Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 250 With A Blow To The Head, The Long-Lost Power Surfaced!

"It's so quiet around here, it's weird!"

As one of the three generals, Murong Fu is a Crystal Warrior-level powerhouse with rich combat experience.

At a glance, he sensed a subtle aura around him.

And this feeling has saved me several times~.

But this time, this feeling was unprecedented, like dying.

It weighed him down.

Following Murong Fu's wave of his hand, the three teams went to investigate, while the rest of the troops entered a state of combat readiness.

Carefully observe the surrounding.

But more than ten minutes passed, and the team that went to investigate found nothing.

However, this vicinity is the most suitable place for ambushes. Once the ambush here is successful, it will cause great casualties to the opponent.

"Could it be that I think too much?"

Murong Fu thought suspiciously.

Perhaps it was because of scaring himself, a layer of sweat broke out on Murong Fu's forehead at some point.

But it's right to be careful.

In this middle domain, even if he is a high-ranking crystal warrior, as long as he fails to become a god of war for a day, he must be careful all his life.

The master here is like this, because it is dangerous.

He has been in power for thirty years, and the crystal warriors he has seen have changed wave after wave.

Many died in the war.

But this sense of death that frightens him has been lingering in his mind, lingering.

"Keep going!"

If you don’t understand it, you don’t want to think about it. What should continue must continue.

Murong Fu gave an order, and the 300,000 troops continued to move forward!

As long as you pass here, there is a flat river in front of you, even if the enemy tries to set up an ambush, it will be useless.

Passing through the complex terrain, it will be convenient to go to the flat river in a short time, as if you can see the end at a glance.

But as the army continued to advance, the bad feeling became stronger and stronger.

"General! It's not good, there are traces of the enemy ahead!"

"What are you panicking about! How many people can there be in a small place that isn't even a kingdom!"

Murong Fu was already in a depressed mood, a soldier's appearance made him furious, and he kicked him to the ground.

He rushed to the front army phalanx, suddenly his pupils shrank suddenly: "This is it!"

I saw densely packed soldiers slowly appearing in front of everyone. Since the place is so flat, it is clear how huge the number of enemies is!

The number ahead is less than 400,000!

Who said that the number of enemies does not exceed 100,000? Murong Fu wanted to chop off his head and feed it to the dogs.

"General, it's not good, there are enemy troops behind us!"

Another soldier came to report.

Murong Fu jumped directly into the air from his horse, and he could see the surrounding landscape clearly.

Boom boom boom!

Murong Fu, who just flew into the air, suddenly felt the fluctuation of the elements, and dodged violently.

Seeing several elemental bullets passing by, Murong Fu's eyes immediately found the great mage hiding in the army!

"Damn it, the enemy has a holy magister! How could you provoke such an enemy!"

Murong Fu didn't have time to think, and quickly fell from the sky.

It cannot be regarded as a living target, and must be engaged as soon as possible.

There are about 400,000 soldiers in the front and 100,000 in the rear, a total of 500,000. With the 300,000 strong soldiers under his command, it is not impossible to kill him alone.

In short, it is necessary to fight with the enemy soldiers, so that the opponent's holy magister will be afraid.


Murong Fu gave an order, and everyone divided into several square formations, and slowly pressed forward.

A thousand magician legions also began to prepare the same magic together, giving a big gift to the enemy first.

But suddenly there was a strange fluctuation in the surroundings, and the magic power in the bodies of all the magicians suddenly decreased by 70%, and the magic in their hands was forcibly interrupted.


Everyone spurted out a mouthful of blood!

"What the hell?"

The ace in his hand was discarded before he even made a move, Murong Fu had three question marks on his head, he was very puzzled.

But he didn't have time to think about it, the enemy was less than a few kilometers away.

Suddenly, the infantry in front stopped, and small figures suddenly appeared on both sides of each soldier.

bang bang bang!

With a series of gunshots, Murong Fu's army suddenly turned upside down.

"This is? The magic gun of the dwarves? How could it appear here? Didn't they disappear long ago?"

Strange things happened again and again, and Murong Fu's voice changed a little from the shock.

"Shield resistance, quick impact!"

The elite infantry of the Cangming Kingdom wished they could build a huge shield to protect themselves.

... ‥ Asking for flowers ... 0

Looking at the companions around, who were either broken arms or broken legs, the fear in my heart rose even more.

There was even a shield that couldn't hold a few shots at all, and his master followed it away with a terrified cry.

Soldiers kept falling, but they had no choice but to charge.

If you retreat, you will die, but if you charge forward, you can live.

The senior legion in black heavy armor is much better, although the first wave of surprise attack caused them to suffer a little injury.

There were not many soldiers killed in battle, only a few hundred, and less than a thousand soldiers were all eighth-level soldiers!

After being taught a lesson, they quickly used their shields to resist and moved forward slowly.

The weapons of the dwarf musketeers can't hurt them at all.

This shield is really strong and big enough!

Seeing that the effect was negligible, ten thousand knights slowly gathered here.


Seeing that the distance was almost the same, the senior army general of the Cangming Kingdom gave an order, and all the soldiers took out short spears from their backs and began to throw them towards the enemy's phalanx.

For a while, Ye Chen's infantry were killed and wounded.

A group of knights also knew that they could not wait any longer, and began to bypass the infantry and attack with all their strength.

A melee begins.

As expected of the army of a first-class kingdom, Ye Chen's army was in their hands, and they hardly benefited from it.

It also abolished their magician army, and caused a lot of casualties to the opponent's elite army.

If Murong Fu heard it, he would call it too Versailles.

Murong Fu looked at the battle situation around him more and more startled, why the strength of the opponent is so strong.

Not to mention the minimum level of seven for all staff, the calendars in their hands are so endless.

No, there are more than a hundred magicians who backfired on death.

It made them dare not use magic anymore, and looked around in fear.

Not to mention the sudden drop in magic power in his body, once he casts magic, there must be a strange force to interrupt him.

"It seems that there is no escape! The Cangming Kingdom cannot lose its top combat power!"

Murong Fu already had the intention of retreating, he was ready to abandon the remaining soldiers.

And the news of this mysterious power must be passed back. .

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