Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 153 Unexpected Surprise, Sword Pill Gift Pack!

"Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

A loud cry came from the sky, and thousands of long swords appeared, and the fleeing monsters were even more frightened when they saw this.

I think I have lost a few legs.

What was even more frightening was that those demon kings who had just watched the show were beheaded and killed their two demon kings before arriving.

Now they regretted going to the play very much.

Looking at the monsters that kept turning into corpses, Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

After a full three days of siege.

Finally, the last side mission was also completed.

The system task interface also shows that the task can be submitted, except for the very distant main task, the other tasks have been successfully completed!

It’s time to take a big hit too!

"My God of War Lu Bu waved to me again!"

Ye Chen fantasized happily in his heart.

It still takes a long time to digest such a large territory, and it may not even be digested in a year or two.

We can only choose an important strategic location to build a line of defense to prevent the army of monsters from coming back.

As for resources, there are huge places everywhere, and there is no need to carefully select them.

As for these, he will leave it to the military department to worry about it!

And he, Ye Chen, only needs to swallow the huge cake of Zhuifeng Yaohuang, and the military will definitely increase support again.

The formation of legions in Qinglong City and Pioneer City also needs to be put on the agenda. What Ye Chen lacks now is a large number of soldiers.

There is no shortage of high-end combat power for the time being!

It was getting dark, and Ye Chen was sitting alone on the bed in his room, gearing up for a big pump.

Now, Ye Chen has accumulated 300 resource draws and 400 task draws. Prize draw!

As for the 10 imperial weapons, 10 bottles of imperial medicine, 5 imperial exercises, and 20 million spirit stones, all of them are stored in his own system space.

Ye Chen basically didn't need these good things, so he only left an imperial spear, a bottle of imperial healing elixir, and those 20 million spiritual stones.

Give all the rest to Cui Shifeng, let him put it away, let him keep an imperial long sword for himself, and let him go to the Zongmen to put it in the Zongmen Treasure Pavilion when he has time!

These imperial items are still too precious and must be guarded strictly!

And the god-level spirit beast Ye Chen has not been used, and he can only go back to the sect to deal with it when he is free.

The most important thing now is the lucky draw!

Don't care about anything else.

Ye Chen, as always, started the resource draw first, and it was unambiguous, starting directly with three hundred consecutive draws!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 pieces of Ninth Grade Qi and Blood Pills"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 30 Qixue Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 40 Pills of the Eighth Grade Buyuan Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a place in the medicine garden!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a Ninth-Rank Cleansing Marrow Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 sixth-grade spiritual plants!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a spiritual mine!"

Unknowingly, two hundred resource draws have ended, all of which are common goods, just a few marrow washing pills and one or two heaven and earth spiritual objects to comfort Ye Chen's wounded heart.

Originally, Ye Chen didn't have much hope for the resource lottery, what he really cared about was the character lottery, especially Lu Bu, the God of War who Ye Chen was coveting!

"Forget it, what am I expecting!"

Ye Chen shook his head and performed the last Bailian Guru.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 200 Qixue Pills."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 seventh-rank forging body pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 40 Ninth-Rank Immortal Golden Pills!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 imperial elixir, Bodhi Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 king-grade elixir, Mu Huan Dan!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a sword pill gift pack!"

"Hey! Sure enough, all the good things are behind!"

The surprise came too suddenly like a tornado, Ye Chen looked at those few unique and good things with satisfaction.

Not only does it have the precious immortality golden elixir that is related to the promotion of the ninth-rank golden body master [indestructible substance].

There is also a bodhi pill that makes the half-step emperor 100% broken and promoted to the emperor of martial arts.

In front of these two kinds of elixirs, those Wangpin and Huangpin healing elixirs are not worth mentioning!

What surprised Ye Chen the most was the gift pack of sword pills. The sword pills he won last time were the last time.

That kind of power made Ye Chen unforgettable all his life. He didn't expect to draw out a gift bag of sword pills this time, but he didn't know how many pills were in it.

With apprehension, Ye Chen slowly drove the piling.

There are only 51 more sword pills in the system space, among which there are 30 sword intents that contain the peak power of the Martial King Realm, 10 sword intents from the early stage of the Martial King Realm, 10 sword intents from the peak of the Martial King Realm, and finally the Zhongyi of the Martial Saint Realm. 1 piece!

Seeing this, Ye Chen was delighted, not to mention the most powerful sword pill in the Martial Saint Realm. Just the 30 sword pills in the Wu King Realm can protect many cities and kill many Monster King Realm monsters.

It took Ye Chen a long time to put away his excitement, that is the power of the Martial Saint Realm, invincible!

The next step is the character lottery draw. I don’t know what surprises will come next?

Ye Chen directly started to draw a hundred consecutive draws, and no matter what single draws a miracle, he directly made a miracle vigorously!

"々."Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a member of the Dharma Guardian Hall in the late ninth stage!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the seventh-level peak deacon!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a member of the Ninth Stage Early Dharma Protector Hall!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the 1st Martial King Realm Peak Elder!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the 1st rank of late-stage deacon!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining Thank you for your patronage once!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a member of the Dharma Protector Hall in the late ninth stage!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the first elder in the early stage of the Martial King Realm!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the 1st rank of king-level formation master!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the 1st Martial King Realm Peak Elder!"

"Yo! It's just right, I have accumulated two chances to draw mysterious characters!"

Ye Chen was a little surprised, the corner of his mouth twitched (from Li), and then his heart was full of distress.

According to this, except for the five extra lucky points last time, 195 times have been drawn in the total of 400 lucky draws. Thank you for your patronage?

This is too pitiful!

But pain and happiness, anyway, this mysterious character has a lot of what Ye Chen wants, and Ye Chen who is ranked in the top ten wants it all!

This lottery draw has greatly increased the vitality of the Wuji Sect, especially the Martial King class, this time a total of 17 people have been drawn!

It was far beyond Ye Chen's expectation, which was unthinkable in the past.

If 195 times are removed, thank you for your patronage, then there are still 205 times. Before the probability has not increased, it is already thankful to be able to get four or five out of two hundred times.

The half-step King Realm was a little short, and only five were drawn.

Ye Chen doesn't care about this until the eighth and ninth steps are left. Although grassroots power is also important, the most important thing now is high-level power.

After all, compared to other forces, Blue Star is still too weak!.

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