Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 270 One After Another, God-Level Beasts Give Away Their Heads!

Not far from Chang'an City, the Warts' eyes were filled with a touch of scarlet, revealing a touch of excitement.

He has already seen the huge Chang'an City, and even saw delicious humans.

Yes, he wants to eat people now.

A trace of saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, and he rushed forward with a scream.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed, and a huge long stick phantom knocked Tianshu to the ground with a single blow.

One staggered up and looked around suspiciously.

Only a tiny panda was found in the end?

It is only two or three times bigger than a human being.

But in his eyes, he was still pitifully small.

Wart Mouse felt the pain in his body, and immediately grinned and rushed towards Panda Jiuxian.

A burst of mist spread out, covering the whole body of Warts, and his speed slowed down a lot.

Fantianshu continued to attack unbelievingly, but the strange thing was that the attack that was about to hit, but just dodged like that, which made Fantianshu very angry.

Panda Jiuxian's nimble posture made Fan Tianshu helpless, and even a large-scale attack was dodged.

How to fight this?

Seeing that the time was ripe, Panda Jiuxian took a swipe up and flew Tianshu into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the enhanced version of flame breathing was used, and a burst of fierce flames burst out, directly roasting the squirrel.

An ordinary skill can be strengthened as powerful as a big move, as expected, the fewer skills, the better!

Fearing that Fan Tianshu was not dead, Panda Jiuxian Naughty Stick gave him a full body massage.

This time, the Tianshushu died completely.

In the monster forest in the distance, the Five Poison Rats and the Treasure Rat opened their eyes at the same time, and their gazes were directed at Chang'an City.

They already felt that the rat had been killed.

"How dare you kill my brother, human beings, I'm getting impatient!"

The five poisonous rats went berserk immediately, the poisonous gas in their bodies erupted uncontrollably, and the surrounding trees and bushes withered and withered in a strange state!

The two god-level monsters rushed towards Chang'an City frantically, rampaging all the way to the birds and beasts and scattered them.

Suddenly, a wave of beasts was triggered, and a large number of monsters were driven towards Chang'an City by the five poisonous rats.

It didn't take long for Chang'an City to receive a second-level alert!

Warcraft siege, this is a big event, the current situation is unknown, everyone is ready to join the support at any time.

And Ye Chen's army is also ready to go, quietly waiting for the monster to enter the range.

Not surprisingly, no matter how many monsters there were, they were sent to the west without even touching the city wall.

But the monster still charged lifelessly, as if there was some great terror behind it.

"There are two big guys hiding in the dark! One for each?"

The blood mage suggested.

"Hey, you are of such a high level, is it interesting to bully a kid in junior middle school? Let me have a good time! I'll give you my wine!"

Panda Jiuxian took a sip of wine and said with a smile.

I thought that the blood mage would agree, but who would have thought that he would just give him a blank look and stop talking!

"Hey? Don't! Let me enjoy myself again!"

No matter what Panda Jiuxian said, the blood mage still didn't let go.

"Hey! There are two god-level monsters here? It's agreed, don't steal it from me!"

"Got it, got it, you've been rambling on for days!"

At this time, the Panda Jiuxian's face was full of black lines, it's over, these two ancestors have come, let alone play.

It is the priestess and the female demon hunter who came!

According to Ye Chen's order, the right to kill god-level monsters is given priority to the two of them.

"In that case, hurry up, I'll drink a jug of wine first!"

After all, the priestess snatched the Panda Jiuxian's wine and drank it in a big gulp.


Leaving behind the aggrieved Panda Wine Immortal, if you want to grab the blame, you have to grab the wine too.

"Huh? No, you just have the heart to let me go alone, then there is only a mid-stage god!"

The demon hunter looked hopeless, and seeing the priestess's unmoved face, he knew, well, it was a waste.

Go yourself!

The demon hunter moved his body and rushed out in a dodge.

Pick the soft persimmons!

The demon hunter directly raised his hand, and suddenly fell from the sky, giving the treasure hunters who watched the show a big fight.

For a moment, Treasure Hunter was a little confused, what's going on, where am I?

The five poisonous rats stared, but found that the demon hunter was only in the early stage of God of War, and then turned their attention to Chang'an City.

He discovered that there were still several extremely tyrannical auras in the city.

...asking for flowers...

It made him hesitate a little, should he run away?

But then a red light flashed in his eyes, and the thought of running away instantly disappeared.

All that is left is bursts of killing intent!

The Treasure Hunting Mouse who came back to his senses immediately launched a counterattack, but his greatest skill is treasure hunting, and he is not good at fighting.

This is just the beginning of the treasure hunt, and the mouse retreats steadily.

The more the demon hunter fights, the more excited he is. From time to time, he will use skills such as mana burning, which makes the tormented treasure hunter miserable.

"Where did this monster come from, why is it so terrifying!"

Treasure Hunter wailed inwardly.

The Five Poisonous Rats couldn't stand it any longer. They thought it was a close fight, but they didn't expect to be beaten.


With a dodge, he knocked the demon hunter into the air and saved the treasure hunter.

A more intense battle ensued.

The five poisonous rats also released his poisonous gas, but unfortunately it had little effect on the demon hunter.

This also makes the demon hunter proud.

The Five Poison Rats were almost furious.

He rushed forward with all his teeth and claws, which also put pressure on the demon hunter.

After all, it is a small realm higher than him.

whoosh whoosh!

Thousands of dazzling arrows rained across the sky suddenly, and most of them ruthlessly pierced into the body of the five poisonous rats, and their flesh and blood became bloody.

"I knew it, you don't know how to watch theater!"

The demon hunter looked at the heroic priestess in the distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The strength in the body exploded randomly, and instantly gave the treasure hunter a set of powerful silky combos.

In the end, the war blade in his hand suddenly produced a phantom, which directly chopped off the big head of the treasure hunting mouse.

"Ah! Humans, you all die!"

Seeing that the second and third younger brothers all died at the hands of humans, the five poisonous rats lost their minds.

No matter what the consequences are, directly use your own Shentong beyond the limit.

"No, stop him!"

The whole body of the five poisonous rats continued to swell, and countless poisonous gases burst out instantly, covering the sky and the sun, and quickly attacking the surroundings.

"Holy Light Barrier!"

The paladin waved his hand, and a huge barrier radiated light, blocking all the poisonous energy and blood. .

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