Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 207 Get Famous And Get Rich!

"Ye Chen, run, he is a fighter at the peak of the eighth level!"

Song Qianer cried and shouted how surprised he was the moment he saw Ye Chen.

But with that came endless worries.

Ye Chen is just a seventh-level magician who has just been promoted. How can he deal with an experienced eighth-level fighter by himself.

There is only one end, and that is death!

Besides, she didn't want Ye Chen to see Yin's house being polluted.

"Made, fellow daoist who is dead and poor! Everyone goes together, and his ninth-level subordinates are not around. If you kill him, everyone will have their lives!"

The ghost wolf hesitated for a while, and then made up his mind, wanting to fight.

Now that the trouble is over, let's just leave it at that.

"Red Lotus Hell!"

While these guys were in a daze, Ye Chen finally cast the high-level magic that took one minute to prepare.

I saw more than a dozen dark red lotus flowers floating around Ye Chen, exuding ripples, looming.

Floating around Ye Chen.

31 As long as someone gets close to five meters around the body, he will be hit by the lotus.

Ye Chen hurriedly prepared the next advanced magic.

For him now, he is still not proficient in advanced magic, and the time required is calculated in minutes or more.

The scarier the magic, the longer it takes.

If you want to shorten the casting time, you must either upgrade your level or increase your proficiency!

The members of the Seven Wolves Gang, who had never seen the market before, rushed up immediately when they heard the city lord's words.

Completely dominated by the lower body, I want to kill Ye Chen as soon as possible, so I can have fun!


A magician who is not guarded is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Except the Magister!

"Ah! Ahh! It hurts, save me!"

With a bang, Huo Lian instantly hit a fifth-level fighter, and was imprisoned on the spot and unable to move.

A large number of dark red flames directly ignited his whole body, no matter how he took pictures, he couldn't take pictures.

Within five seconds, he lost his voice.

Watch out for those lotus flowers, get out of the way!

Someone reminded loudly.

But no matter how they dodged, they were still accurately hit by Honglian.

Including Ghost Wolf.

They had never seen such a battle of magicians, and they panicked immediately.

Even the leader of the sect was wrapped in fire lotus, how could they resist.

There were only four fire lotuses left around Ye Chen, and the scene was full of cries and cries for help.

This scene deeply shocked the people who were still alive.

The ghost wolf only felt unable to move, and a terrifying flame spread all over his body.

Subconsciously, the ghost wolf quickly blocked it with his fighting spirit. Fortunately, the lethality was greatly weakened, and there was no need to worry about his life.

"Summon Fire Elemental!"

It was another minute of casting, and a two-meter-high fire element avatar condensed on the spot.

Domineeringly appeared in front of everyone.

The fire lotus was imprisoned for a full minute, which was enough for Ye Chen to cast a powerful high-level magic.

The fire element perceives the surrounding enemies, and condenses elemental bombs to continuously attack the enemy.

Those below level six can't hold a shot at all.

Get hit and drink hate on the spot!

As for the sixth level, it's nothing more than an extra shot!

In just ten seconds, only Si Lang, the leader of the wolf gang, was left alive.

"Explosive Bomb!"

In just three seconds, the middle-level magic of Explosive Flame Bomb was released.

The power is also much greater than that of an intermediate magician.

But compared to advanced magic, there is definitely no comparison.

The fire element also cooperated to condense a huge elemental bomb and blasted towards the ghost wolf.

Just after the ghost wolf sensed that the imprisonment was about to disappear, before he could wait for joy, two big red lights hit his face.

Explosive bombs, elemental bombs, and the power of the red lotus burst out in full force.

The ghost wolf couldn't bear it and was blown up on the spot.

"Phew! Fortunately, the time was grasped in time!"

Seeing that the ghost wolf was blown away, Ye Chen immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It's only a little bit away from the ghost wolf's imprisonment, and there will be no way to attack those who are fatally attacked by then!

"Explosive Bomb!"

"Explosive Bomb!"

"Explosive Bomb!"

Three explosive bombs in succession, mixed with elemental bombs, accurately hit the ghost wolf that was blown away.

After bombarding wildly for another full minute, Ye Chen finally gave up.

"It should be dead through, fire element, go and see!"

After a while, according to the information sent by the fire element, the ghost wolf was blown up with missing arms and legs, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Only then did Ye Chen heave a sigh of relief, and Ye Chen didn't count the ghost wolves that approached the ninth-level fighter wirelessly.

Still lack of combat experience.

"Woooooo! Big brother, big brother! I miss you so much!"

The two cubs were terrified, and when they saw the crisis was over, they hugged Ye Chen's thigh and cried.

The girls looked like they couldn't believe it, they were in a trance for a while, and the battle ended like this?

That's how we got saved?

"Ye Chen, you're so awesome, stop me!"

"I'll have one too!"

All the girls, who had recovered from their shock, came excitedly.

The happy Ye Chen giggled, so happy!

After a while, the house was cleaned.

The corpses were also all disposed of.

"This is a trophy from the Seven Wolves Gang, here it is!"

After Song Qianer cleaned up the booty, she handed it to Ye Chen with a blushing face.

Ye Chen opened the five space rings and saw that they were full of gold coins, equipment, and various training materials.

In one of the space rings, there are more than a dozen magic books and more than a dozen combat skills!

"I want 380 gold coins, they are useful, and you can distribute the rest!"

Ye Chen put away all the gold coins, leaving the rest to Song Qian'er for the Rose Mercenary Group.

"This, there are too many things, and, this battle is all a masterpiece of you alone.!"

Song Qianer pushed the space ring to Ye Chen again.

"Let you take it, just take it!"

Ye Chen flicked Song Qian'er and went into his room without looking back.

"What a man!"

Song Qian'er's face showed a peach blossom, and she was in a daze for a while, then shook her head and ran away quickly.

She knew that the Rose Mercenary Group had Ye Chen, and Sansheng was lucky.

She knows how difficult it is for a group of women to support a mercenary group.

"Get rich, get rich! I didn't expect so many things!"

Song Qian'er, who returned to the room, began to check the things in the space ring.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it.

There are a lot of equipment, combat skills, and training materials used by senior fighters, at least estimated to be more than 300,000 gold coins.

Not to mention low and mid-level fighters several times over!

This can arm an elite mercenary regiment!

It can be said that the Seven Wolves Gang is too rich!

Could it be that he is not rich, and specializes in robbing houses and houses, and all the valuable things in the gang are taken by ghost wolves to honor Ye Chen.

There are a little over ten million gold coins alone!

Don't you get rich now?!

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