Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 86: One person will beat you all!

"Haha, this meal is so delicious!" Kong Jie took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, then slumped on the chair with satisfaction.

Lin Mo had a smile on his face and nodded with satisfaction.

The monster's flesh and blood is indeed extraordinary. Although it is not as effective as the Qi and Blood Pill, it tastes very good. After eating it, the whole body feels hot, and the power of Qi and Blood is greatly increased.

"But compared with the Qi and Blood Pill, the increase in Qi and blood is limited..." Each of them ate a pound of flesh and blood, and the cost for each person was about a thousand yuan.

But the increased blood value will definitely not reach 0.01!

"Those who are willing to spend money to eat monster flesh are not short of money. Since you are willing to enjoy it, then you have to pay a sufficient price!

On the contrary, in Junda, if you want to improve your strength, buying Qi and Blood Pills is much cheaper than outside!

The price of each low-level Qi and Blood Pill is 150,000! "

Lin Mo's eyes widened immediately. One Qi and Blood Pill was fifty thousand yuan cheaper than outside!

"Okay, Junda has a lot of preferential treatment, you can experience it later..." Kong Jie stood up and said with a smile: "For the sake of you inviting me to dinner, I can tell you one thing..."

Lin Mo quickly sat up straight and looked at him seriously.

"Have a good rest tonight. There will be a gathering tomorrow. Try to be as high-profile as possible..."

After saying these words, Kong Jie left directly.

"Be high-profile?" Lin Mo looked confused: "I am such a low-key person, and if you ask me to be high-profile, isn't it difficult for me?

But...could it be that there are any benefits to being high-profile? "

Lin Mo's eyes were bright and he was already looking forward to it.

The Qi and Blood Pills have been consumed, and this month's dividend has not been received. Fortunately, Lin Mo's Thunder Breathing Technique has been upgraded to an advanced level of proficiency. When it is running, the power of Qi and Blood increases very quickly.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Lin Mo's cell phone dinged softly.

I took out my phone and took a look. The information on it was exactly what Kong Jie said yesterday.

"Gather at the gym in half an hour!" Lin Mo jumped off the bed, changed his clothes and then got up and headed to the gym.

The Military University Gymnasium occupies a large area. There are 100 people in the inner courtyard and more than 300 people in the outer courtyard. With 400 people standing here, it still looks very spacious.

On the rostrum, Lin Mo saw the boss who had previously come to his home in person to hand out the admission notice.

"That old man is the deputy director of the Admissions Office of Military University... He is also the vice president of Military University Yuan Kai!" Someone spoke softly, looking at the old man with a look of reverence in his eyes.

"Yuan Kai, is he so powerful?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

When Yuan Kai sent the admission notice, Lin Mo could only feel the majesty from him, but other than that, he couldn't feel any energy or blood.

"Fifty years ago, he took Sanming students out on a mission, but they encountered a monster coming out of the abyss, and all three students were killed!

At that time, he, who was in the realm of the third-level Martial King, fought his way into the abyss with one sword. Three days after the battle, he was covered in blood and dragged the monster out of the abyss.

If you enter the school history museum now, you can still see that's five feet tall! "

The students on the side described it excitedly, as if they had witnessed Yuan Kai's battle with their own eyes.

Lin Mo glanced at Yuan Kai and was extremely shocked.

Fifty years ago, he had the strength of a third-grade Martial King. After so many years, how strong will he be now?

"Sure enough, no one in the Military University should be underestimated!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion.

Yuan Kai stood on the podium and ended the welcome ceremony for the new students with two short sentences.

"Everyone can move freely below, and you can also learn from each other!" A young man next to Yuan Kai said with a smile: "Make friends with force!"

"High-profile? How high-profile?" Lin Mo looked around and frowned.

Soon, his eyes lit up and an idea came to his mind.

"I feel like if I do this, in the next four years of college, I should be a character that everyone shouts about... It's exciting to think about it!"

Lin Mo coughed lightly and slowly took a few steps forward.


With a loud noise, Lin Mo punched the sandbag next to him.

Hundreds of kilograms of sandbags were blown away with one punch, and sand was scattered everywhere. A few short people even had their mouthfuls filled with sand.

"I'll go, what's going on!"

"Who are you, looking for death?"

A group of people were affected and couldn't help but search in the crowd.

Lin Mo maintained his previous punching posture, standing there quietly, facing everyone's gaze, and raised his hand to wave.

"is it you?!"

"Is it this guy?"

A group of people gathered around and stared at Lin Mo coldly.

"Who else is it if it's not me?" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Didn't I just say that I would use force to make friends? I am a more enthusiastic person... so I plan to... challenge all of you alone!"

In the last sentence, Lin Mo directly used Tiger Roar, the sound waves spread out, and the entire stadium seemed to be shaking!

"You can challenge all of us by yourself? You are really not afraid of death! Not to mention the people from the inner courtyard, even those of us from the outer courtyard can drown you with just a drop of spit!" A certain classmate from the outer courtyard couldn't bear it. Keep talking.

"Forget it about the people from the outer courtyard. Those who came in with money, what's there to say!" Lin Mo tried his best to ridicule. With one sentence, people who had not planned to take action against Lin Mo couldn't help but gathered around him.

How does it feel to be surrounded by more than 300 people at the same time?

Lin Mo looked at the crowd around him, without any worry on his face.

A group of people kept yelling at Lin Mo, and some of them couldn't help but mobilize their blood and energy, ready to take action.


At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly roared at the surroundings.

Tiger Roar!

During this period, Lin Mo had already improved his proficiency in Tiger Roar to a high level, and his attack power exceeded two thousand at this moment!


The group of people closest to Lin Mo only felt a buzzing in their heads, and then they felt dizzy and fainted!

With just one blow, hundreds of people fell to the ground!

"I told you that you can't do it, but you just don't believe it. I didn't even start, and you fell down!" Lin Mo chuckled.

"Let's go together and let him know how powerful we are!" Someone among the students in the outer courtyard spoke loudly.

"Yes, there are so many of us, can't we beat him alone! Go!"

As the voice fell, nearly two hundred people rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

Lin Mo grinned, and the next moment, his figure flashed and disappeared!

"Where are the people?"

The first person who rushed out looked at the disappearing Lin Mo with a confused look on his face.

"Behind you!" Someone exclaimed and couldn't help but remind him.

The man was about to turn around when he was slapped on the neck and fell directly to the ground.

Ghostly tracking!

Lin Mo used martial arts to shuttle through the crowd, and at the same time, he kept hitting a group of people on the back of their necks with his hand knife.

Groups of people fell down. Just one minute later, there were less than a hundred people left in the outer courtyard of more than 300 people, and they dared not move!

Lin Mo stood in the middle of a group of people who fell to the ground, looking around with contempt.

"Let the people from the inner courtyard come, you are really not good enough..." Lin Mo said, and at the same time looked at a group of inner courtyard students who were watching the show in the distance.

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