Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 141 War Fortress! Charming Lady Boss!

Jin Shovel, who slept until noon, didn't notice at all that Ye Chen and the others had already left.

Still sound asleep!

"Brother! You lied to me!"

"I will definitely find you!"

A miserable cry came from the inn!

This thigh, I have a golden shovel to grab it.

"Let's hurry up and try to reach Changhong City before the sun goes down!"

Everyone spent the whole morning traveling around, so Ye Chen proposed to fly over in the air.

Yun Xiaorou also had a good time, and the next thing is to hurry on the road at full speed.

After two hours of extremely fast flight, Ye Chen and others finally saw the whole picture of Changhong City.

Surprisingly, there are several war fortresses around the huge city. If it encounters a beast horde attack, this is the first position to meet the enemy!

"It's so cool! I'll make a few in Azure Dragon City later on!"

Looking at the fortresses built for war in "Seven Eight Seven", Ye Chen is very greedy, wishing to go back and see some of them now.

"It turns out that this is a war fortress in a large city, so handsome!"

At this time, Yun Yan couldn't help admiring, the iron bastard made of special ore was as solid as gold. Even if it is a monster king level, it will take a while to destroy it, let alone low-level monsters

Can't break through at all.

Even a large number of ninth-level monsters will have to attack for most of the day!

There are countless tools for attacking around him, which is enough to illustrate the lethality of this big guy. Coupled with the large number of warriors guarding it, it can be said to be easy to defend but difficult to attack, an excellent defensive weapon!

The cost of this thing is even more expensive. It can be said that it is worthy of a large city, but it is rich!

This is still an ordinary large city. If it were the main city of the Gabriel Empire, it would be even more luxurious.

If you have a chance, you must go and have a look.

Facing the full crowd, Ye Chen and the others successfully entered Changhong City.

Not only is the site nearly ten times larger than that of a medium-sized city, but even the houses, food and living environment, etc. have also been upgraded to a higher level.

"Yunyan, this inn is really good, you guys stay here first, and Shifeng and I go to sell some things first!"

"Master, I'm going too! I don't want to stay in the house, it's so boring!"

Seeing Yun Xiaorou's pitiful appearance, Ye Chen rubbed her little head and said: "Xiaorou, be good, be obedient, master will take you out to play when he comes back!

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't agree, Yun Xiaorou directly used his nirvana.

A pair of big teary eyes stared at Ye Chen pitifully.

"Forget it, let Xiaorou follow me, and you and Yuying, Yunyan, go shopping too! Live a two-person world!"

Ye Chen said helplessly that he couldn't stand Xiaorou's pitiful appearance, so he had to take her to the largest monster sales area in Changhong City.

And Yunyan and Lan Yuying looked at each other and smiled, holding hands to check in first, and then the two went out happily.

"Sovereign, this Changhong City is not simple! Martial King class can be seen everywhere!"

Hearing Cui Shifeng's words, Ye Chen was very curious. Is there such a big gap between this large city and a medium-sized city?

Let's deal with the second batch of spoils, how many spirit stones will we get!"

Ye Chen is now eager to get more spirit stones, and now he will increase the level of his skills.

Feeling empty, he doesn't want to be naked again in this life.

"Two guest officers, please come inside! Do the guest officers want to buy monster meat, or to deal with the harvested monsters?"

Just walked into a luxurious store, the welcome guest in the store walked up quickly and asked with a smile on his face.

"Are there no girls?"

Ye Chen said with a look of disgust.

"Um, guest officer, we don't have any special services here, right next to you."

Hearing the words of the welcome guest, Ye Chen was puzzled. I asked the female welcome guest, you and I will spend the night together.

Not to mention that this aroused Ye Chen's interest, when was the last time I went to Hualou.

"Did I mean that there are no female guests? Who asked you about the flowers!"

"Ah, this. I'm really sorry, the villain misheard, the staff in our store are all men!"

At this time, Yingbin said to Ye Chen with an embarrassed face.

"Okay! Forget it!"

Ye Chen shook his head, thinking he could see a young lady with long legs!

After such a long time of eating and sleeping, Ye Chen has not seen a beautiful woman for a long time, and I really miss the days in Blue Star.

"What happened!"

A soft voice came from the stairs and caught the eyes of Ye Chen and Cui Shifeng.

A seductive woman under the age of thirty, dressed in a purple cheongsam, just appeared in front of everyone.

Ye Chen was dumbfounded by those big white legs.

"Sovereign, this person is a Martial King level master!"

"? King Wu?"

Ye Chen suddenly came back to his senses, good guy, he turned out to be a martial arts master

She's still a big beauty, it's too scary, I don't know how many people desire her, and she is being repaired miserably.

Just think about it and mourn for those people.

"Boss, this guest wants a female welcome! But we are all men!"

The welcoming guest replied cautiously.

"Oh? How about this, I will receive them, you go to work!"

"Yes, boss!"

There was a huge wave in Yingbin's heart, their shop manager was a cold goddess, and she would never receive guests.

Even those big and powerful characters are just received by the female steward next to the boss!

"Brother, my sister's name is Xiao Yu'er, it would be nice to receive you in person!"

This charming voice reached Ye Chen's ears, causing ripples.

"Ha! Well, boss, I have a group of monsters that I have killed, will you accept them here!"

Ye Chen blushed, and quickly changed the topic to get down to business.

It has to be said that this woman is not simple, and Ye Chen was almost tricked by her charming skills.

Yun Xiaorou looked at her master with a smirk on her face.

Cui Shifeng on the side stared coldly at the seductive woman, if she dared to do anything to threaten Ye Chen, she would be a saint!

"Let's talk in the backyard!"

The female boss smiled lightly, twisting her buttocks to lead Ye Chen the way.

"This female fairy is strong enough!"

Ye Chen couldn't help muttering in a low voice, and then suppressed the evil 2.8 fire in his lower abdomen and turned it on.

Seeing the backyard Xiao Yuer was talking about, Ye Chen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth!

This is not a backyard, three or five football fields are enough!

Xiao Yuer asked Ye Chen to release the corpse of the monster. The appraisers here are professional enough to trade after the value is calculated!

Looking at the smiling Xiao Yu'er, Ye Chen gave a wicked smile, thinking in his heart that he wouldn't be able to scare this coquette to death!

Afterwards, thousands of low-level monster beast corpses were taken out of the storage bag, and the appraiser who was curiously looking at them was stunned when he saw the monster beasts piled up in a mountain.

There are almost 10,000 at least, and even their huge backyard can hardly hold them.

"Brother, it's not easy, so many monsters are quite strong!"

Xiao Yuer is also someone who has seen big winds and waves, not to mention nearly ten thousand low-level monsters, she has seen even hundreds of thousands. .

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