Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 146 Come To The Front Line Of The Border!

"What a powerful force!"

Feeling the explosive power in his body, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction, but he didn't know how far his defense had reached at this time.

"Shifeng, come and give me a hand!"

Cui Shifeng was stunned by this, and looked at Ye Chen with a puzzled expression.

"It is you who use the power of the early stage of the Martial King Realm first, give it to me!"

Ye Chen said impatiently.

"Sovereign! If you don't dare, your subordinates will hurt you!"

Cui Shifeng was so frightened that he knelt down in front of Ye Chen and kept refusing.

"Don't worry, I have made a big breakthrough in my skills, and my physique has become much stronger now. Now I just want to try to see how far I have reached!"

Cui Shifeng was skeptical after hearing this, but gradually felt relieved when he saw Ye Chen was so sure.

The two found a spacious place and started matching!

"Sovereign be careful, I'm coming!"

Cui Shi's "Eight Thirty" Feng frowned, and slashed out a sword aura that was powerful at the early stage of the Martial King Realm.

In the blink of an eye, it fell on Ye Chen's shoulder.

"I don't feel it, keep going, mid-term power!"

"I almost don't feel it, continue, the later stage is overwhelming!"

"It hurts a bit, go on, peak strength!"

It wasn't until the power at the peak of the Martial King Realm that a white mark was drawn on Ye Chen's skin. At this point, Cui Shifeng no longer increased his strength no matter what he said.

It is estimated that the power of half a step of the emperor's realm will break through Ye Chen's defense. As for the power to kill Ye Chen with one blow, it must be at the martial emperor's realm!

"No, Cui Shifeng only used sword energy, not sword intent at all!"

Ye Chen finally thought of something strange.

"Shifeng, add sword intent, do it again!"

Cui Shifeng sighed, and had no choice but to obey Ye Chen's order. The power of artistic conception is a killer weapon. Cui Shifeng is still a little worried about this!

At the early stage of the Wu King Realm, the strength and sword intent were 20%, and before it touched Ye Chen, the surrounding thunder raged, offsetting the miserable sword intent.

In the mid-stage of the Martial King Realm, the strength and sword intent are 40%, and it is still the same.

In the late stage of Wuwangjing, the strength and sword intent are 60%, and they are starting to eat.

The peak strength of the Martial King Realm, the sword intent was 80%, finally Lei Guang could no longer resist the sword intent, and cut a big hole in Ye Chen's shoulder.


Cui Shifeng hurried forward to check, his face full of anxiety!

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Chen's wounds were slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was much stronger than the indestructible substance possessed by the ninth level.

Knowing his own defense level, Ye Chen felt relieved. In the future, he would be able to fight monsters at the peak of the Demon King Realm one-on-one.

Don't worry about being caught by the other side in seconds if you don't pay attention!

"Since everything is done, let's continue to set off, here is not far from the border!"

Ye Chen looked into the distance and said expectantly.

Three days later!

Ye Chen and his party of six came to a dilapidated medium-sized city, walked in and saw that there were corpses strewn all over the place.

Not only the corpses of humans, but also the corpses of monsters.

"Here, what happened?"

"Oh my god, it couldn't have been breached by a monster!"

Everyone was full of doubts, and even more distressed.

Because they saw the bodies of many children, many of them were incomplete.

Lan Yuying had already covered Yun Xiaorou's eyes to prevent her from seeing such a miserable scene.

"Damn monsters, sooner or later they will drive you all to extinction!"

Jin Shovel punched the wall angrily, smashing through with powerful force.

"There are still people alive!"

Through the big hole, Jin Shovel saw several seriously injured people lying on the ground at a glance.

Ye Chen and others hurried forward to help.


One wounded person just said a word of thanks with tears, and died directly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen sighed deeply and said: "Search for survivors in the city, we need to search for useful information!"

Except for Lan Yuying who took care of Yun Xiaorou, the others stepped up.

After half a day of searching, a medium-sized city with hundreds of thousands of people only found more than a hundred living people.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"What's that sound?"

"It's the command to charge!"

Facing Ye Chen's doubts, Yun Yan gave an explanation.

"Could this be the front line? You stay here to take care of the wounded, Shifeng and I will go check it out!"

"Boss, I'm going too!"

"What are you going to do, give the monster a record! When will you arrive at the King of Martial Arts, bring me to the battlefield!"

After finishing speaking, he and Cui Shifeng flew out!

Jin Shovel lowered his head in disappointment, and his determination to strengthen his strength became firmer in his heart.

Yun Yan patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him.

10 kilometers away from the city!

"Brothers, we can't wait for reinforcements. The monsters have killed so many of us, and we will bite off two bites of their flesh!"

"Fight to the death! Fight to the death! Fight to the death!"

I saw an army of over 10,000 people about to be surrounded by a group of monsters. At that time, it would be impossible to evacuate!

But this battle has long been powerless, since Jiuxiao City was attacked by monsters...

The people in the city and the monsters died together, this war is already doomed to fail! What's more, several monster kings are staring at the sky, and the Wu Wang class in the army has already been killed.

With hatred, everyone is determined to fight the monsters to the death, and pull as many as they can!

When the drum sounded, it represented the command to charge.

All the troops of ten thousand people charged towards the monsters!

In the blink of an eye, ten thousand soldiers were like a sharp long sword, tearing a hole in the densely packed beast tide.

But soon it was blocked by endless monsters.

In just a quarter of an hour, nearly 1,000 soldiers died one after another, and only 5,000 people were besieged, and the encirclement was getting lower and lower.

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

There is a cry in the sky!

I saw more than 5,000 long swords appearing in the air in the blink of an eye, and the sword intent emanating made all the monsters tremble.

It was Ye Chen who came. Seeing that the human soldiers were about to be engulfed by monsters, he directly used the strongest martial art Wanjian to return to the clan!

The number of long swords condensed by the sword intent has increased to more than 5,000 handles, and Ye Chen has only drained all of his energy and blood, and there is nothing wrong with his condition.

Within a few breaths, Ye Chen's qi and blood began to recover slowly. Ye Chen smiled slightly, very satisfied.

He took out several pills to speed up the recovery of qi and blood.

Seeing this, several demon kings shot together. They thought that Ye Chen was a martial king-level powerhouse who came to support them, so they could make a move now.


As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, countless long swords pierced through those monster kings, and the rushing monster beasts below were constantly nailed to the ground or decapitated by the long swords!

Hundreds of thousands of beast hordes wiped out tens of thousands in the blink of an eye, and the number of animals wiped out continued to increase.

"What a powerful martial skill!"

"Brothers, our support is here, go!"

Seeing the sword intent all over the sky, everyone was very surprised, and they all opened their mouths wide to watch this massacre feast.

As someone reacted, everyone started to countercharge the monster!.

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