Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 144 Dog Skin Plaster Can't Be Shaken Off! New Recruit!

"Good job! See you here!"

Cui Shifeng could tell at a glance that the city lord was in the middle stage of the Martial Emperor Realm, and he was about to try it out. The gap with the middle stage of the Martial Emperor Realm was not that big!

"Get out!"

There were still people watching the theater in the sky, and when they saw the two Martial Emperors fighting, they were so frightened that they hurriedly hid away.

The roar caused by the collision of the two sword intents in the sky was really ear-piercing.

Ye Chen who just fell asleep was woken up again.

Looking at the figure fighting in the air, his anger was suppressed all of a sudden.

"Good guy, when you wake up, you can watch the Emperor Wu fighting!"

Ye Chen took out a handful of melon seeds, a drink, and began to watch the show while eating.

"Why does this martial skill look so familiar?"

Ye Chen is the one who looks more and more wrong, and is fighting in the sky, this is not Cui Shifeng District!

Ye Chen nearly choked to death with a sip of drink, then stood up abruptly, and went to ask Yun Yan if she knew what was going on.

Fighting at the Martial Emperor level is not a trivial matter, if you are not careful, it will be a life and death crisis.

What's more, it is not on its own territory now, without support, and the battle with Emperor Wu can be avoided if it can be avoided.

In the sky, Bai Fanhai, the city lord, became more and more frightened. Although he had just advanced to the middle stage of the Martial Emperor Realm, he was a real middle stage Martial Emperor Realm.

And what about the person who fought against him? It's only half a step to the imperial realm and 017, not even the early Martial Emperor.

It's too scary to still press myself to fight now.


When Bai Fanhai didn't pay attention, a sword intent sliced ​​through his arm, and everyone below was stunned.

Their city lord was injured!

"Wan Lao, the sun is rising!"

He has already affirmed that by himself alone, not to mention taking down the other party, it is already very good not to be taken down by the other party.

He had to join forces with another Martial Emperor. This kind of strong man could not be killed, but could only be suppressed.

"Two Martial Emperors? Fight as usual!"

Cui Shifeng was fighting vigorously, but he still fought comfortably with the human race.

He also saw that the opponent did not kill him, but just wanted to defeat him.

In this case, Cui Shifeng also followed the opposite party's intention, and communicated with Wu at that time.

With the addition of another Martial Emperor, Cui Shifeng fell into a disadvantage for a while, but he was still full of energy, without the slightest fear!

The two sword intents are mixed with saber intent, colliding with each other constantly.

"Fire blazes!"

A huge wave of flames hundreds of meters wide rushed towards Cui Shifeng, and Cui Shifeng quickly dodged when he saw it.

This flame is not a joke, he can't disperse it with his sword (dbab) intention alone, he can only hide!

Seeing this, Wan Lao frowned, this was his strongest blow, attacking him with this flame killed three monsters in the Demon Emperor Realm.

Now I haven't even touched a single hair of the other party,

"Your Excellency, it doesn't make sense to continue the fight, why don't you sit down and talk!"

The battle situation was tense for three hours, and in the end, no one could do anything to anyone.

Master Bai Cheng had no choice but to give a step, hoping that the other party could sit down and talk.

He felt that there must be some misunderstanding, just explain it clearly, otherwise the other party would not fail to kill him.

Seeing Cui Shifeng stop attacking, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just like that, the three of them turned into a beam of light and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

"Who the hell is the other party? It's so hard to separate us from the two of us Wu Zhi."

"I hope it's just a misunderstanding, so we might add a new Martial Emperor!"

"What good things are you thinking about! You think that masters in the Martial Emperor Realm are Chinese cabbages, and if you grab a handful, it is already very good that we have two Martial Emperors in Changhong City! I heard that most of the large cities only have one Martial Emperor territory!"

"I have to say that the battle between the Martial Emperors is really great, and it has benefited me a lot!"

"I don't even want to expose you. Can you see clearly that the battle between Wu Huang is so fast, and you have benefited a lot!"

After the three of them left, the entire Changhong City was on fire, and everyone was discussing the earth-shattering battle just now.

"It seems that Shifeng is not in danger. If so, I will deal with the remaining spoils first!"

Ye Chen told Yunyan to stay in the inn, and then left to go to Xiao Yuer!

"Finally finished counting, I'm really exhausted!"

"If there's another batch like this, I'll have to pump too much!"

In Nuo Da's venue, the corpses of monsters piled up had disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, it's finished? There's still another batch! Work hard, hold tight!"

Seeing this, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then took out the remaining storage bags, and the once deserted venue was filled to the brim.


Some appraisers saw it and directly smoked it.

Ye Chen leisurely left, leaving a group of tricksters.

This is a super big business, Ye Chen can't believe they are not interested.

"Sovereign, the matter has been dealt with, and those participants will be punished!"

As soon as Ye Chen came back, he happened to run into Cui Shifeng. He saluted Ye Chen and explained what happened afterwards.

"It's okay, at least they are the city lords, let's put down our heads and admit our mistakes, and we can't embarrass them anymore!"

Ye Chen was very pleased with Cui Shifeng's strength.

The next step is to wait patiently, and when the loot is sold out, the game is almost over.

Then you can move on!

"Brother! Brother, I finally found you!"

Ye Chen, who was wandering on the street, seemed to hear a familiar voice, and turned his head to look.

"Golden shovel! Why are you? How did you find this place!"

Ye Chen was very surprised when he saw that it was a golden shovel.

It was incredible for him to find this place.

"Brother, you agreed not to abandon me, you lied to me!"

"Do you know what I've been through these two days? It's horrible!"

In front of so many people, Jin Shovel threw himself down in front of Ye Chen, hugging his thigh with snot and tears.

Seeing this, people around pointed at him.

Seeing Jin Shovel's two big dark circles under his eyes and his tattered clothes, he knew how hard it was to find him.

"Don't call me big brother from now on, it doesn't sound good, call me boss from now on!"

"Buy Taiyang, find a place to wash it well, it's a shame!"

Jin Shovel was in a daze at this moment, he was not allowed to call him Big Brother, but to call him Boss?

It took a while to realize that Ye Chen has accepted him, and he can follow Ye Chen in the future.

"Oh yeah!"

Jin Shovel shoveled Lao Gao, who jumped up, and began to cheer himself up.

"If you don't follow, I'll leave!"

Ye Chen shouted loudly in the distance.

"Yes, big brother, oh no, big brother, I'm coming!"

Jin Shovel happily chased after him, shouting from the front of the boss to the back of the boss.

After tidying up the golden shovel, she is more energetic, but the two big dark circles on her eyes are a bit glaring.

"How did you do it, someone beat you?"

Ye Chen asked curiously. .

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