Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 239 Leave A Pile Of Corpses! New Journey!

With Ye Chen's order, all the archers and huntresses attacked.

Chase the fleeing orcs!

How much can be killed, how much.

It's a pity that the Elven Queen can't go out of the realm!

Once out of the territory, there will be no blessing from the tree of life, let alone restore the peak strength of the magister.

The power of magic will also decrease due to the range.

Can only be a powerful support!

However, guarding the safety of the territory is a challenge!

Very cowhide!

It is estimated that with the peak strength of the great magister, even if the holy magister who is one level higher than her comes, she may not be able to take advantage of it.

The killing continued, and the people of Yumo City didn't expect the orc Zhang to retreat so quickly.

However, they deeply felt the powerful momentum erupting in the distance.

It seems that Ye Chen's subordinates fought against the orcs!

And it's an overwhelming situation.

Otherwise, the besieging orc army would not retreat in such a panic!

The archers and huntresses left behind in the city were ordered to catch up immediately.

It's a pity that the speed of the archer is too slow.

After only chasing for a short while, the orc disappeared.

Only 040 left, the huntress continued to chase.

Seeing that the two gold-level generals around him were all dead in battle, Sha Mopo didn't care about the heavy casualties of the army.

Just run away.

Relying on the advantage of speed, it is difficult to get rid of the tree man's attack!

let's go!

According to statistics, there are as many as 400,000 orc corpses left on the ground, and there are countless silver ranks, nearly a hundred!

As for Shamopo's three gold-level generals, only one came back.

If he hadn't been entangled by the water element of the archmage, and he was with other gold-level ones, he would probably be cool!

Time is fate!

"Really, if you don't want to fight, hurry up, really!"

Ye Chen sighed, a little annoyed.

Although I won the battle, I didn't feel happy.

Maybe, miss home!

Ye Chen lay on the flat ground, looked at the bright stars in the sky, and stayed quietly all night!

Finally, he made an important decision.

He's going to go somewhere else!

As for the elves, let's stock them!

Anyway, with Tyrande and the Elven Queen under the cover, in this gold-ranked North Territory, there is no great danger if you think about it!

What's more, he can also control it remotely.

It is said that if you reach the gold level, you can cross the endless sea and go to the legendary Central Region of Qingyun Continent!

Legend has it that there are so many masters there, gold ranks everywhere, and silver ranks and below are not as good as dogs!

Crystal warriors, holy magisters, are often seen.

You can even meet the legendary God of War and God of Law!

[Ding! Survival mission released: Successfully reached the central region of Qingyun Continent! (Elf creatures are prohibited!)]

[Reward: The level of fire magic is increased by one level! Human hero paladin!]

This task is really long-term. Seeing that I am going to the Central Territory, I will directly bring myself a task.

There are plenty of rewards!

Thinking that the rewards are very rich, Ye Chen's face suddenly collapsed.

There won't be a big crisis on this trip, will it?

It shouldn't be possible, it is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble, but the crisis will not happen.

Just do it, Ye Chen hastened to prepare everything!

There is a long distance between the Warcraft Mountains and the Endless Sea!

There are a lot of things to prepare, but it will be much more convenient to have a space ring.

a week later!

Ye Chen bid farewell to everyone, and embarked on a new journey under the eyes of the girls of the Rose Mercenary Corps!

On this trip, Ye Chen only brought a thousand knights, as well as a grand magister-level archmage in town!

It's just that the current Archmage Vargas is only in the early stages of the Grand Magister, and he doesn't know when he will be able to upgrade.

And his promotion method is to practice!

Forget it, Ye Chen no longer thinks about worrying things, the boat will go straight to the bridge, maybe the archmage will be promoted to the holy magister as soon as he arrives in the middle of the mainland!

After a long journey, everyone came to a place close to the endless sea.

There is even a pier here, specially designed for those who cross the sea.

But here is a bit cool and sparsely populated, oh it’s not that I didn’t see anyone at all!


"is there anybody?"

If it weren't for the cleanliness of this place, Ye Chen would think that this place has been desolate for a long time, and there is no one there!

With a look from Ye Chen, the knight beside him stepped forward to investigate.

Finally found someone in a dilapidated hut!

"My God! I actually saw people! It's so strange!"

A thin old man jumped off the bed and looked at Ye Chen and the others in surprise.

Walking quickly, he excitedly held Ye Chen's hand: "Are you here to cross the sea, sir, what a distinguished guest!"

Ye Chen pulled out his hand in embarrassment, if you are a big beauty, maybe I will give you more handshakes.

But you old man...

After a while, Ye Chen finally understood the situation.

The corners of my mouth couldn't help twitching!

Good fellow, none of the men who went to sea in his boat came back.

It's almost broken contact, and there is no news!

Because of this, no one has come to cross the sea in his place for ten years.

In the Northern Territory, there are only two piers in total, which are used to cross the endless sea, which is lower than other regions.

But very few people succeed.

It may also be because their strength has not reached the gold level!

This is unknown.

Legends, always legends.

Seeing is believing, hearing is believing!

"Hey, prepare a big boat, we're going to cross the sea!"

"Your honored guest, take a short rest, and I will arrange people to prepare for it!"

The wharf owner's mouth cracked to the back of his head when he laughed, and he ran away without a trace.

Ye Chen shook his head, looked at several large ships not far away, and fell into deep thought.

What danger is there in this sea?

Is it a monster in the sea? Or lost its way?

But Ye Chen is not worried at all, the archmage has a big move, which may be on the same level as the forbidden spells in this world.

In case of danger, they can send a group of thousands of them back, but the consumption is a bit high.

But that's all right!

Not long after, the icon brought a thousand prosperous men from the nearby town.

Picked the biggest boat and started cleaning it!

"My lord, let's calculate the price!"

Taking advantage of the time spent cleaning the boat, the boss rubbed his little hands and said to Ye Chen with a smile.

"You can't be a lion, you haven't opened for ten years!"

After finishing speaking, the knight behind Ye Chen showed a terrifying aura and gave the boss a warning.

Although he is an old silver-level fighter, but with so many ninth-level knights, the sense of oppression is too strong.

Couldn't help shaking twice.

"How come, it's all the most affordable price!".

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