Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 169 Why Do You Humans Like To Throw Javelins?

It can't wait to tear the human race in front of it into pieces now!

However, not now.

In the air, flying monsters are also aggressively invading, and there is no extra space for high-level combat forces to fight.

The two sides can only wait anxiously.

The atmosphere on the battlefield has reached its peak at this time, and countless high-level monsters and high-level warriors have long been unable to hold back.

They picked out their opponents and fought in the air.

The gorgeous martial arts collided with the tyrannical body of the monster, and the sparks from the explosions of the various supernatural powers exploded continuously in the air.

Fortunately, the battlefields of high-level combat power are far away from the low-level battlefields, otherwise most of the low-level monsters and warriors would be killed or injured by the aftermath.

"Who dares to fight me!"

A green tauren rose into the air, looking down at everyone in the air.

With an explosion of aura, this is clearly a monster in the middle stage of the Demon Emperor Realm.

"Wen Chou!"

"Understood, my lord!"

Wen Chou moved his body, raised the Sutie three-pronged spear in his hand, and killed the green tauren.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Before anyone arrives, Mao arrives first!

I saw three spears mixed with terrifying gun intent, hitting the tauren precisely, and roared in shock.

Biting the pain, the tauren pulled out the three spears on his body, his nasal cavity seemed to breathe fire, and looked at Wen Chou angrily.

Why are these human beings who play with guns so hateful, and they all like to throw javelins?

Fortunately, it is the middle stage of the Demon Emperor Realm. If it is the early stage of the Demon Emperor Realm, it is possible to lose combat effectiveness after a single encounter.

It has to be said that the power of these three spears makes Xingtou tremble a little.


Just when Wen Chou was about to approach, the Tauren spewed out raging fire, causing Wen Chou to dodge in a hurry.

The Tauren smiled triumphantly, constantly using his supernatural powers.

Wen Chou was very aggrieved by the sea of ​​flames in the sky, the flames hurt very much once touched!

No, if one didn't pay attention, the flame burned into Wen Chou's hands, and he felt the pain.

"You are unkind? Don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

Wen Chou pulled away abruptly, staring at the tauren who kept spitting fire with a smirk on his face.

At this time, the tauren's right eyelid twitched, as if something ominous was about to happen.

I saw Wen Chou took out eight spears in a row, the spears were floating, and the eight spears trembled and floated in the air.

The momentum was condensed to the extreme, Wen Chou frowned and waved his hand.

Eight spears were thrown towards the tauren one after another!

In an instant, three more spears hit the tauren accurately.

It was stunned for two seconds, and then the five spears hit accurately!

"Ah! Bastard! You humans like to play javelins so much?"

The gun intent ruthlessly devastated the tauren's body, causing its aura to plummet. Just throwing a spear seriously injured ten tauren in the middle stage of the Sister Emperor Realm.

Not bad!

Wen Chou nodded in satisfaction.

Raising the gun is about to give the tauren the final blow!

"Humans, don't even think about succeeding!"

In the distance, another tauren came quickly, trying to save this green tauren.

"Heh! But at the beginning of the Demon Emperor Realm, can you stop me?"

Wen Chou mocked disdainfully, getting closer and closer to the tauren.

"What about adding me?"

At some point, a huge mouse appeared out of nowhere.

This aura is also a monster in the middle stage of the Demon Emperor Realm.

It wants to join hands with the tauren in the early stage of the Demon Emperor Realm to rescue him.

"So what, try this general's strongest martial skill! It's cheap for you!"

Wen Chou didn't care about how many demon emperors came to support him, he held the Sutie three-pronged spear tightly in his hand, and killed them.

The spear in his hand continued to emit golden light, and his momentum became stronger and stronger.

"Shooting and shooting!"


I saw a gun shadow several hundreds of meters out of thin air, exuding a terrifying aura goldenly.

Under the unbelievable gazes of the three demon emperors, they suddenly felt chills all over the place!

Three demon emperors, pawns!

However, Wen Chou's consumption is also huge, and he is trying to prevent the monsters from noticing.

After collecting the corpses of the three demon emperors, they flew towards Qinglong City.

Countless monsters swallowed their saliva in unison, and the monster (dbdh) below the middle stage of the imperial realm, including Qiqi in the middle stage, dragged Wen Chou into the blacklist.

It's better to pick other human races! We still need to pick soft persimmons!

"My old grandson can't hold back anymore, the emperor of the human race is coming to fight my old grandson! Except for the one who plays with guns!"

"Delicious human race, come to my grandson's mouth [hahaha!"

A shocking roar came from the monster camp, and I saw a golden gorilla walking in the distance.

Vajra Demon Ape! The Middle Stage of Demon Emperor Realm!

Twenty meters tall!

Waving a big iron rod picked up from nowhere in his hand!

Ye Chen on the city wall happened to see the whole picture of it, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth fiercely.

If it wasn't for the aura of the Demon Emperor, he would have suspected that the gorilla was a descendant of the Monkey King.

Ultra-low configuration version of Monkey King.

"Yan Liang! Cut off that disturbing orangutan!"

"Yes! My lord!"

With a wave of Ye Chen's hand, Yan Liang, who was wearing armor, jumped in front of the Vajra Demon Ape.


The Vajra Demon Ape suddenly exploded, with a strong golden light emitting from his body, and his muscles bulged high.

He picked up the big iron rod and threw it at Yan Liang.

Yan Liang's pupils shrank, never thinking that the gorilla was just waiting for this moment.

Yan Liang burst out with energy and blood, and held the knife horizontally in front of his body, the knife's intent filled the entire body of the knife.


With a loud noise, Yan Liang flew upside down for nearly a hundred meters, and finally stabilized his figure in the air.

The right hand holding the long knife trembled uncontrollably, and a mouthful of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the Vajra Demon Ape was panting heavily, staring at Yan Liang with an expression of unwillingness.

"Heh! Is this the only amount of patience?"

Yan Liang sneered, relaxed his right hand, and continued to kill the Vajra Demon Ape.


Countless sword intents kept cutting the Vajra Demon Ape, but without exception, they were all intercepted by the golden light.

The two sides went through dozens of tricks in just one minute, and Yan Liang also figured out its details.

It's just a little orangutan who is not useful.

With strong strength and super defense alone, the speed is really a mess.

In the middle stage of the majestic Demon Emperor Realm, I am afraid that even the speed at the early stage of the Demon Emperor Realm can't match it!

No wonder I've been waiting for myself to make a move!

But its power is really good, just the beginning of the big move, the middle stage of the ordinary Martial Emperor Realm can't hold it at all.

If one is not careful, there is a risk of being killed.

And its defense, even in the late stage of the Martial Emperor Realm, is somewhat difficult to break through.

Yan Liang smiled evilly, and the blade revealed a strange red light.

"Blood knife battle!"


I saw that Yan Liang exuded a terrifying aura all over his body, and his face was full of ferociousness.

Lifting the knife, he slashed at Vajra Demon Ape.

Seeing Yan Liang's frightening aura, Vajra Demon Ape was startled at first, and then felt relieved when he thought of the defense he was proud of.

The golden light around him became stronger and stronger, and he held the iron rod tightly in his hand, ready to give him a fatal blow at any time.

Thinking of smashing it into a pulp with a stick, Vajra Demon Ape couldn't help laughing wildly. .

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