Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 203 Tree Of Life, Success!

"Don't worry! I'm not alone, it's safe!"

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Song Qianer's eyes turned red: "Do you want to leave us?"

"Hey, hey? Don't cry, I don't want to leave you, I just go out to do some errands. One month at the earliest, three months at the latest, I will definitely come!"

Seeing Song Qianer's appearance, Ye Chen patted his forehead and sighed.

"Then you send four! You promise!"

"Okay! I swear, I promise I will come! Let's go!"

"Okay, you go, remember to come back early!"

With a mournful face, Song Qian'er hugged Ye Chen and turned to leave.

"Hey! The charm of this person is still the same as before!"

Ye Chen shook his head and officially set off for the Warcraft Mountains.

At this time, Song Qian'er patted her chest, and let out a few deep breaths with her blushing face.

"Phew! My sister's acting skills are quite high. In other words, his arms are very warm!"

Under the eyes of all the beauties, Ye Chen reluctantly finally came to the Warcraft Mountains.

There are continuous forests, mountains, and endless and desperate monsters.

But here is also a paradise for mercenaries.

No matter how dangerous it is, it is like a cloud in the face of enough benefits.

"Phew! There are so many monsters, the task of killing mid-level monsters is almost over!"

Ye Chen wiped off his sweat and looked around vigilantly.

A bunch of flame traps were arranged around, and I could finally have a good night's rest.

Many mid-level monsters don't stick together, so Ye Chen can't kill them that fast.

But Ye Chen is not in a hurry.

This task reward is not that important to me.

Just a few intermediate spells!

Nowadays, the most important thing is to find even the seventh-level high-level monsters.

The purpose is not to kill high-level monsters, but to find the closest place to the inner circle of the monster mountain range.

There are few people here, and there are many high-level monsters.

Very suitable for the development of elves.

After a peaceful night, Ye Chen continued to move forward.

[Task (1) has been completed! 】

[Reward: 4 Intermediate Fire Elemental Magic! Wind Elemental Affinity (Low!)]

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen felt another element wave in the air, which was very weak.

It seems that this is the new wind element.

The fool is only now practicing the wind element! Now that the affinity of the wind element is so low, it is very slow to level up.

It's better to increase the level of the fire element all the time, and do the task later to increase the elemental affinity of the wind element to a high level, and then practice!

As for the four middle-level fire magic, put them away first and talk about them later.



A sound of fierce fighting came from the front, and Ye Chen immediately avoided it.

Quietly move forward.

Soon, Ye Chen saw two 4-5-meter-long wolves biting and fighting each other.

Around, a pack of wolves were watching the battle.

"Hiss! What kind of wolf clan is this? Why are they killing each other?"

Ye Chen tried hard to recall the knowledge he had learned from the book, and he had a flash of inspiration.

It turned out to be a battle for the head wolf!

Looking at the fluctuations, these two wolves are both level seven, and the highest around them is no more than level six.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.

These two seventh-level wolves belong to the same level of powerhouses, and they disagree, so they must fight.

Only the strongest have the right to speak.

When Ye Chen was stunned, the two wolves had already decided the winner.

The surrounding wolves howled for a while, as if welcoming a new head.

Fortunately, the wolves did not find Ye Chen, and Ye Chen was relieved, after all, there were too many wolves just now.

Without the help of your companions, and you have to be careful about sneak attacks, it is difficult to output with all your strength.

It is even possible to be buried here.

That's why magicians are surrounded by guardian knights!

[Release Survival Mission (1): The fire magic level reaches level 8!]

[Reward: Three Advanced Fire Element Magic! Wind Element Affinity Raised to (Medium)!]

[Release the survival mission (2); the fire magic level reaches level 9!]

[Reward: Advanced Fire Element Magic Three Parts! Wind Elemental Affinity Upgraded to (Advanced)!]

【Release Survival Mission (3): Build the Tree of Life!】

[Reward: 10,000 units of gold, 10,000 units of wood, and ten elite infantry of the elves!]

[Release Survival Mission (4): The population of the elves reaches 1,000!]

[Reward: 100,000 units of gold, 100,000 units of wood, 100 elite elf infantry]

[Release Survival Mission (5): The population of elves reaches 100,000!]

[Reward: An Elf Queen!]

"(/⊙w⊙)/Hey, good guy, five missions have been completed in a row, and three of them are related to the elves!"

Ye Chen looked like he had never seen the world, and sighed while watching the task.

After all, there is no reference for the three tasks of the elves, and it is impossible to judge the difficulty of these tasks.

But the first two are related to his hard work, Ye Chen is eager to try, so he can be promoted to level 9 magician.

It's not difficult at all, and the rewards can be said to be free!

"々. It's not bad here, it looks pleasing to the eye, and that's it!"

Looking around, Ye Chen found that he couldn't find the gold mine, and couldn't help but miss those little girls in the Rose Mercenary Group.

One person's strength is still too weak.

Simply don't think about it, look at the surrounding environment is not bad, Ye Chen then summoned the elf.

The direct command is sublimated into the tree of life.

As the elf emitted emerald green light, countless vines emerged from the ground, wrapping the elf.

Looking at the huge plant of more than ten meters, Ye Chen was very excited.

Finally, you don't have to fight alone.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Chen covered his surroundings with flame traps, and then started to practice cross-legged next to the Tree of Life.

Ye Chen felt that when he practiced next to the tree of life, his speed (Li Mo's) speed was actually accelerated several times.

In this way, Ye Chen tasted the sweetness and stepped up to practice day and night.

Strive to break through to the ninth-level magician as soon as possible.

What Ye Chen didn't know was that a small part of the essence belonging to the tree of life was robbed by Ye Chen.

The tree of life was desperately trying to grab it, but in the end they still couldn't grab Ye Chen.

Tree of Life: Thank you!

A whole month has passed, and the birth of the Tree of Life is coming to an end.

Ye Chen kept complaining, it was too slow, too slow.

Little did he know that this situation was caused by him.

As for his level, he just became an eighth-level fire magician a week ago.

Such a fast speed made Ye Chen proud for several days.

High-level fire magic, and successfully mastered three more!

Tree of life!

An ancient voice came out, waking up the Ye Chen altar. .

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