Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 130: Broken Chrysanthemums And Wounds Everywhere! Eggy's Sadness!

This little guy is actually a monster beast at the peak of the Demon King Realm, and its combat power has surprisingly reached the half-step Demon King Realm!

It's unbelievable, it's amazing.

"Shifeng, it is a monster at the peak of the Demon King Realm. Its combat power can reach half a step of the Demon King Realm. It mainly focuses on assassination, so be careful!"

Ye Chen shouted at Cui Shifeng.

When Cui Shifeng heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his fighting spirit reached its peak.

Half-step Demon Emperor Realm, he has long wanted to fight with it, and he can tell which one is weaker.

"Boy, how did you know about me!"

Suddenly, the demon king spoke.

"I'll tell you after I call!"

Cui Shifeng snorted coldly and attacked him violently.

Countless sword qi passed by, but was easily dodged by the shadow hunter.

Seeing Cui Shifeng in the battle, Ye Chen quickly turned his attention to the remaining two demon kings.

There are many fatal injuries on them, as long as they hit, even if they only have the combat power of the middle stage of the Martial King Realm, they can still kill them!

"Hey hey hey! Suffer death!"

Ye Chen smiled wickedly, and took out a special ninth-tier spear.

"Lone Leaf—Drop Gun!"

As usual, almost half of the blood in his body disappeared, and he suddenly stabbed one of the demon kings to the point of chills!

Then, Ye Chen looked at the other one.

I saw that it was still moving its huge body with difficulty. Although the speed was slow, it couldn't support its huge body!

In just a short while, he was already thousands of meters away from Ye Chen.

"You're so bad, why don't you pee and wait to die?"

Ye Chen muttered something, and then threw the spear in his hand!

"Human, you must die!"

Feeling the approach of death, the demon king roared angrily to the sky, and then disappeared without a breath.

Just when Ye Chen was relaxing, he glanced back and almost scared Hun Er away.

I saw a black shadow suddenly attacking Ye Chen, and the breath of death rushed towards him.

It's dark, it's designated as a shadow hunter, and my life is over!


A phantom of a huge sword fell down, violently knocking the shadow hunter out.

Ye Chen took a look, and found that it was Cui Shifeng's sword intent. Saved Ye Chen, looking at this more and more solid phantom, I am afraid that Cui Shifeng's sword intent is getting closer and closer to perfection!

The battlefield of high-level powerhouses really can't get too close, Ye Chen hastily moved away from the battlefield.

Looking at them from a distance, although the distance is far, it is better to be safe.

Ye Chen could finally breathe a sigh of relief, the feeling just now was really unpleasant.

This damned shadow hunter, he will be skinned and cramped sooner or later, braised in soy sauce and steamed!

Ye Chen thought viciously in his heart.

The shadow hunter's heart became more and more anxious.

Although it is at the peak of the Demon King Realm, with its outstanding talent, it can assassinate those who are half-step to the King Realm.

But the human beings in front of it are really too strong, if it is fighting a demon king in front of it, it wouldn't be so anxious.

The sword intent of human beings is too perverted, making it often impossible to attack.

And several times, it was almost killed.

Its speed assassination is the key to victory, and its defense is very weak, even some monsters in the middle stage of the Demon King Realm may not be able to match it.

That's why the three demon kings waited until the last moment to show up. They didn't expect to run into Ye Chen.

As long as the corpses of the three demon kings are devoured, its realm may be able to go one step further, and it will be one point closer to the legendary realm.

But all of this was ruined by Ye Chen!

It now hates Ye Chen so much, especially when it failed to attack and kill Ye Chen just now, and was rubbed by the sword energy.

My whole body feels like it's falling apart.

The hatred grows stronger!

But it can't do anything now, it can't kill this unsightly guy in front of it.

"If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about no firewood!"

Yes, Shadowhunters wanted to escape.

It kept dodging Cui Shifeng's attack, and sometimes attacked violently to harass Cui Shifeng.

Constantly checking the escape route.

Ye Chen calmly recovered his vitality from a distance, and after he fully recovered, he shot it twice, not to hurt it.

But to harass it and vent its anger.

The gap between him and the peak of the Demon King Realm is too great, not to mention this guy whose combat power is half a step up to the King Realm!

"It's time, if the green mountains don't change, the green waters will flow forever, you two, I will remember! Next time we meet, if you don't take revenge, you will not be beasts!"

The Shadow Hunter found a gap and fled backwards.

"Not good! It's going to escape!"

Cui Shifeng also discovered its intention and wanted to stop it desperately. If an assassin of this level is escaped by it, it will be difficult to catch it in the future.

"Small, you are still fighting with the young master, and you are practicing for three to five hundred years!"


Before the Shadow Hunter could be happy, two cracking sounds suddenly came from the air.


I saw a spear hit the ground in front of me suddenly, causing a violent sound.

"Long gun?"


Before the Shadow Hunter could react, a long spear pierced its lower body with a chill!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Master's egg! Damn human!"

The shrill screams resounded for hundreds of miles!

At this time, Ye Chen stared blankly at the screaming shadow hunter in the distance.

The mouth is long and big, and one hand covers the mouth, don't mention how surprised it is.

Those two shots were thrown by Ye Chen, and these two shots almost drained the blood of his whole body, just to sicken the shadow hunter.

Unexpectedly, one of the shots hit the fleeing shadow hunter.

God bless!

"As expected of the suzerain, he is strong! The shadow hunter who couldn't even catch himself, he nailed it to the ground with two shots

Cui Shifeng looked at Ye Chen in surprise, his eyes full of admiration.

Ye Chen also felt Cui Shifeng's fiery gaze, and scratched his head in embarrassment. I didn't mean it, do you believe it?

If the Shadow Hunter knew about this, he would scold him: "Then you did it on purpose!"

Cui Shifeng was afraid that the shadow hunter would escape, so he hurried forward and broke his limbs. He had already noticed that the demon king's defense was very weak.

Otherwise, it would not be penetrated by Ye Chen's spear.

After Cui Shifeng broke his limbs, he felt unsafe. After all, this is a demon king who can kill a half-step emperor. What if the suzerain is injured in a violent incident?

Then he chopped off all his limbs, and then he was relieved.

Ye Chen also rushed over at this time, not only sucked in a breath of air when he saw the miserable state of this monster.

I saw that its lower body had been pierced by the spear from the buttocks and was nailed to the ground, and its two testicles were also shattered by the remaining power!

Ye Chen shuddered, the sadness of the Japanese balls hit!

"The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is full of wounds, your smile has turned yellow, and the flowers are broken, and my heart is broken, and I lie down quietly!"

Suddenly a few words came out of Ye Chen's head.

Ye Chen expressed his silent condolences, he didn't do it on purpose!

Ye Chen hurriedly crossed his knees to recover his blood, and he could only rely on his Heavenly Spear martial skill if he wanted to cause fatal injuries to the Shadow Hunter.

He wants to fruit it himself!.

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