Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 222 It's All My Third Prince's Who Take The Credit!

Yumo City was in crisis, and they were ordered to go to support it.

Unexpectedly, the third prince also followed.

The journey that can be reached in half a day's quick march, I just walked for two days.

"Third Prince! It's not far from Yumo City, let's hurry up! Otherwise, it won't make sense!"

A father-in-law said softly.

"I know, I know!"

"It's annoying!"

The third prince thought to himself.

"Go at full speed, aiming at Yumo City!"

The third prince glanced at his father-in-law impatiently. Although he was bored, he still wanted to be nice.

After all, Zhao Si, he is one of the most powerful eunuchs in the palace.

He is also the most trusted subordinate of his mother.

The strength is even more powerful, reaching the peak of the silver level.

It is only one step away from reaching the top ranks of the Golden Warriors.

You know, in this Northern Territory, the gold level is the highest level.

And the number is very rare.

For example, in their Ningyuan country, the gold level on the bright side of 31 can only be counted with two hands.

Only seven!

As for the hidden ones, that's unknown!

"Third Prince, this time supporting Yumo City and besieging the orc army is a great achievement, you must perform well!"


The chief eunuch, Zhao Si, gave a few more instructions, and then he was relieved.

After all, he will follow the third prince in the future. In the fight for the throne, the third prince must win!

Who doesn't want to be promoted again?

"Alert! Found traces of orcs!"

"Get rid of them! Let out spies to find out the information ahead.

A group of one hundred elite cavalry scattered from the army and charged towards the orcs.

I saw a hundred or so dirty orcs fleeing in panic.

It just happened to collide with the third prince's team. Looking at the cavalry charging head-on, the terrifying picture in their minds once again deeply impacted their weak hearts.

One by one, they fled in all directions, crying and screaming, without even a trace of resistance.

Soon, under the impact of the human cavalry, the new head fell!

"Cut! What ferocious orcs? It's just a group of soft-legged shrimps, this can't stand the city? A group of trash!"

Seeing that hundreds of orcs were beheaded so easily, the third prince said disdainfully.

"Third prince, don't be careless. These are just remnants of the defeated army, and they cannot be on the stage."

"That's all."

Seeing that the third prince didn't shed tears when he didn't see the coffin, the eunuch didn't explain anymore. When the war started, the third prince would understand.

"Report! Report to the third prince, the orc base camp is found ahead!"

The spies came back not long after and reported to the third prince.

"Oh? The enemy's stronghold, God help me, the army charges! Kill the orcs!"

The third prince shouted excitedly.

"Third Prince, don't do it! The situation of the enemy army is unknown for the time being, so don't be impulsive!"

The general was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly stopped him.

"I said, charge the whole army! How dare you disobey the order?"

The third prince was unhappy, and said viciously.

"Subordinate, obey orders!"

The general can't do anything about it, if you lose your mind, you will die!

"The whole army obeyed the order and marched towards the enemy's base camp in battle formation."

"Zhang San! Protect the third prince!"

Not long after, an elite army of one hundred thousand came to the orc base camp mightily.

The orcs did see them, but they were all dead, piles of corpses lying on the ground.

No living orcs were seen.

"What's going on? Search around!"

The general was shocked and even more puzzled, so many orcs died in the base camp?

Who actually did it?

After searching for half an hour, only a few orcs who were frightened and stupid were found, but nothing else was found.

"These orcs were killed by you, understand?"

Chief eunuch Zhao Si pulled General Yuanti and whispered.

"What? Father-in-law wants us to pretend to be military workers?"

General Yuanti was shocked, and quickly waved his hand to refuse.

"You know, you are the third prince's person now, if the third prince loses power, what will happen, don't I need to say?"

Zhao Si's words made Yuan Ti understand.

Although he is the general of an elite army of 100,000 soldiers and a silver-level peak fighter.

But the group of powerful people in the palace is serious, and they are still stronger ants!

Since he followed the third prince, he had to go all the way to the dark, all for himself.

Yuanti understood, and went down to give orders.

Just beside the third prince, there are three magicians of the magister level, and a forbidden army of 2,000 people!

Just used it as a cover to swallow the results of this battle.

As for the mysterious force that really wiped out the orcs, it's best not to hinder the third prince.


"Thanks to the third prince who arrived in time, otherwise our Yumo City would be finished!"

"Yes, yes, I heard that the third prince led people to dig out the orc lair directly. This made the orcs attacking the city retreat!"

"Long live the third prince!"

"I heard that this time the third prince brought three magicians of the magister level, and they are very powerful!"

"Really? I'm going to apprentice!"

"just you?"

Soon, news spread in Yumo City.

This made the third prince's vanity burst again.

All around were people cheering for him, and many more beauties threatened to marry him.

After a sweet bombardment, even the third prince quickly thought that he led people to destroy the orc base camp.

"As expected of the third prince, he is powerful, peaceful and good!"

"The key is to save our Yumo City!"

The girls of the Rose Mercenary Corps also chattered about it, which made Ye Chen jealous.

"How do you know that Yumo City was saved by that third prince?"

Ye Chen said slightly unhappy.

"Yo yo! Our Ye Chen partner, this is jealous!"

"Hahaha! That's right, that's right! Ye Chen, who are you jealous of? Is it the leader of the regiment?"

All the girls, you started to tease me sentence by sentence.

"Ye Chen, I know that you have made great contributions to defending Yumo City this time, but the third prince is the one who saved our entire Yumo City, we should be grateful!"

After Song Qian'er finished speaking, she went to the street with her daughters to welcome the third prince.

Ye Chen was left speechless for a while.

What's the matter with these girls? Seeing that the man can't move?

What's more, that shit third prince pretended to claim his credit!

"Damn! Just thinking about it makes me angry!"

"Ye Chen big brother, what are you angry about!"

"Ah! Why are you still here!"

The two cubs spoke suddenly, which startled Ye Chen, he thought they were all gone!

"Don't you care about the third prince?"

Ye Chen became interested and asked curiously. .

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