Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 102: The Thunder Chariot Is Attacked By Monsters!

After passing through the teleportation array, the three of Ye Chen returned to Shu Dao Martial Arts University, which now belongs to Shu Dao No. 1 Base.

"I'll go, it's so expensive to take a train now?"

Ye Chen was shocked when he saw the price list of the bullet train.

I saw a sea of ​​people at the train station, and there were countless people on the train!

Now it is no longer safe outside the base. If it is a small base, there will be no way for people to choose.

It can only be solved by itself, and mercenaries can be hired to escort them.

Now monsters are everywhere, and beast hordes will break out from time to time. The wild is very dangerous.

And a motor vehicle newly developed by the country is called Thunder Chariot!

Thunder Chariot: The whole body is covered with formations, and the thunder surges, which can resist the attack of monsters below the eighth level.

Ye Chen and others went to Kyoto No. 3 base to take this thunder chariot.

"It's so dark, it's a hundred times more expensive than before!"

Ye Chen got into the car and heard people complaining about the price of the Thunder Chariot. Although it is expensive, it is safe for ordinary people and even low-level warriors.

"Beer, drink, mineral water, rice pudding with peanuts and melon seeds. Come on, take your legs off!"

"Special boxed lunch, special boxed lunch, secret monster meat, delicious and not expensive!"

"Finally got in the car, this time I went to the 31 large base in Kyoto and I won't go back, it's too dangerous!"

"I heard that sometimes monsters will attack me, so I'm so nervous!"

"Relax, monsters below the eighth level can't hurt the chariot at all, and I heard that each Thunder chariot has one to three eighth-level masters following the chariot. Don't worry!"

Listening to the noisy surroundings, Ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

The turbulent world will only get worse, and Ye Chen, who wants to keep it all, has a clearer goal.

If there are only Wu Jizong people left in this world, what's the point of this world?

"Qianqian, don't you want to eat barbecue!"

Dongfang Yuntian looked at Yu Qianqian beside him and asked, Yu Qianqian looked at Dongfang Yuntian with big eyes and nodded happily.

Just like that, in front of Ye Chen, the young couple ordered a three-point secret barbecue. One bite for you, one bite for me, so happy!

"You're so tired!"

Ye Chen saw that the two of them were so affectionate, the secret barbecue in his mouth was no longer delicious.

If I knew Ye Chen would have brought his girlfriend with him, he would show them off too, show them to death!

The thunder chariot was driving at extreme speed.




A strange sound came, and Ye Chen looked outside with some doubts.

Wrapped in formation, Ye Chen couldn't see anything at all.

"A monster crashed into the chariot!"

At this moment, Dongfang Yuntian spoke up and explained to Ye Chen.

"Is it serious?"

"Probably not too optimistic!"

After Dongfang Yuntian finished speaking, he frowned and looked solemnly into the distance.

"There is a wave of nearly 100,000 monsters in the distance. According to the trajectory of the thunder chariot, I am afraid that they will collide with each other in a short time!"

Dongfang Yuntian explained, and then rubbed Yu Qianqian who was a little nervous.

Dongfang Yuntian's voice was very low, and only Ye Chen and Xi Qingqing could hear it.

If other people hear it, they will make trouble.

It's not that the Thunder Chariot has never been attacked by beast hordes, although most of them have nothing to do with it.

But there are still a few of them, unlucky enough to run into monsters above the eighth rank. But no matter what, there were several eighth-rank Grandmasters accompanying them on the car, and they successfully dealt with the monsters, which prevented the car from crashing and killing people, but hundreds of people still died because of it!


Dongfang Yuntian gave a soft drink, and then the sound of violent impact spread throughout the carriage.

"Ah! What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"It's a beast tide! We've encountered a beast tide."

"Mom, I don't want to die, I'm still young, I'm still a..."

"Passengers, don't worry, nothing will happen. The train's protective array is very safe. Please keep quiet and don't move around!"


The car was in a mess for a while, and after hearing what the flight attendant said, it gradually calmed down.

But everyone's eyes were full of worry and panic.

Broken, there are ninth-level monsters!"

Dongfang Yuntian, who didn't think so at first, suddenly shouted in surprise, because he suddenly sensed the aura of a ninth-level monster.

It was too late, it was about to collide with the front of the car!

Passengers, don't maliciously create panic, I have the right to control you!"

Passing flight attendants hurriedly shouted to stop.

I'm afraid that the atmosphere that has just stabilized will become chaotic again.



The thunder chariot shook violently, and a roar of a monster beast was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"Formation, broken!"

The eyes of the flight attendant gradually became terrified, and the body began to tremble uncontrollably, facing the threat of death, human life is so fragile.

"Damn it, it's a ninth-level monster, we won't be able to resist it for long!"

"If you can't stop it, you have to stop it, think about the people behind you, we have no way out!"

The three eighth-rank masters who followed the car slammed into the ninth-rank monster, trying to stop the monster's actions with all their might.

It's a pity that the thunder chariot under attack stopped suddenly, its kinetic energy was damaged, and it might take at least ten minutes to recover.

"We are finished, we can't escape at all!"

In the front of the car, the train conductor knelt down on the ground in despair.

Originally relying on three eighth-rank grand masters to save their lives, the Thunder Chariot, with its excellent speed, is very likely to throw off the beast tide.

But now nothing is possible.

"Yun Tian, ​​the three of them are heroes, don't let them die!"

The 820 train stopped, and everything outside could be observed, Ye Chen said very seriously.

"I'm afraid I don't need to take action, suzerain look!"

I saw the three eighth-level masters struggling to resist the attack of the ninth-level monsters, and they were about to be unable to resist. A shocking sword qi came from afar, and it slashed the monster tens of meters away.

"How dare you be so presumptuous in our Dragon Kingdom, die!"

I saw a young warrior flying in the air, looking at the ninth-level monster with sharp eyes.

The long sword in his hand danced lightly, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, and he collided violently with the monster.

The person who came was a ninth-level golden body master, and his cultivation base was not weak, and for a while, he suppressed the monster beast at the beginning of the ninth level and beat him violently.

After beating for a full ten minutes, the young ninth-rank powerhouse also released his anger, and suddenly burst out with strong sword energy, tearing him into pieces, and he couldn't die anymore!

"Thank you, my lord, for your help!"

Seeing this, the three eighth-rank grand masters stepped forward to express their thanks one after another.

"You're welcome, it's your duty!"

The young ninth-rank powerhouse hurriedly returned the salute. He respected the three of them very much.

It turned out that the young ninth-rank powerhouse belonged to a member called the God Killing Legion, which was said to be very mysterious.

It was founded by a very young girl who served as the Legion Master of the Godslayer Legion.

The deputy head of the army is a strong man in the King of Martial Realm, which is really weird!

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