Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 92 The correct way to use the Wolf King Fist

"The Wolf King needs strong fighting power and bloody means to control the wolf pack!"

"So the essence of the Wolf King Fist lies in blood..."

Lin Mo looked at the description above, with a solemn look on his face.

According to the above statement, if you want to exert the power of the Wolf King Fist, you must enter a state of self-loss and indulge in blood.

Lin Mo thought of the previous battle with Xu Hui, who briefly entered that special state, with bloodshot eyes, not distinguishing between friend and foe!

"If this is required to exert the true power of the Wolf King Fist, then the disadvantages of this boxing are too great!" Lin Mo looked at the content of the Wolf King Fist, with a hesitant look on his face.

He was struggling whether he needed to practice this boxing.

"You can go now!" Lin Mo stuffed the martial arts into his arms, looked at Xu Hui and others and spoke lightly.

The sword of spirit dissipated, and Xu Hui breathed a long sigh of relief, at least he did not die in Lin Mo's hands now.

He left in a panic with a group of people, and Lin Mo looked at his few points, shook his head helplessly, and left the simulation room.

"Let's exchange some points first, and see if there are any tasks that can earn points!" Lin Mo looked at the balance of his bank card, and he could still exchange nearly 100,000 points.

So many points seem a lot, but in fact, they can't do much when they are really used.

Martial arts is a profession that burns money. With Lin Mo's current worth, he is far from qualified to make full use of various resources.


"Brother Hui, are we just going to swallow this breath?"

In a corner not far from the simulation room, Xu Hui and a few others squatted there smoking.

One of them looked at Xu Hui with an unhappy look on his face.

As soon as this was said, the others immediately agreed.

"Yes, Brother Hui, our strength is not strong, but you are different. Your strength has reached the level of a seventh-grade warrior, but you were still defeated by Lin Mo, and he even insulted you in that way. I can't swallow this breath!

The most outrageous thing is that he snatched the Wolf King Fist from you, which is your martial art for survival!"

"Brother Hui, I must avenge this vengeance. I'm going to pay someone outside to help!"


Several people spoke at once, and Xu Hui's face became more and more ugly. He glared at them coldly: "You all shut up, I know what you want to do, don't you just want me to take action against him? I will fulfill your wish!"

Xu Hui's face was cold. He was the strongest person in the third year of the external courtyard, but now he was defeated by Lin Mo. How could he swallow this breath?

Took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"The whereabouts of the Five Beast Fist has been found. There is a person in the military who has mastered the Tiger Fist. I even suspect that he has other boxing skills, but I can't verify it..."

"His name is Lin Mo!"

After saying these two sentences, Xu Hui hung up the phone coldly.

"Wait, Lin Mo will definitely die in two days!"

On the other side, after Lin Mo exchanged points from the points exchange office, he looked at the extra balance in the card and hurried to the trading office to buy five Qi and Blood Pills. At this time, there were less than 26,000 points left in Lin Mo's card!

"Enter the martial arts arena, practice the Wolf King Fist, and see what this boxing is all about!"

Lin Mo took the Qi and Blood Pill and went straight back to the dormitory.

Including the Qi and Blood Pills purchased this time, Lin Mo has a total of 15 Qi and Blood Pills in his hand.

He took a Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it. The picture in front of him flickered, and Lin Mo entered the dream.

"Martial Arts Arena! Exchange for the Wolf King Fist!"

Lin Mo made a choice quickly.

"Consume Qi and Blood Pills x 10!"

Looking at the consumption number displayed above, Lin Mo felt a pang of pain in his heart, but fortunately he had expected it in his heart, so he could still accept it.


A wolf howl sounded, and then countless scarlet eyes lit up in front of Lin Mo's eyes.

Those were the eyes of the wolf, flashing in the ruins and dense forests.

"Wolf pack? Do you want me to become the wolf king and command the wolves? So I have to deal with these wolves first, right?"

Lin Mo looked at the wolf pack in front of him and directly performed the Wolf King Fist.

He was quite unfamiliar with this kind of boxing. At this moment, his fists looked ridiculous. The most important thing was that the Qi and Blood Power in his body was running intermittently, and it was difficult to completely control it.


The wolf howls became more and more frequent, and Lin Mo kept swinging his fists to kill all the wolves.

But the wolf pack was endless, and the blood and energy in Lin Mo's body became more and more bloody, but those wolves had no intention of retreating at all, but rushed towards Lin Mo more frantically!

"I haven't mastered the true meaning of the Wolf King Fist yet, but these wolves in front of me are already crazy!

Do you want me to imitate this state and learn it?"

Lin Mo looked at the crazy wolf pack and slowed down his movements for a while.

Not long after, countless wounds appeared on Lin Mo's body, and he looked extremely pitiful.


Tiger Fist!

Lin Mo used the Tiger Fist to repel the wolf pack, but after a short retreat, the wolf pack pounced on him again!

In a crazy state, the wolf pack had no chance to fear!

Looking at the wolf pack that kept rushing over, Lin Mo's eyes began to turn blood red.


Finally, with a wolf howl, Lin Mo's eyes completely turned blood red!

Just for a moment, Lin Mo lost his mind, with bloodthirsty light shining in his eyes!


He slammed his fists to one side, directly smashing a giant wolf that rushed towards him into smithereens!

What's even more terrifying is that after Lin Mo was stained with wolf blood, his whole state became even more abnormal. He roared, roared, and made various unconscious sounds from the inside.

The entire martial arts field had turned into a Shura field. Lin Mo was completely immersed in this state. He was no longer limited to killing wolves with just two fists.

Transform your fist into palms, claws, and sword fingers!

There were fewer and fewer wolves around, and in the end, all the wolves fell at Lin Mo's feet.

The wolf has been killed!

Lin Mo looked in a daze. All the wolves were killed. Is this another powerful method to subdue the wolves?

At this time, an inexplicable power surged in Lin Mo's mind, and then a steady stream of spiritual will began to control Lin Mo's body and thoughts.

The bloodthirsty desire gradually subsided, and Lin Mo's eyes flashed with confusion, but he soon regained his clarity.

"The state just now... will indeed improve my strength, but the shortcomings are too obvious. If I were not a mind qi master, I would probably be immersed in this kind of dream and never wake up again!"

Thinking back to the state just now, cold sweat began to flow down Lin Mo's body.

It's too dangerous. If you lose yourself in your sleep and become a bloody beast, the consequences will be disastrous!

"However, this also reminds me, can I try to use my mental power to control me when I use the Wolf King Fist!

In this way, can the side effects of Wolf King Fist be suppressed? "

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he instinctively felt that this idea was feasible!

The effect of the Qi and Blood Pill had not disappeared yet. Lin Mo thought, and the fallen wolves on the ground disappeared. The scarlet eyes reappeared not far away, and the wolves killed by Lin Mo rushed towards him again!

With the experience just now, Lin Mo easily guided himself into that bloodthirsty state.

At the same time, relying on his remaining sanity, Lin Mo also used spiritual perception to increase his mental power to the extreme!


At this moment, Lin Mo felt a crazy explosion of energy and blood all over his body, and tyrannical power was constantly surging in his body!


A wolf howled, and a wolf rushed up from behind Lin Mo, grinning and biting Lin Mo's neck!

Just when the wolf's teeth were less than one centimeter away from Lin Mo, Lin Mo, who had his back turned to the wolf, suddenly turned around and looked at it with cold eyes. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the wolf's mouth directly. !


Lin Mo held the wolf's mouth with one hand, and then slammed the wolf to the ground!


The terrifying power brought about by the bloodthirsty state made Lin Mo smash the wolf into a pulp!

Blood spattered and Lin Mo's face felt warm, but this time, he was not infected by the blood and his consciousness was still clear!

"Kill!" Lin Mo's eyes were cold and he waved his fists at the same time.

The fists smashed against the wolves, but they did not kill them. They just fell to the ground and lost the ability to move.

At the same time, Lin Mo's speed was also accelerating, and he started to use ghost shadows to move around among the wolves!

In just ten minutes, Lin Mo had knocked down most of the wolves!


At this time, Lin Mo suddenly stopped, looked at the wolves in front of him, and spoke coldly.

While saying these words, the power of Qi and blood flowed, forming a bloody wall of mist around Lin Mo's body!


The wolves that were about to pounce suddenly stopped and looked at Lin Mo with fearful eyes.

One of the wolves suddenly raised its head and howled at the sky.

Then more wolves raised their heads and howled.

The howls of wolves came one after another, and the wolves who had been knocked to the ground by Lin Mo struggled to stand up, raising their heads and playing the trombone.

After a few minutes, the howling of the wolves disappeared, and then all the wolves in front of them bowed directly to Lin Mo!

This scene was very spectacular. There were at least a hundred wolves in front of Lin Mo, and they all knelt down to a human like Lin Mo at the same time!

Wolf King... This is the true meaning of Wolf King!

Lin Mo looked at the scene in front of him and suddenly felt like this in his heart.

At this moment, the wolves in front of him turned into light rain bit by bit. At the same time, the light rain continued to condense in the air, and finally formed a wolf fang-shaped symbol.

After the symbol floated in the air for a moment, it was imprinted on Lin Mo's forehead little by little!

"What is it!" Lin Mo was shocked. When he reached out to touch it, there was nothing!

"Where's that mark?" Lin Mo's face was full of surprise.

At this time, the effect of the Qi and Blood Pill disappeared, and Lin Mo woke up from his dream.


A bell rang.

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