Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 159 Yun Xiaorou, Who Played Crazy, Is Lost!

As soon as Ye Chen went down the mountain, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and Ye Chen took it out with some doubts. Although he fully charges his mobile phone every time he comes out, basically no one calls him

"So it's Ya'er!"

Seeing the name displayed on the phone, Ye Chen smiled and connected the call.

Before Ye Chen could speak, Lin Ya'er's cry came from the phone: "Ah Chen, I lost Xiaorou, what should I do!"

"What? Xiaorou lost it? What's going on, don't worry, I'll go there right away.!"

Ye Chen was startled when he heard this, Xiao Rou was unfamiliar with this place, and it would be dangerous to leave them.

After comforting Lin Yaer, Ye Chen jumped into the air and rushed towards Lin Yaer.

Soon, Ye Chen saw Lin Ya'er stamping back and forth anxiously.

Seeing Ye Chen, Lin Ya'er threw herself into Ye Chen's arms, and burst into tears.

Seeing Lin Ya'er who was crying so loudly, Ye Chen felt distressed and hurried to comfort her.

Lin Ya'er cried for a while, then recovered, and began to explain to Ye Chen what happened.

It turned out that in the past few days, Lin Ya'er took Xiaorou around the entire base. It also made Yun Xiaorou see what a world of flowers is!

Especially the modern snacks, as well as various playgrounds and video game cities, directly made Yun Xiaorou lose herself.

Yun Xiaorou has never seen such a beautiful world in 950, and Yun Xiaorou just went crazy.

When Lin Ya'er was paying the money, she turned around and suddenly found that Xiaorou was missing. She couldn't find it after searching for a long time, so she hurriedly asked the Military Security Department for help.

However, there is no trace of Yun Xiaorou!

In the end, Lin Ya'er had no choice but to call Ye Chen. The matter was urgent, and Ye Chen had to say it no matter how busy she was.

"Even the military department can't do anything?"

Empress Ye began to worry, frowning and thinking secretly.

Ye Chen took out his identity token and began to issue orders to all the disciples of Wu Jizong!

Except for those in the Catacombs, all the disciples and subordinates who were outside received the order.

Everyone put down everything in their hands, regardless of their priorities, and acted urgently.

The entire Shu Road suddenly became lively.

All major forces are inquiring about a little girl named Yun Xiaorou at the same time.

At the same time, a gloomy abandoned factory reopened!

"Boss, we seem to have screwed up!"

A younger brother said with a look of panic.

"The sword has to be fired, we have nowhere to go!"

"Yes, Boss! We only need one hundred thousand spirit stones to complete the task of the adults! If we didn't see how rich this little girl was, we wouldn't have arrested her!"

A small team of more than a dozen people were tightly together, frowning.

The head of the boss, named Qian Duoduo, although his name looks like he has a lot of money, but he is not surprisingly very poor.

But no one dared to laugh at him, because he was a grand master at the peak of the eighth step, and because of his addiction to gambling, he was always poor and stable.

"It seems that this girl can't be sold, so I can only bring one piece as a gift to the adults!"

Qian Duoduo said with a fierce face.

"Boss, where can we get the 100,000 Lingshi gap, there is no time!"

A younger brother asked with a worried look on his face.

"In the past three days, I don't care whether you are going to steal or rob, once the time is up, no matter what, we must withdraw!"

"yes, Sir!"

After Qian Duoduo finished speaking, more than a dozen younger brothers under him scattered and went to act separately.

Qian Duoduo stayed alone in the abandoned factory, looking at the hut.

At this time, Yun Xiaorou is still in a coma, otherwise she will definitely feel the vibration of the identity token!

Ye Chen also tried to contact Yun Xiaorou with an identity token, but there was no response at all, and there was silence like a stone sinking into the sea.

There are only three ways this can happen.

One is that the person holding the identity token puts the token in the storage bag!

The second is that the person holding the token is bound, or comatose, unable to use the token to recover!

The third, and what Ye Chen least wants to see, is that the person holding the identity token is dead!

But fortunately Yun Xiaorou is his apprentice, Ye Chen can see (dbee) their vital signs in the system.

Good thing she's still alive!

"Xiaorou, where are you?"

Ye Chen sighed, he hadn't felt this powerless for a long time.

Yun Xiaorou's eccentric appearance appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

"Hello, family members, this time Xiaoli will live broadcast the haunted house adventure for everyone!"

"Pass by, don't miss it, walk carefully, and witness the moment of miracles!"

I saw a female anchor in revealing clothes, with a whining voice, walking!

Yan Xiaoli, today's first-class female anchor, has quickly become popular in various bases with her proud figure and enviable fan benefits.

But recently, the Internet has begun to strictly investigate, and her small methods have become more and more difficult, and her traffic has also begun to decline.

This made Yan Xiaoli and the company behind her start to worry. No, they decided to take a risk and live broadcast the haunted house tonight.

Rumor has it that there is only one family here, and five members of the family died unexpectedly.

After that, strange things happened frequently in the nearby factory, and finally one night, more than a dozen workers on the night shift all died unexpectedly.

The dead village was even more miserable, and finally the news was suppressed by the military.

"Brother Fan, do you really want to go in? I'm so scared!"

Yan Xiaoli secretly sent a message, and looked around in the dark with some fear.

The audience in the live broadcast room has exceeded one million, and it is still rising.

"Anchor, hurry up, I'm really not afraid!"

"Yes, yes, if you are scared, you should obediently go home and show us the little benefits!"

"What little benefits, buddy, please explain clearly, I almost left!"

"I'll go, the anchor is really bold, this is the scariest and most bizarre place in Shu Dao, pay attention, pay attention!"

"Anchor, if you finish the whole exploration, ten super spaceships will go!"

"Xiaoli, hurry up and see what the live broadcast room looks like! We are not far away, don't be afraid!"

Brother Fan said in the message.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoli took a deep breath. Since everyone in the team is nearby, what is she afraid of?

Randomly, making a whining sound, welcoming the newcomers.

He twisted his buttocks and walked towards the haunted house.

"Babies! I've come outside the haunted house, and you see nothing happened!"

Yan Xiaoli took her mobile phone and turned it around, letting the big guys watch.

And the live broadcast room suddenly exploded!

"Did you see, it seems that there are a pair of green eyes flashing past!"

"Why didn't I see it? Are you lying to us!"

"Didn't see +1!"

"Didn't see +1!"

But this was not seen by Yan Xiaoli, she was looking at the gate very tangled! Should I go in or not?

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