

"Look what that is!"

Just when everyone was doubting whether they could find the legendary fairy mountain, they saw a fairy mountain on the sea appearing in front of them!

In the end, a hundred boys and girls fell in a pool of blood. Two marks flashed above Xu Fu's eyebrows, and as the blood on the ground was absorbed, a flame mark slowly emerged!

Looking at the flame mark in front of him, Xu Fu showed a smile on his face: "Hahaha, it worked. I finally succeeded!"

Xu Fu looked at the flame mark, raised his hand and grabbed it, holding it in his palm.

As a period of time passed, that mark appeared on Xu Fu's head. After flickering for a moment, it slowly dissipated!

Feeling the abundant power in his body, Xu Fu showed a smile on his face: "Finally it was successful, all three marks have been taken!"

Behind Xu Fu, there were less than five hundred guards left, all of whom were his die-hard loyalists, and there were only more than two hundred women left!

Of course, there are some more children in the fleet. They are boys and girls, the offspring of guards and women.

"From now on, this island belongs to us, and it is called Fuso Island!"

Xu Fu looked at the rising sun in the distance, slowly spoke, and gave a name to the fairy mountain at his feet!

"Why, why is there no way to enter another realm! Do you really want to merge with the main body?

If after fusion, am I still myself? "

"There must be other ways. There seem to be other worlds in my memory. There are other worlds above the Blue Star. We need to find them!"

"I found it, I found it!"

"Channel, I need to open the channel!"

"Borrow the power of the three marks!"

"Right to create an artifact!"

"Success, three artifacts, with the ability to open the door, great, I'm going to succeed!

I want to hold all those people in my hands and then counterattack the world! "

"There are so many secrets in this world!"

Xu Fu stood at the place where the gods fell, with an excited look on his face: "I want to find everything left by the ancient Chinese gods here!"

"You deserve it too!"

"You do not deserve!"


In the following period, Chi You, Huang Di, Fu Xi, etc. all rejected Xu Fu, which made him extremely angry.

"I want you all to die here!" With endless anger, Xu Fu began to layout around the place where the gods fell!

In the end, in order to prevent Xu Fu from affecting the entire fallen world, the people in the Fire Cloud Cave specially arranged a formation to prevent people with too strong combat power from entering!

The biggest purpose here is to prevent Xu Fu from coming in!

As time goes by, Xu Fu becomes more and more proficient in mastering the three marks, but he is still unable to fuse them. It can be said that he can use the power of the three marks, but there is no way to fuse them!

"Why? Why? Is it because I don't have the power of my body?"

Xu Fu had a sad look on his face, and in the end he could only accept this result.

"It's still here, the real body is coming, and my wish will come true!"

Lin Mo opened his eyes suddenly and gasped. After receiving such a long message at once, spanning two thousand years, Lin Mo felt extremely tired.

In his memory, Lin Mo knew everything about Xu Fu clearly!

Now, he thought of a possibility.

"The reason why Xu Fu failed was because he was not the original body, so something was missing.

But I am different. I seem to have the power of three attributes: fire, water, and thunder. Now these three powers have been completely integrated with me!

So can I use these three powers to fuse the three marks? ! "

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