Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 114: The Battle Is Intense, Prepare For A Protracted Battle!

Although in the central plain, apart from Fang Tianqi who had not yet recovered, there were only ten Wu Kings stationed on Ye Chen's side.

The pressure is very great, and if one is not careful, there is even the threat of annihilation of the entire army.

Must be treated with caution!

Behind the monster!

"Han Bing! You idiot, you dare to lead the Demon King class to attack humans privately, causing heavy losses to the Silver Lion King!"

I saw the Thunder Leopard Demon King Lei Yan looking at the Ice Lion King full of resentment.

"My lord, I didn't expect this group of humans to be so powerful!"

The Ice Lion King felt a little wronged for a while, and originally wanted to wipe out the humans who invaded the Central Plains.

Fortunately, he received the credit in front of Lord Demon General, but as a result, the good did not come to pass, but there were many bad things.

Its boss, like the Thunder Leopard Demon King, is at the late stage of the Demon King Realm.

So after making such a big mistake, it can only criticize and underestimate the merits.

If its boss is here, it will definitely be severely punished.

Thinking of this, the Ice Lion King trembled violently. If he can't perform well in this battle, even his boss may not be able to keep him.

"That powerful human Martial King is definitely not capable of fighting, so you guys should lead someone to attack tentatively!"


After finishing speaking, Leibao Demon King closed his eyes and got up to rest.

It seems that it is very easy to fight against humans.

That's right, in its eyes, human beings are nothing more than a few martial kings, and its subordinates are now more than twenty demon kings.

Afraid of losing the Central Plains?

"Roar! Human beings, die!"

The Ice Lion King led four mid-stage demon kings and seven early-stage demon kings to attack Qinglong City aggressively from the air.

"It seems that the monsters don't understand our combat power, the twelve monster kings, let's keep them all this time!"

"Sincerity, Shi Yun, the two of you lead a middle-stage Martial King Realm and three early-stage Martial King Realms, and take them down!"

Ye Chen smiled evilly, knowing that the opportunity had come, and the monster's carelessness would definitely make it pay the price.

These twelve demon kings are the best lesson!

Six terrifying auras suddenly rose from Qinglong City, colliding with the demon kings in the blink of an eye.

After just one encounter, two mid-stage demon kings and five mid-stage demon kings fell to the ground.

There is no more life!

Ma Dan! Late stage of the Martial King Realm!"

What happened suddenly caught the monsters by surprise.

In just one encounter, the monsters lost two mid-stage demon kings and five early-stage demon kings.

The rest of the demon kings turned around and fled, and there was not much difference in strength between them. Since they disappeared after meeting each other, then I must be the same (dbec)!

Lin Chengyi and others rushed to kill the fleeing monsters.

"What? Late Martial King? How is it possible?"

"Didn't King Wu of the human race be stopped in Xuanwu City in the late stage?"

Sensing the shocking attack that just erupted, Leibao Demon Wang Meng opened his eyes and rushed towards the battlefield!

"no no!"

Seeing the figure of the Thunder Leopard Demon King, the Ice Lion King was very happy, it felt that it was saved.

But the saber intent following closely behind was getting closer and closer, and finally broke its illusion.

How can the demon king in the middle stage of Japan resist a full-strength strike in the late stage of the Wuwang Realm?

Just like that, Lin Chengyi split the Ice Lion King in half in front of the Thunder Leopard Demon King.

With an overwhelming attack, the twelve incoming demon kings were all beheaded with a devastating force.

At this time, the Thunder Leopard Demon King was furious, but it had to evacuate quickly. Most of the high-end power in its hands fell together with the Ice Lion King, and there are only a dozen crooked melon cracked dates left. How can they beat the human beings on the opposite side?

"Continue to attack!"

Seeing that the Human Race King Wu didn't come after him, the Thunder Leopard Demon King was overjoyed for a while. If the human race came over with all their brains, they would definitely not be able to stop them.

Fortunately, the human race does not know the strength of the monsters, and the monsters do not know the strength of the human race. The day of the decisive battle will never come!

He ordered his subordinates not to attack at the demon king level and above, and the rest of the monsters continued to harass the human line of defense. It quietly left the battlefield, asking for support!

"Okay! Now we can have a good time with the monsters! Kill more than a dozen monster kings, and it depends on whether you feel bad!"

"Sovereign, why don't we take the opportunity to suppress the situation and wipe out all the monsters' vitality in one fell swoop!"

At this time, an elder of King Wujing suggested.

"Inappropriate! As the old saying goes, don't chase after the poor. We don't know the strength of the monster side. Once we fall into the siege, we will definitely suffer heavy losses. We can't afford it!"

Ye Chen pondered for a moment, then analyzed.

"I'm afraid we are about to prepare for a protracted war!"

Ye Chen said in a low voice.

Behind him are millions of human lives, "He can't be willful!

Just be steady!

According to the regulations of monsters and humans, humans in the demon king and martial king realm are not allowed to attack the following monsters and humans at will.

After all, a strong person above King Realm can kill more than a dozen rank nines with a single blow, not to mention those of lower ranks!

"Ask how the battle situation in other cities is? Do you need high-end combat power support?"

Ye Chen sent a message to the identity token, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and he had to keep an eye on the information of other cities.

Beware of monster attacks!

He doesn't know how many Martial Kings there are in other cities, but there is only one Martial King in Pioneer City, Ye Chen!

Inside Xuanwu City!

"City Lord! The monsters are attacking too fiercely! The resource consumption of defending the city is too high. If this continues, it will not be able to support a ancestor!"

Lin Tian, ​​the lord of Xuanwu City, heard the report from his subordinates, and walked back and forth anxiously in the hall of the lord of the city.

"Pass down the order, the psychic cannon will be used according to the scale of the beast tide, and save ammunition as much as possible!"

Lin Tian sighed and said helplessly.

I can only do this, and I hope that the casualties of the ground defense forces will not be too large.

"The demon king has made a move!"

Suddenly, Lin Tian noticed something strange in the outside world, and looked into the distance with a pair of sharp eyes.

"Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianyang, get out and die!"

I saw seven monsters with terrifying aura shouting in the air.

The old opponent of Xuanwu City, the Double-headed Snake King in the middle stage of King Realm, the Flame Lion King in the late King Realm, the Giant Rock Sheep King in the late King Realm, and the Lava Beast King in the late King Realm. Qi Qi shows up!

Although they have not advanced, their strength has become even more terrifying!

There are also three middle-stage demon kings that have never been seen before.

"Hmph! Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

There was an extremely domineering voice in the city.

Afterwards, accompanied by a figure that seemed to be able to cut off all sword intents, it rushed up to the sky!

"Li Zicheng, you actually broke through to the peak of the Martial King Realm!"

Feeling its deep aura, the Flaming Lion King shouted tremblingly.

Li Zicheng in the late stage of Wuwangjing is already very terrifying,

Behind him, two figures followed closely behind.

They are four newly promoted Martial Kings!

Seeing that Zhang Xianyang didn't come, the Flame Lion King was relieved. It's not too much for Li Zicheng to advance to the peak of Wuwangjing and Zhang Xianyang to advance to the late stage of Wuwangjing.

Fortunately, there are only four new martial kings, there are still more to fight in this battle!.

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