Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 88: Tempering finger bones! The strong are given priority!

In the dormitory, Lin Mo's face was full of pain. On his hand, the cremation ring released magma-like heat that rushed through his body.

This time Lin Mo had been holding on for nearly half an hour, and the white shirt on his body had turned reddish brown, which was stained red by the blood.

This process can be said to be extremely torturous. If you are not careful, your meridians will be broken and you will die!

"The tempering brought about by the cremation ring is so terrifying, I feel like my flesh and blood are boiling!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth, feeling extremely shocked.

"But the endurance time has improved this time. Is it because of the previous drop of holy blood?"

Lin Mo thought of the drop of blood he got from the Rucheng Temple. At that time, one-half of it was consumed with the help of a large amount of Qi and Blood Pills. All the energy contained in the blood was hidden in Lin Mo's body.

Now that the cremation ring is worn on his hand, the time that Lin Mo can endure is greatly improved.

"Something's wrong. Why is the burning sensation caused by the cremation ring gathering on my hands?"

Lin Mo soon noticed the difference. There was a sharp pain in his hands, as if someone had pressed his hands into the lava.

At the same time, the energy hidden in the body began to gather and concentrated on the hands along the meridians.

At this moment, two different energies collided inside the finger bones. Lin Mo could even feel the cracking sound of the finger bones, as if they were broken and then reassembled!

This process was undoubtedly painful, but Lin Mo gritted his teeth and persisted.

Because he felt that this process was definitely a great opportunity for him!

The finger bones crackled, Lin Mo's forehead was covered with blood and sweat, and his hands began to tremble violently.

"The power of Qi and blood, condense!"

Lin Mo suddenly mobilized the energy and blood all over his body, condensing it towards the finger bones of both hands.

The Ben Lei Breathing Technique started to work, and a huge amount of blood was boiling and pouring into Lin Mo's Dantian.

In fact, Lin Mo seemed to see a terrifying vortex forming in his Dantian. The vortex formed by the power of Qi and blood was injected into the meridians, and then gathered on the finger bones under the pull of Lin Mo's mental power.

"Spiritual power, condense!"

Lin Mo understood the essence of the Spiritual Blade and the Spiritual Sword Formation, turned his spiritual power into a small hammer, and kept beating his finger bones!

Moreover, the energy contained in the cremation ring and half a drop of holy blood is like a flame that is constantly heating the finger bones. As for the power of Qi and blood, it is like adding some terrifying elements to the finger bones!

"This process is like forging iron. Only after many times of hard work can ordinary iron be beaten into a magical weapon!" Lin Mo's eyes lit up, feeling that he had found a different path!

The whole process was very long, painful and boring, but Lin Mo had a solemn expression on his face, sitting there cross-legged, beating his phalanges over and over with his mental energy.

Next to him, there was a small bottle of blue liquid. It was something that had been dropped from the dungeon before. It could replenish or even enhance mental power. Now it was regarded as a consumable by Lin Mo. During the whole process of tempering and beating the phalanges, Lin Mo Take it from time to time, and your mental energy will always be in a full state!

Time passed, and it was already dawn in a blink of an eye.

Lin Mo opened his eyes suddenly and stood up from the bed.

"It hurts me so much!" The first thing he did after opening his eyes was to take off the ring on his hand and put it aside.


Then he vibrated with the power of Qi and blood, and the skin of his hands split open, and a layer of blood scab fell off, revealing Lin Mo's almost white jade-like palms!

"This... is so amazing, it's like shedding a layer of skin!" Lin Mo was extremely surprised. These hands almost didn't feel like his own. At first glance, you could feel their perfection.

"It's the color of the skin..." Lin Mo thought for a moment and took out a dagger from his body and scratched his palm.

Not even a drop of blood was left.

"This... belongs to Pi Hou!"

Lin Mo spoke in surprise and stood up to go to the practical classroom.

Military University pays attention to students' personal cultivation. It does not take the initiative to teach, but allows students to practice on their own. If you encounter any questions, please ask them immediately!

"I used my mental power to continuously beat and temper the hand bones. For a whole night, I don't believe that the hand bones have not changed at all!"

Lin Mo firmly believes that in the entire process, the bones of the hands should be the most changed, not the skin!

"It's just that there's no way to verify it. You can't just cut open the flesh and see the hand bones inside!" Lin Mo was helpless.


At this moment, a soft sound rang out, and Lin Mo looked at his single bed aside and was stunned.

The bed frame surrounded by metal actually cracked!

"I just pressed it gently with my hand when I got up. Why did the bed become like this?"

Lin Mo thought of a possibility in his mind, and the smile on his face instantly became fuller.

"Go to the martial arts arena and test your attack power!"

After making up his mind, Lin Mo immediately changed his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

The school history museum of the Huaxia Military University is built underground, and starting from the first floor is the military training ground of the Military University.

Lin Mo came to the cafeteria first. After swiping his card, the staff in the cafeteria immediately poked his head out and smiled at him: "Students, please order here!"

Lin Mo was originally going to line up, but was taken to a side window by two canteen staff.

After choosing his breakfast, Lin Mo found that such a sumptuous meal did not charge him a penny!

"Could it be that the military university has such good benefits that breakfast is provided for free?" Lin Mo did not think much about it. After finishing his breakfast, he got up and left.

When he arrived at the martial arts field, there was a card swiping machine at the entrance. After taking a number, Lin Mo lined up at the end of the line.

"Excuse me, are you classmate Lin Mo?" Less than a minute later, a middle-aged man stood beside Lin Mo with a cautious and flattering face: "Mr. Lin, I am Zheng Hai, the person in charge of the martial arts field, you can just call me Xiao Zheng..."

The middle-aged man stated his identity, and his attitude was unbelievably respectful.

Obviously much older than Lin Mo, he actually asked Lin Mo to call him Xiao Zheng.

"Hello, Zheng Field Master!" Lin Mo greeted.

"What business does Mr. Lin want to handle? Do you want to measure your blood or attack power?

Or do you want to buy some martial arts? Don't worry, as long as you buy martial arts from us, I can give you a 20% discount!"

Lin Mo looked at him in shock. Generally, weapons above the Xuan level are worth at least 500,000 yuan. If you give him a 20% discount, that means 100,000 yuan is gone!

Who is so generous!

"Does the owner Zheng know me?" Lin Mo looked at him in confusion: "I came here just to measure my blood and attack power of martial arts!"

"Come with me!" Zheng Hai nodded repeatedly and walked inside with Lin Mo.

There are only four measurement rooms in the entire martial arts field, three of which are open, and the remaining one is closed.

The eight characters "School's restricted area, no entry for idle people!" were posted on the door.

But what Lin Mo didn't expect was that he followed Zheng Hai and came here unknowingly.

He took out the key from his body and inserted it into the keyhole, opening the door.

"Mr. Lin, please come in!"

Zheng Hai still looked friendly as before, speaking softly.

"Thank you!" Lin Mo nodded and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute, we have been queuing here for an hour, and the narration room is not open. Why is it open now?"

"That's right, did you use the back door? I didn't expect that the military university could use the back door! It's simply shameless!"

"How is this shameless? Reasonable use of rules is also part of strength!"

Someone couldn't help but speak up and told part of the truth.


Lin Mo stood there, listening quietly, looking at the people in front of him arguing over a trivial matter, with a helpless look on his face.

"Because they are better than all of you!" At this time, a voice sounded. It was Zheng Hai who spoke. He looked indifferent and looked at them with contempt: "His name is Lin Mo. When he entered the school, he defeated all the freshmen alone!

Later he was awarded the second-class student!

According to the school's regulations, second-class students are more important than you, that is, they have to enjoy more services and discounts than you!!"

Zheng Hai's words made a group of people couldn't help but shout.

"It's so unfair. Huaxia Military University is really arrogant!"

"That's right. If I knew it was like this, I would never come to Military University!"

"Who said it wasn't? I thought Military University was a place of justice, but it wasn't!"

A group of people started talking at once, and they wanted to leave.

"A bunch of trash, not as strong as others, not enjoying more treatment than others. Now I've told you the direction to move forward, but you will only complain in the end!" Zheng Hai looked at the people who spoke earlier, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"We are trash, so why do we say he is stronger than us!" A group of people pointed at Lin Mo, with unhappy looks on their faces.

In fact, few people present were unhappy.

Zheng Hai chuckled and his eyes fell on Lin Mo: "Mr. Lin, why don't you find a way to make them shut up?"

Lin Mo nodded. There was no problem at all for him to do this!

Walking straight to the measuring instrument, Lin Mo stretched out his hand and pressed it.


With a slight sound, a number 203 appeared on it!

"Second-grade warrior?!"

Someone in the crowd said in shock: "When did the freshmen have such strength!"

"You are useless, so don't be shocked by other people's achievements!" Zheng Hai was obviously very unhappy with these people, so he directly started to criticize them.


At this time, Lin Mo directly used his martial arts!

Stone-breaking Fist!

With a loud bang, Lin Mo's punch directly shattered the test instrument into pieces!

And, the screen finally showed a terrible number--6666!

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