Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 72 The power of the cremation ring!

A group of people stared at the scene in front of them with their eyes wide open and their mouths half open.

Kang Shun half-knelt on the ground, with a look of surprise and calmness on his face.

"I lost!" Kang Shun said softly: "You are very strong!"

Lin Mo jumped down and helped Kang Shun up at the same time: "I also took some advantage..."

"You don't need to explain so much, losing is losing, this will only make me practice harder, and sooner or later I will surpass you!" Kang Shun interrupted Lin Mo with a smile and spoke slowly.

Seeing that Kang Shun's mentality was not affected, Lin Mo nodded, then jumped off the stage and prepared to leave.

"You have such strength before going to college, who are you!"

Under the stage, someone looked at Lin Mo's back and couldn't help shouting.

Everyone also looked at Lin Mo, waiting for Lin Mo's response.

Kang Shun's eyes fell on Lin Mo's back, with a faint smile on his face and a clear look in his eyes.

"My name is Lin Mo..." The voice came from Lin Mo.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"He is Lin Mo!"

"Lin Mo! He actually came to Zhucheng... Wanlixing! He is really traveling thousands of miles!"

"I don't want to say anything, Lin Mo is so handsome!"

"Traveling thousands of miles alone, tempering his invincible heart... Taiku La!"


Those who had previously expressed contempt for Lin Mo immediately changed their tone and praised Lin Mo instead.

In the crowd, several fairies had thrown away Kang Shun's photos, took out their mobile phones to take pictures of Lin Mo's back, raised their hands high, kept shaking, and still called Lin Mo's name.

Without Lin Mo knowing, his first team of brainless fans appeared...

After leaving the martial arts arena, Lin Mo came to the reserved hotel. After opening the room, Lin Mo lay directly on the bed.

"Kang Shun is so strong! Although this battle was won, it was also very difficult. If you are not careful, he will be suppressed by his blood value!" Lin Mo seriously recalled the gains and losses of today's competition and made a serious summary.

In Zhucheng, the only known genius is Kang Shun. Lin Mo's next destination is Luzhou City.

"Luzhou City is different from Zhucheng. As the provincial capital, Luzhou City's martial arts strength far exceeds that of Zhucheng.

In addition, the entire city has a long history, so there are many martial arts families... I may be able to use the most traditional way to challenge them!"

After recalling the battle, Lin Mo planned his next goal.

There are two martial arts families in Luzhou City, the Gao family and the Sun family.

"The Gao family is relatively low-key. On weekdays, all the direct descendants are trained within the family, so it is difficult to judge their depth.

The Sun family is different. The Sun family is relatively high-profile. Every year, they will launch a direct disciple to suppress the first place in the college entrance examination in Luzhou City that year with their strength!

This year, the disciple launched by the Sun family seems to be called Sun Zong. It is said that he is only one step away from being a third-grade warrior! Stronger than Kang Shun!

The high school student suppressed by Sun Zong seems to be called Liu Chao. He is the son of the richest man in Luzhou City. He relies on Qi and Blood Pills and various top-level medicinal materials to build up the strength of a warrior...

There is little point in challenging Liu Chao, so Luzhou City’s target should be Sun Zong!"

Lin Mo stood up from the bed, took out the ring and took a look, gritted his teeth and put it on his hand again.


A scream sounded, and Lin Mo began to torture himself again...

No words were spoken all night. The next morning, Lin Mo washed off the dirt on his body and prepared to leave.

But he didn't expect to be stopped directly by the people from the Public Security Bureau.

"You are Lin Mo? Please come with us!"

The two security guards looked at Lin Mo politely: "We suspect you are related to a homicide case!"

Murder case?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and after calming down, he said: "What exactly happened? I should have the right to know!

Otherwise, with your strength, I want to leave, and you can't stop me!"

The two security guards looked at each other, and one of them said: "Kang Shun, who fought with you yesterday, is dead!"

Kang Shun is dead?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment. Yesterday's fight was actually a competition. Neither of them had any killing intentions. When Lin Mo suppressed him in the end, he did not cause much harm to him.

How could someone die?

"I'll go with you! At the same time, I want to see the body!" Lin Mo wanted to take a look at the body to determine whether Kang Shun died in his hands.

After following the security guards to the police station, Lin Mo saw Kang Shun's body with approval.

"The murderer attacked from the back, and the shock caused the heart to rupture." The forensic doctor said the cause of death.

Lin Mo nodded. There was a dark mark on Kang Shun's back, which looked like it was left after some kind of attack.

"Damn Lin Mo, you dare to come to see my son!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and two figures outside the door rushed towards Lin Mo.

One of the middle-aged women had a resentful look on her face and stretched out her hands to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo frowned and dodged.

"Hmph! Die!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly and punched Lin Mo in the heart!

"Warrior!" Lin Mo's eyes shrank. The middle-aged man in front of him turned out to be a warrior!

He quickly dodged and looked at the middle-aged couple in front of him with a cold face.

These two people should be Kang Shun's father and mother.

"Mr. Kang, Mrs. Kang, the dead cannot be resurrected, my condolences!" a voice sounded, and the deputy director of the Public Security Department walked in: "Mr. Lin was invited by us to cooperate with the investigation, and now he has been basically eliminated as a suspect! "

"What do you mean by eliminating suspicion? My son died after competing with him. He must have killed my son. You two should arrest him quickly!"

The middle-aged woman screamed, and at the same time rushed towards Lin Mo with bared teeth and claws.

Lin Mo turned aside and stared at them, thoughtfully.

"Mr. Lin, please don't leave Zhucheng in the past two days. We may want to find you at any time to learn about the situation!" the deputy director of the Public Security Department said politely.

Lin Mo nodded: "In that case, I will go back first. You should know my address. If you have anything, just go to me directly!"

After saying these words, Lin Mo turned around and left.

The Sheriff's Department was not close to the hotel, but Lin Mo did not choose to call a taxi, but walked slowly on the street.

Ten minutes later, Lin Mo stopped at the entrance of an alley: "Mr. Kang can't wait so soon?"

Looking back, Kangshun's father, Kangwei, was standing there, looking at him gloomily.

"How did you know I would follow?" Conway said coldly.

"Because your target is me, you can't just watch me go!" Lin Mo smiled lightly: "But, in order to deal with me, you killed your own son with your own hands. Isn't it a bit too vicious?"

"How do you know we killed him?" Conway's eyes flashed, neither denying nor admitting.

"The punch just now was exactly the same as the one that hit Kangshun, and apart from the injuries from the fight between me and him, Kangshun was only left with the mark of this punch.

So the person who killed him should have done it when he was completely defenseless. You are his father and fully meet these conditions! "

Lin Mo gave his own speculation while staring at Conway.

"You can't even defeat someone whose level is lower than your own. It would be a shame to be alive!" Conway sneered: "As for you... you must die!"

Conway's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he almost said this through gritted teeth.

"So, you killed me not because I defeated your son, but because of other reasons... Are you from the Dark Blood Society?" Lin Mo suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Smart! So smart!" Conway praised in admiration: "Now that you know everything, you can go and die..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kang Shun rushed towards Lin Mo!

Third grade warrior!

Feeling the surging energy and blood, Lin Mo instantly estimated Kangwei's strength.

Faced with such a powerful force, all Lin Mo can do is to avoid the edge for the time being!


The ghost shadow was cast by Lin Mo, and the whole person disappeared from the place.

At the same time, mental perception spread to the surroundings. Facing Conway's strength, he had to deal with it with all his strength!

"Hundred Battles Boxing Technique!"

Conway roared and punched with both hands. You could see a dozen fist shadows appearing in front of him, almost surrounding his entire body.

This kind of boxing technique is very terrifying, with the sound of breaking wind and constant whistling.


Lin Mo couldn't dodge and was punched on the shoulder.

With a click, Lin Mo knew that his left shoulder should be broken!

"Damn it, why haven't those guys from the Public Security Department come yet!" Lin Mo said helplessly. When he just left, he winked at the deputy director of the Public Security Department. Being able to sit in that position, it's impossible not to understand him. the meaning of!

"Tiger Roar Impact!"

Lin Mo began to fight back, roaring in his mouth, and rushed towards Conway!

Conway sneered and dodged, and at the same time punched Lin Mo again on the chest.

A sharp pain almost made Lin Mo faint, and at the same time a mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth.

Lin Mo looked at Conway with cold eyes. Only a short time had passed before he was injured. If he continued to fight, the injury would only get worse!

"You forced me!" Lin Mo yelled, took out the ring from his body, and was about to put it on his hand!

"It looks good, this thing belongs to me!" Conway looked at the ring in Lin Mo's hand, his eyes flashed, he rushed over and snatched the ring away.

"Give it back to me!" Lin Mo had a panicked look on his face and rushed towards Conway desperately.

With a mocking smile on his face, Conway took the ring and put it directly on his ring finger!


The moment the ring was put on the hand, a hot breath flowed down the arm to every part of the body!

Conway felt like his body was on fire!

"Damn, there's something wrong with this thing!" Conway reacted in just a moment and wanted to take the ring off his hand.

But Lin Mo had already sneered and rushed forward: "You've already put it on, don't take it off in a hurry!"

He desperately grabbed Conway's hands and held them tightly!

Conway's face turned ugly and painful, and he roared, desperately trying to get free.

But no matter how injured Lin Mo was, he kept holding on to his hand!


There was a soft sound, and Conway's body suddenly burst into flames!

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