Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 138 Riot In The Forbidden Mountains, Beast Surge Attacks Red Moon City!

After going to the nearest large city, Changhong City, sell all the spoils as soon as possible, and gather more than 12 million spirit stones to upgrade the skills.

After making the decision, Ye Chen just wanted to take Cui Shifeng to continue searching for the trace of the demon king.

Boom! Boom!

Bursts of violent noise sounded from a distance, and even Ye Chen felt the ground shaking.

"Could it be that the sky-swallowing vine has caused trouble?"

"It's possible, suzerain, why don't we retreat first and come back in two days!"

Ye Chen thought for a moment and said: "Then go to Red Moon City first, and Yunyan and the others will be reconciled, my life is important!"

After finishing speaking, Cui Shifeng took him into the air and flew towards the direction of Red Moon City at a high speed.

"Master, why hasn't he come back? Xiao Rou wants to go out and play!"

In Red Moon City, in a large inn, Yun Xiaorou was playing with flowers and plants in every possible way.

Several plants in the house were almost destroyed by her.

"Xiaorou, be obedient and be good. When your master comes, I will take you out to play!"

Lan Yuying coaxed Yun Xiaorou with a gentle face.

"The suzerain is back!"

Suddenly, Yun Yan outside the door let out an exclamation, and Yun Xiaorou suddenly jumped up and ran towards the outside of the house.

"Oh, my little ancestor, he has gained so much weight in just a few days!"

Yun Xiaorou saw Ye Chen at once, and jumped into Ye Chen's arms happily.

"Xiaorou is not fat, Xiaorou is growing now!"

Yun Xiaorou curled her mouth and said unhappily.

"Okay! Xiaorou is not fat! After so many days, are you bored? Master will take you out to play!"

Seeing his precious apprentice, Ye Chen was also very happy, and the depression in his heart also dissipated.

Just like that, Ye Chen, who just came back, didn't take a break, and took Yun Xiaorou to go shopping in Red Moon City!


In a small plain near the Forbidden Mountains, there is a mercenary squad consisting of more than thirty people chasing a group of prairie wolves!

"Let me be quick, the pocket array is ready for me! If you let them run away, you won't have dinner tonight!"

At this time, a strong man with a height of two meters roared loudly, it can be seen how excited he is at this time.

As long as they win this big order, their team will not have to worry about eating and drinking this month.

As the captain of the team, he has broken his heart for the whole team, and he will not miss this good opportunity.

Suddenly, nearly a hundred prairie wolves were like frightened wild horses, ignoring the obstruction of the mercenary team.

Rampantly tore a hole and fled, no one noticed that all the prairie wolves fled with their tails between their legs.

"What are you doing to eat? Why did you let the monster run away? Let's drink the northwest wind this month!"

Facing the captain's roar, the team members drooped their heads with grievances on their faces.

Their team has done hunting like today's many times, and it has never happened like today.

"Captain, it's not our fault, this group of monsters seem to have gone crazy, they ignore us at all, as if they are fleeing for their lives!"

One of the team members muttered softly.

"You're still making excuses, you..."

Before the captain finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and thought about it.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something terrible, the sweat on his face brushed all over his forehead.

The captain quickly lay down on the ground, with his ears on the ground, and listened carefully!

"Captain, what are you doing here, the floor is dirty, get up!"

"Shut up and be quiet!"

The captain continued to close his ears, as if he was listening to something!

"It's not right, it's not right, this sound is not right!"

"Quick, quick, everyone packed up their equipment and hurried back to Red Moon City. No, no, don't pack up, retreat quickly!"

The captain stood up abruptly and shouted.

"Captain, what happened, shall we stop hunting monsters?"

The rest of the team members asked curiously one by one.

"The beast tide is coming, if you want to stay here to feed the monsters, I don't mind!"

As soon as the captain's voice fell, the surrounding players looked in disbelief, thinking that the captain was joking.

But seeing the captain sternly yelling at everyone to retreat, he didn't seem to be joking, and panicked all of a sudden!

They all followed suit.

"Hey! Shilin, why are you running? There is a woman chasing you! Hahaha!"

Just as the captain Liu Shilin led his men to run wildly, he ran into his deadly enemy Wang Feng.

His nemesis is still taunting him constantly.

"I advise you to bring your people and run quickly, the beast tide is coming!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Shilin continued to jump to Hongyong City regardless of them and brought his people.

"Beast tide, aren't you dreaming! You coward, think it's a beast tide at the slightest sign of trouble!"

Wang Feng spat, and he and his subordinates mocked Liu Shilin.

Ten minutes later, Wang Feng and his men were constantly looking for traces of the monsters, and he was puzzled at this moment.

It's been so long, but I haven't even seen a monster, it's unscientific!

An atmosphere of a certain Ming shrouded in my heart, could it be that his deadly enemy didn't lie to himself?

Then he shook his head vigorously, how could he believe Liu Shilin's nonsense, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a strange sound came from a distance, and the sound became louder and closer.

Even the ground under everyone's feet was trembling.

々.Run! It's a beast tide!"

Everyone fled back in panic, even throwing away their equipment.

I can't wait to grow two more legs, for fear that I will run slowly.

It's a pity that they were already too late, and within a few minutes, the mighty army of monsters had already arrived in front of everyone.

Everyone was crying for their father and mother, and some even looked back at the countless beast hordes, their legs went limp, and they collapsed on the ground.

But no one went to help them.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

After a few screams, the sound stopped abruptly.


How could two legs be as good as four? In the blink of an eye, everyone was swallowed by the beast tide (Zhao Nuo's).

At this moment, everyone in Liu Shilin came to the gate of Hongyue City out of breath, shouting: "Lu Chao is here! Lu Chao is here!"

"Liu Shilin, it's not like you don't know the consequences of lying about military information!"

At this time, the officer guarding the city came, and it turned out that he also knew Liu Shilin.

"I swear on my head!"

Seeing Liu Shilin's serious face, the city guard fell silent.

"Close the city gates, assemble urgently, and sound the alarm!"

As the siren sounded throughout the Red Moon City, everyone was thrown into chaos.

This will sound only when the beast tide comes!

"Huh? What sound donkey?"

At this time, Ye Chen was still playing around with Yun Xiaorou, but the turmoil that followed made everyone stunned.

"It's not good, suzerain, this is Zeng Chaobao! There is an army of monsters coming to attack the city!"

"We can either leave here quickly before the beast tide comes, or we can only block the beast tide."

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