Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 217 Traitor! Unbelievable! This Is A War Of Races!

A sense of powerlessness filled the general's mind!

"It's over, it's over!"

According to this way of fighting, I am afraid that the south of the city will be captured in less than two hours!

He, Pei Zhaowen, is a criminal in Yumo City!

He came back to his senses and hurriedly checked the siege crossbow.

A cold sweat trickled down.

"One important part is missing! This one too, and that one too! All, all!"

"There are really traitors!"

Like a bolt from the blue, the most unbelievable thing happened!

In the racial dispute between humans and orcs, a traitor appeared unexpectedly.

How many innocent people will be killed by this!

How many brave soldiers will be killed!

He didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't have time to think about it. The most important thing now was to repel the enemy.

Defend Feather City!

Although there are not many orc ground siege troops nowadays, the air units have gathered more than half of the orc force.

Without effective means of defense, it will undoubtedly make things worse. 31 "Ah!"


"Orc, I call you Immortal Banban!"

"Soldiers! Behind us is our homeland, and our relatives are behind us. Think about your wives and children! Parents! Fight to the death and never retreat!"

After a while, the entire southern defense line of the city was routed, and the sound of fighting and cursing continued one after another.

The more humans struggle, the more excited the orcs are.

One by one, they climbed onto the city wall and fought hand-to-hand with the human soldiers.

And the one-acre three-point land where Ye Chen was located was exceptionally quiet, without any disturbance from flying dragon cavalry.

Not even the orc infantry attacking the city.

ten minutes ago.

The orcs attacked across the board, and Ye Chen's defense line saw nearly two hundred flying dragon cavalry.

Three hundred and fifty sixth-level peak archers were divided into fifty to attack the ground orc troops. The rest are all ready to kill it in one fell swoop, in cooperation with the fifty elite archers at the seventh level.

Most of the flying dragon cavalry are seventh-level fighters, and only a few are eighth-level fighters!

And the flying dragons under them have different levels, but the lowest is level six!

Just giving Ye Chen an opportunity, hundreds of arrows converged into dense nets.

All the marching routes of the flying dragon cavalry were blocked, and each round of volleys would definitely accurately wrap seven or eight flying dragon cavalry, stabbing them to the core.

The aftermath caused by the dense arrow array can occasionally affect other flying dragon cavalry.

The action is blocked, or directly shot down.

This also caused the flying dragon cavalry to have dozens of soldiers before they formally launched an effective attack.

The leader who led the army was so angry that he didn't dare to lead the army to charge.

Can only throw heavy short spears from a distance.

Once it enters the kilometer range, it will definitely suffer intensive attacks.

Entering the 100-meter charging range, you will definitely suffer a precise and fatal blow.

It's really terrible, don't bring such bullying beasts!

After dropping the corpses of a hundred or so dragon cavalry, the rest of the dragon cavalry fled.

Turned to the tough battle of other lines of defense.

The orcs on the ground are even worse, they are just a group of ordinary orc infantry fighters.

Not only is the level not high, but there are no long-range troops.

When they ran into Ye Chen's long-range troops, ten breaths down, half of the two thousand siege infantry were gone.

What's the deal?

Watching the surrounding companions fall down in unison, the feeling of fear spread instantly.

Looking at the city wall that is 500 meters away, it is a journey to Naihe Bridge.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

A large group of people fled in a cloud.

that's it? that's it

Ye Chen said it was too simple.

"Clean the battlefield so that the soldiers' corpses can settle down!"

"The army is divided into three teams. One team will support our western defense line with me, and the other team will support our east with Song Qian'er."

"The remaining people, guard your own defenses [ask for support immediately if there is a situation!"

A large number of powerful long-range troops, several archers were pierced by the short spears of the dragon cavalry.

Died instantly.

These elf warriors, like human beings, are flesh and blood and have emotions.

They are not mindless robots!

How can there be no death in war? What Ye Chen can do is to reduce the casualties of the troops and severely attack the arrogance of the enemy.

Song Qian'er brought a hundred or so archers and huntresses to the nearest defense line immediately.

This is a line of defense jointly guarded by three second-level mercenary regiments.

Each mercenary regiment has a seventh-level regiment leader with more than a thousand subordinates!

If it weren't for the flying dragon cavalry, they would be more than enough to guard this line of defense.

It's a pity that all the means of defending the flying dragon cavalry have failed.

This also indicates that all soldiers resisting the flying dragon cavalry will desperately resist.

It is more effective than certain.

The death toll increased dramatically.

"Damn it! Why can't the siege crossbow be used anymore? Which bastard wants to kill me!"

"Stop complaining, if you don't block these hundred or so livestock, everyone under us will be finished!"

"Captain! Commander!"

This line of defense is full of corpses, they not only have to resist the siege of the orc infantry, but also deal with the powerful attack and kill of the flying dragon cavalry!

It's miserable, even the head of one of the mercenary regiments was besieged by ten flying dragon cavalry, and they all died together!

"Archer, shoot down these guys!"

A crisp voice rang in the ears of many fighting fighters.

Countless arrows flew across, and suddenly the flying dragon in the sky and the orc statue dropped dumplings, yes, and fell down with a patter.

For the sake of greater lethality, the hundreds of flying dragon cavalry almost all attacked close to the ground.

This also gave the elf archer a chance.

They searched for their targets one after another, and before they could react, they killed the ones that were close to the ground.

"Lift into the sky! Hurry up into the sky! Leave..."

Before he finished speaking, the head of the group of flying dragon cavalry was directly pierced by an arrow.

An eighth-level fighter without the slightest defense was given a second by a peak seventh-level archer!

This is the power of today's archers.

When the rest of the people saw this, they were frightened out of their wits, regardless of the other companions who were seriously injured and still alive?

Hulala flew as far as possible, and only thirty or so escaped to heaven.

On the ground, there were still flying dragon cavalrymen who were shot down and seriously injured, surrounded by all the soldiers in panic, and hacked to death with angry swords!

Next, the huntresses roamed the various small battlefields one after another, beheading the orc troops who climbed the city wall.

A space was made for the archers, and it was time for the archers to show off their might.

A large number of orc troops were shot to death in the face, low-level orc warriors shot one arrow, and Xia Dian shot two arrows if the arrow was unclear.

Within ten minutes, the orcs who attacked the city fled. .

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