Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 215 The Orc Army Approaches The City! Siege!

Besides, the longer Yumo City resists, the better it will be for Ye Chen.

Give Ye Chen a year, and he can produce 10,000 full-level soldiers!

There are countless soldiers of other ranks.

This is with sufficient resources.

Therefore, Ye Chen needs to continue to work hard.

The first is to overcome this difficulty, and the next is to search for gold mines.

The three silver-ranked fighters who came to support had already arrived, and the three of them were discussing in the City Lord's Mansion.


A long and powerful sound ~ sounded from afar.

The defenders on the city wall looked out wonderingly, whispering to each other in doubt.

"What kind of sound is this, we feel a little weird!"

"You feel the same way, it's boring."

"I have an ominous premonition, cheer up, it can't be the orcs calling!"

"Look at the distance, it's the orcs, the orcs are attacking the city!"

The defenders on the city wall panicked all of a sudden, and the leader arrived late, trying to calm down the residents and their soldiers.

That's why there was no riot.

The enemy's formation is very strong, and the pressure they bring is like a mountain, making everyone breathless.

The orc army is all assembled in the north of the city, a mighty 150,000 people!

After waiting for these few days, the orc army has added another 80,000 ordinary orc warriors.

In addition to the original 70,000 elite orc warriors and 5,000 flying dragon cavalry, take down a city, steadily!

"Roar! Kill the tribe, seize the city!"

Following the shouts of inspiring words, the orc army charged towards the human city with siege equipment.

The first thing I saw was a charging hammer in the shape of a huge animal head, which was used to break through the defense of the city gate.

More than 30 strong orcs rushed to the forefront pushing the assault hammer and shouting.

There are more than a hundred orcs holding shields to defend against the attacks of human archers.

As the orc army continued to spread forward, a dozen huge fireballs suddenly appeared in the sky.

It smashed into the ground in the blink of an eye, and each fireball would kill more than 20 orcs, and countless of them were blown away by the air waves.

This is the siege and defense weapon --- trebuchet!

The stones thrown are also specially made magic creations, and if they hit, they can easily kill fighters below the silver level.

This kind of ammunition is very expensive, and it is specially used to deal with groups of elite orcs charging.

Most of them use ordinary ammunition.

When the orc army stepped into the range of 800 meters, countless arrows swooped down from the sky, making countless orc soldiers miserable.

Since there are not many shields seized on the battlefield, there are not many equipments that can effectively defend the archers.

All of a sudden, the orc army suffered heavy casualties, and the orc general frowned!

"Damn human race, relying on superb equipment!"

"Henke! It's up to you!"

Seeing that the army finally approached the city wall, Fogg shouted to the sky angrily, in exchange for a laugh.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of black shadows suddenly emerged from the clouds in the sky, rushing straight to kill the archers and trebuchets on the city wall.

"The orc air force is coming, the siege crossbow is ready! Let it go!"

The human defenders had long been armed, and the twenty three-meter-wide siege walls to the north of the city kept roaring into the air.

There was a wailing sound on the city wall, and the lethality of the flying dragon cavalry was too great. A large number of heavy short spears thrown down from the sky, the archers could not bear it at all.

Severed arms and stumps were everywhere, and the wailing overshadowed the fighting for a while.

The archer troops were attacked, and the orc army on the ground lost pressure and crawled towards the city wall.

It was a huge stone and a cold Yaksha stall that came close to me!

A large number of ordinary orc warriors screamed and fell to the ground, feeling helpless facing the ten-foot-high city wall for a while.

And those high-ranking orc warriors crossed the tall city wall within two strokes, and started fighting with the human soldiers.

"General! Our soldiers suffered heavy casualties! Do we want to continue to attack the city?"

As a lieutenant general, Reiter was very distressed when he saw the heavy casualties of the army, many of them were soldiers under him.

"Compassion does not command soldiers, you must have heard of it? There must be casualties in wars! And the casualties on the human side are even more severe!"

"As long as the human race's supplies for defending the city are exhausted, it will not be far from breaking the city!"

Fogg spoke unhurriedly, keeping his eyes on the distance.

Rhett still looked at the battlefield worriedly, and finally couldn't help it, so he sighed and returned to the tent.

...asking for flowers...

The battle lasted for a whole day, and it will end before dark.

Stuck in the repair phase.

In the human city, morale was low for a while.

The impact brought by the battle with the ferocious orcs was too great, and those who had never been on the battlefield could hardly bear it.

However, the veterans who survived the battle with the orcs were all elites.

After dinner, the generals in the army began to boost morale, and various methods emerged one after another.

Zheng Yan, the new head of the three silver-level and Luoyan legions who came to support, appeared together, and their powerful momentum gave the soldiers enough sense of security.

This gave the soldiers a great morale boost.

Everything in the east, south, and west of the city is safe, and there are no orcs.

So a lot of people breathed a sigh of relief.

A peaceful night, spent in fear.

Nothing happened all night, the sky just dawned.

Before the soldiers had breakfast, the whining horn sounded again in the distance.

The soldiers hurried back to their respective positions, ready to resist the attack of the orcs.

The north, east, and west of the city were attacked by orcs at the same time.

Among them, the army in the north is the heaviest, and this place is also jointly guarded by the Yumo City Defense Force of the Luoyan Legion.

The east and west are also the defense lines of the Luo Yan Legion.

On the south side, the city defense army and the mercenary regiments stood together.

Except for the north, the attack on the other two sides is quite perfunctory, perhaps to consume the defense materials in the city!

But the power of the orcs is still not weak, causing a lot of casualties.

Three days passed quietly.

Yumo City lost a total of 80,000 horses, of which 70,000 were killed, and 10,000 were slightly or seriously injured.

There are only more than 80,000 soldiers who can fight.

And the casualties of the Luo Yan Legion were not small. Although they had the convenience of the city, they still lost 30,000 people.

Surprisingly, the south of the city has not been attacked, maybe there is some conspiracy!

In the daytime of the fourth day, the two armies lived in peace, as if they had a tacit understanding and did not fight.

Until the night few!.

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