Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 186: Killing The Enemy With One Hand, Using The Body As Bait!

Cui Canyilin stared at the crazy Cui Canmei with serious eyes.

"This woman is crazy, she dares to do something in the base!"

Cui Canyilin fled in a flash, she didn't expect to be so crazy to kill her.

Warriors above the ninth rank are prohibited from using their own weapons in the base. Because of the great destructive power, once a conflict occurs, it will cause a lot of damage to the base!

And the first time, the city defense army has come to investigate.

The base is not what the consul can say. As long as the city defense army arrives, Cui Shanmei will be punished!

"Hahaha! I am a master of the ninth rank, you are only the peak of the eighth rank, and you still want to escape from me, it is just a dream!"

"Are you waiting for the city defense army? I'm sorry, they don't dare to take care of it! Hahaha!"

Cui Canmei said triumphantly, every move and style is just "eight two three" playing with Cui Canyilin.

Cui Canyilin's sweat covered her whole body unknowingly, she knew that she was careless this time.

If you are not well prepared, you will be dominated by hatred.

But the matter has come to this point, there is no way to turn back the sky, only to do our best to fight for that sliver of life!

"I don't believe it, the mighty Dragon Kingdom City Defense Army is what you say."

"Hahaha! Let's wait and see, dying in despair must be wonderful!"

Cui Canmei started to go crazy again, as if immersed in imagination, unable to extricate herself.

Seeing this, Cui Canyilin moved her body little by little, but how could she escape in front of a higher-level martial artist.

When she fled, she chased after her, just like playing with prey.

Let the prey die in despair.

"Who dares to use force in the base!"

Several city defense generals rushed over one after another, glaring at the front.

"Mrs. Liu, why is it you!"

Everyone's faces are weird, I look at you, you look at me, I don't know how to deal with it.

This is the most beloved wife of the consul in the base, they must give the consul face!

"Mrs. Liu, high-level warriors are prohibited from using force in the base, please don't make things difficult for the brothers!"

One of the generals arched his fist and said.

"I advise you not to meddle in your own business, she, I will kill her!"

Seeing Cui Canmeigui who blocked him, a wave of anger burst into flames.

She is the consul's wife, a group of small city guards, how dare they stop her?

Cui Canmei gave a cold snort, ignoring everyone at all, she only had Cui Canyilin in her eyes.

This time, she must cut the grass and root out the roots, and she must see Cui Canyilin die by her own hands.

The hatred that had been suppressed in my heart for more than ten years suddenly exploded.

"what should I do now."

Looking at Mrs. Liu who was going away, the big guys didn't dare to do anything too much, but they didn't know who provoked Mrs. Liu.

Let it be so angry, kill it!

"Hurry up and report to the army commander, you two go over and watch, I'll go find the consul!"

The crowd dispersed into three waves.

At the same time, Cui Canyilin had been chased out of the base and came to a wasteland outside.

She smiled evilly at the corner of her mouth, and quickly recovered her panicked expression.

Behind her, Cui Canmei also chased after her, looking at her mockingly.

It seemed to be saying that even if she ran to the cape of Tianya, she would still find her.

"This is the first gift I give you, and the last one!"

Cui Canyilin smiled slightly at Cui Canmeigui, and slowly pressed the button behind her.

Cui Canmei was taken aback for a moment, a bad premonition welled up in her heart.

The next moment, the breath of death came to his nostrils, and he quickly used his blood to prop up the protective cover.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Explosions sounded one after another, accompanied by Cui Canmei's angry screams.

"One hundred spiritual bombs, do you like it, my dear aunt!"

After Cui Canyilin finished speaking expressionlessly, two lines of tears flowed down her face.

"You little bitch, how dare you plot against me, I want you dead without a whole body!"

The dust was flying high, and a figure slowly appeared.

"You didn't die, you really underestimated you!"

Cui Canyilin looked at Cui Canmeigui who was missing an arm, sneered, and took six steps back slowly!

Cui Canmei's blood surged for a while, and her broken right arm grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than thirty seconds, only the right hand remained, but the growth rate suddenly slowed down.

With one right hand, it took a full five minutes...

It seems that there is not much non-fire material, and I am afraid it is used up now!

Cui Canyilin stood quietly like this, watching Cui Canmeigui staggering over.

"I'm going to throw your body on the boat and float on the small river in the base."

"Let the sun burn, the wind blow, and the rain! Be pecked by crows!"

Cui Canmei kept saying vicious words in her mouth, and just like that, she came to the position where Cui Canyilin was standing just now.

Now, she is only six steps away from Cui Jiang Yilin.

In front of her, Cui Canyilin took out another small button.

She wants to kill people!


"Do not!"

The violent explosion instantly enveloped Cui Canmei, and the huge air wave directly flew Cui Shan Yilin nearly 100 meters away!

"Cough cough cough!"

Coughing violently, Cui Canyilin spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Although her whole body seemed to be falling apart, she was very happy, and now she finally killed her enemy!

It turned out that Cui Canyilin had arranged two bomb clusters. She was worried that she would not enter the explosion range in an accident and could not kill her.

So why not use the body as a bait to die together?

Succeed or benevolent!

Fortunately, she succeeded!

"Die, I want you to die! Bitch, ah!"

Cui Canyilin turned around suddenly, she was not dead yet.

But Cui Canmei's state is no different from being dead.

The two arms disappeared without a trace, and only the thighs remained on the two legs of 3.3, and even the stomach was blown to pieces.

It seems that if it is not treated in time, it will be impossible for the gods to save it, and it will be powerless to return to heaven!

Cui Canyilin endured the severe pain, and quickly killed her. She was worried that the city defense army would show up in the next moment and rescue the enemy.

Slaying the enemy is right in front of her eyes, she does not allow, she will never allow this great opportunity to be wasted.

She probably only had this chance to kill her enemy.

Lady luck is on her side.


With the knife in hand, Cui Canmei's head shot up into the sky. Now, she couldn't die any more!

It was too late to get excited, Cui Canyilin staggered and turned around to run away.

Now that her revenge has been avenged, she can finally pursue her...

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