Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 205 Win The Gold Mine, You Can Develop As Much As You Want!

Humph! I accept your gold mine!

After planning, Ye Chen hummed a little song and returned to the base to practice.

I have to say that after such a short period of time, there are some girls who miss the mercenary regiment.

I don't know what happened to them, how are they doing?

Outside Feather City!

The mercenary group who had been defeated in three or two waves fled back to Yumo City in a hurry.

All of them were scarred and disheveled, and they seemed to have experienced a fierce battle.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the Seven Wolves to be so powerful, and our three mercenary regiments didn't even have a chance to take it down!"

"Yeah, we underestimated the Seven Wolves Gang, and it seems that this gold mine has nothing to do with us."

"Let's hurry up and hide. This time we messed with the Seven Wolves, and we don't know how they will retaliate against us?"

"He dares! Our three major mercenary regiments in Yumo City are not vegetarians, if they are not in the city, which round will the mercenary regiments from the outer city be presumptuous!"

Unlike inside the city, a field outside the city is filled with gunpowder smoke and howling.

The six deputy gang leaders of the Seven Wolves Gang were all wounded, and their faces were red from the quarrel!

"Brother! If you want me to tell you, just rush up and kill them, how dare you sneak attack us, and even want to rob our gold mine!"

"That's right, it's just a group of mercenary regiments of fighters of the highest level seven, so it doesn't matter if we destroy them!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, didn't you see that big brother's face turned black!"

Only then did the big guy look at the ghost wolf who is the leader of the gang!

"This group of bastards! How dare you plot against me, ghost wolf, you are really getting impatient!"

"If you dare to spread the news about the gold mine, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

As the leader of a big gang, Ghost Wolf will definitely not stay in the gold mining area forever.

Although gold mines are important, they are far less important than gang lairs.

He must protect the property in the lair. For so many years, the wealth obtained by burning, killing and looting is countless.

This has also led to the disgust of many forces, if it weren't for the rapid development of the Seven Wolf Gang.

There are too many people under him, and Ghost Wolf is an eighth-level fighter.

Otherwise, it would have been destroyed long ago.

"How is the gold mining going? It's been more than a month, it should be almost the same!"

Ghost Wolf asked his subordinates.

"Boss, if there were not always people coming to harass, this gold mine would have been successfully mined half a month ago."

The person in charge of the gold mine replied cautiously.

I'm afraid that the leader will kill him if he doesn't go his way!

This kind of thing is not unheard of, the ghost wolf's reputation is well-known far and wide, and it is very cruel.

Except for his six brothers, everyone else is at risk of being killed.

"Tell the brothers, hurry up and finish the work, the bonus will be doubled, the big fish and meat, and the beautiful wine and rice will be ready!"

"It's the gang leader, I'll urge them now!"

When the person in charge heard this, his morale immediately rose, and the mining personnel in the country also became excited.

Thinking of the delicious food, the charming chicks speed up mining like crazy one by one, as if they had taken a powerful pill.

It's been so long since I haven't had a lot of fish and meat, or visited a brothel, and the big guy has long been exhausted.

It was late at night, and most of the left-behind gold mine personnel of the Seven Wolf Gang had rested.

There were only a dozen guards who wanted to doze off from time to time, and some even fell asleep standing up.

To be honest, I have to admire this skill!

"Xiaosha! You lead two teams to clean up the members of the Seven Wolf Gang, and I will bring a bunch of people to deal with their leader!"

"It's Lord Sacrifice!"

Twenty elf archers disappeared in the darkness in the blink of an eye. Compared with daytime, night is their home field.

The night elves, born in the night!

This group of soldiers and horses is Ye Chen's army, although there are only ten infantrymen, thirty archers, and ten heroes.

But the power they erupted cannot be underestimated.

After a month of leveling, all thirty archers reached the full level, reaching the peak of level 6.

There is an archer who is a bit more talented and has reached the peak that archers can reach, the seventh-level peak!

It can be said that the speed is amazing.

After all, the era when there were more wolves and less meat did not exist now, and there were a lot of monsters in the Warcraft Mountains.

It's a pity that the archer is the basic unit, and talent is the biggest weakness.

With the priestess of the moon leading the archers, their lethality is even stronger.

The powerful aura of the Priestess of the Moon increases the damage and attack range of the archers led by her by 30%!

It can be said that with the addition of the powerful attack aura, several level 6 peak archers can completely kill level 7 fighters.

·Ask for flowers...

Not to mention a weak magician!

The ten elite infantry guarding the base cannot fight monsters and level up, they can only practice by themselves.

The speed of cultivation can only be determined by one's own talent. In one month, only three people have been promoted to the fourth level.

It's far worse than fighting monsters and upgrading.

Even if Ye Chen is not satisfied with this, there is nothing he can do.

Who made him poor!

But tonight is about to change, better days are coming.

whoosh whoosh!

A few arrows slashed across and easily dealt with the outer sentinels, and the two teams began to split up.

Ye Chen is with the priestess of the moon, next to the ninth-level hero, be safe!

The archers shot out in the concealment and darkness, beheading and killing most of the members of the Seven Wolves Gang quietly.

And Ye Chen locked his eyes on the best rooms here, it seems that this is the residence of the leaders of the Seven Wolves Gang.

I just don't know how many guards there are in this gold mine!

An elf archer quietly opened the door, only to see a naked man lying on the bed snoring.

The female elf looked at Sancunding in disgust, and playfully gestured to the female elf behind her.

Then he drew a bow and shot an arrow through his neck.


A loud cry of surprise woke up the people around him.

The smell of blood in the air immediately refreshed them, something happened!

The ghost wolf slammed open the door, and an arrow suddenly struck. The ghost wolf was shocked and tried to dodge to the right.

However, the arrow was too fast, and he had just been awakened, so it was difficult for him to display his strength.

After all, he was shot through the shoulder and nailed to the door.

"Who are you and why did you attack my Seven Wolf Gang? We have no enmity with you!"

The ghost wolf calmed down and hurriedly asked, fearing that the woman riding the tiger would shoot his head off with an arrow.

Then his status, money and women will all disappear in smoke.

It's a pity, he can't just die without knowing why!

"When will foreign forces dare to interfere with the gold mine outside my Yumo City!"

Ye Chen saw that the danger was lifted and the overall situation was settled, so he walked slowly from behind. .

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