Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 257: Killing The Imperial God Of War, Packing And Selling All Of It!

But the four crystal warriors are early stage, plus they want to bully the low-level ones.

So the four crystal warriors in the mid-term rushed up first.

Fighting with Ye Chen's four crystal ranks, they lost the wind for a while.

Just as everyone in Fengyun Empire despised him.

Dozens of black shadows fell down in unison in the sky.

"What? What is this?"

That frightening aura clearly shows that each dragon is comparable to the peak of the gold rank, and there are knights of the same rank sitting on it.

They really have dragon knights, they are so powerful and terrifying, how is this possible?

The thirteen crystal-level members of Fengyun Empire all wanted to turn around and run away.

Let's not talk about whether you can escape or not, but if you leave this million-strong army and escape, even if you go back, you will not escape heavy punishment.

Although there is an unwritten rule, crystal level and above are not allowed to surrender to the army.

But it didn't say that the gold level is not allowed!

How can these one hundred dragon knights resist?

Death is inevitable, life is inevitable!

"Hurry up, call for backup!"

A help signal was sent out suddenly, this is the highest level 31 help signal, and it urgently needs the rescue of a strong person at the legendary God of War level.

The hundred golden peak dragon knights are no less than the hundred early crystal warriors, and the three early crystal warriors are even more terrifying.

The thirteen of them tried their best to block them, but the other party seemed to be playing tricks on them, and did not intend to kill them.

"Could it be that they are afraid of offending Fengyun Empire? No!"

This idea was rejected as soon as it appeared, but he really couldn't figure out what the enemy wanted to do!

Suddenly an astonishing aura appeared in the original place, and the crystal-level members of Fengyun Empire were overjoyed.

The support has finally arrived, this is the superpower of the legendary God of War level, the realm they dream of reaching.

The legendary God of War has arrived, and the people in Chang'an City are doomed!

But what happened next made their eyes widen and their mouths widen.

The God of War from Fengyun Empire had just appeared on the stage, and before he could say a word, a huge hammer suddenly appeared, and the God of War was thrown flying in one fell swoop.


"Why did you hit me!"

"So it wasn't a dream!"

The people of Fengyun Empire are like riding a roller coaster, and their mood suddenly fell into a trough.


Didn't you see even the legendary battle Shendu was blown away by a hammer wheel?

It turns out that their target is the legendary God of War powerhouse of the empire, I hope he is okay!

After a while, there was an earth-shattering sound from the original place.

Even if the distance is hundreds of kilometers, the aftermath is a little scary.

Fortunately, the distance was far enough, and Chang'an City was not affected.

Within ten minutes, the Paladin was seen dragging a dead dog back from the air.

The people of Fengyun Empire were shocked, isn't this their legendary God of War powerhouse?

Why was it killed in just ten minutes?

This is impossible!

But seeing is believing, they had to believe it.

The thirteen crystal-level surrendered directly!

And the army of one million rose up to resist in the encirclement.

Since Ye Chen's high-level troops are only more than 500,000, it is impossible to eliminate them quickly.

During the coordination of various arms, when more than 200,000 enemy troops were eliminated, the Dragon Knight made a move in order to prevent too many casualties.

After killing a large number of enemies!

Soon the remaining army was suppressed.

In the end, there were 600,000 people who were all disarmed and taken away!

As for it? It's impossible.

And the corpse of the dead god of war.

All packaged and sold, or become the experience points of the upcoming elves!

Soon, the news spread to Fengyun Empire Palace.

"A group of trash, a dozen crystal warriors, and an army of millions of high-ranking legions, can't take down a small city of Chang'an!"

"I also killed a legendary God of War-level powerhouse, and I was so angry!"

Above the court, the emperor of the Fengyun Empire——Zhu Jiuzhong was furious.

The aura of the legendary god of war who was infinitely close to the peak in the late stage burst out suddenly, and the ministers and generals knelt on the ground above the court hall.

Just two marshals. The prime minister of the court did not change his face, because the two marshals among them were strong in the middle stage of the legendary God of War, and one of them was probably not far from the late stage.

There is also the prime minister, a super strong man in the mid-stage of the Fashen, whose strength is terrifying!

"Your Majesty calm down, this matter is too strange, there must be an unknown conspiracy!"

"How can a small force that is not even a kingdom have such a powerful force, and can kill one of our God of War!"

As soon as the marshal's words fell, the emperor Zhu Jiuchong also slowly became dignified.

Indeed, this matter was too strange. A God of War in the empire suddenly saw the distress signal and went to support it.

In less than a moment, he fell on the spot and didn't even escape.

"Check! I want the most specific information!"


With the departure of Emperor Zhu Jiuchong, everyone in the court hall breathed a sigh of relief.

For a moment, the eyes of the Three Heavenly Empire looked at Ye Chen at the same time.

Ye Chen's Chang'an City once again enjoyed great prosperity and fame.

It is safer to have the power of the legendary God of War.

For a time, the trade in Chang'an City reached its peak, and countless businessmen went to Chang'an City to do business.

All of them made a lot of money!

With Ye Chen's taxes, he got a lot of resources.

[Ding! Survival mission: Defeat any 970-one empire attack! (Completed!)]

[Reward: Legendary God of War-level heroes King of the Hill, Archmage promoted to one level, three random-level heroes!]

[Ding! Get the peak-level hero Blood Mage of the God of Law, the mid-stage hero of the Legendary God of War Panda Jiuxian, and the early-stage hero Alchemist of the God of Law!]

Hearing the system prompt, Ye Chen was stunned.

This is a random level with no hope, Ye Chen feels that it is possible to give someone below level nine.

Unexpectedly, there are three more god-level heroes!


There is also the blood mage at the peak of the law god, who directly swept across the entire central region, right?

Be low key, low key!

Ye Chen still understands this truth, the ghost knows how many immortals there are in Zhongyu.

According to another world, silver is not as good as a dog, and gold walks all over the place.

Not to mention the realm of surpassing the god of law, how many peaks of the god of law suddenly appeared, isn't it too much?

Alas! Difficult!

Now, Ye Chen has six god-level unit essays!

It is inappropriate to wait for the heroes of the elves to level up and be promoted to the god level, then eight of them will even be at the god level!

Work hard in the end, complete a few difficult tasks, and dominate the other world, will it be far away?

quack quack!

Ye Chen laughed happily and turned like a duck, thankfully no one was around, otherwise Ye Chen's image would be lost!.

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