Gao Wu: I Rely On Lottery To Build Sects

Chapter 272 What Can I Do After Bumping Into Each Other? Hit It!

However, didn't he die tens of thousands of years ago in the siege of strong human beings, why is he still alive?

Lord god level, how can we fight this?

Siyuan broke out in a cold sweat instantly, and his limbs felt a little weak.

Not to mention the legendary main god level, even the god level, the gap is very large.

"No, why is his breath so weak?"

In just ten seconds, Siyuan's inner world is very rich and colorful, experiencing ups and downs!

Now, the turning point has come again.

This aura is clearly in the middle of the god level!

It didn't regain its strength, which is great!

But the main god level is the main god level, even if the strength drops to the middle of the god level, it still cannot be underestimated.

If you are not careful, it will be the end of eternal doom.

Fen Tian saw the ink stains on the guy in front of him, so he couldn't help but make a move first.

A dragon wags its tail and starts the fight, and the battle begins.

The three great empires have received the news that within the territory of the Ziyun Empire, another god-level monster has been revived.

Ziyun Empire 31 hastily dispatched three god-level powerhouses for reinforcements.

Of course, except for the Ziyun Empire, the other two empires are all watching a show.

It is not bad without adding oil and vinegar.

Ye Chen, who heard the news, also quickly sent four god-level heroes to grab the head first.

Si Yuan, who had only been fighting for three minutes, was about to grow big. No matter how he attacked, the purple dragon easily resolved them all.

She even teased him very jokingly!

Soon, fear overcame reason.

He must escape!

This devil is clearly playing with him, the gap in strength is too great, it is simply unmatched.

As a space crack appeared, Si Yuan turned around and was about to sink into it.

When he entered half of his body, he was overjoyed and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

A huge claw easily grabbed him out of the space crack.

"No! No no! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"


With a scream, Fen Tian licked his big mouth that felt nothing.

"Hey, the food is delivered to the door by itself, it's not bad! I like it."

Fen Tian narrowed his eyes and stared into the distance.

After a while, three space cracks appeared, and three figures came out.

"Where's Siyuan? Why didn't you see him?"

Seeing the calm surroundings, the three of them still had some doubts. Could it be that Siyuan solved it by himself.

"Are you looking for the little guy just now? What a coincidence, he just entered the belly of the deity! You should go into the stomach of the deity obediently, and suffer less!"

"What? When?"

The sudden appearance of Fen Tian frightened the three of them. Since there was no figure of Si Yuan, what the monster said seemed to be true.

Siyuan, a middle-stage god-level guy, was killed.

How long is this?

"Mid-level god level? So brash, do you really think that there is no one in my human race?"

Three strong men from the Ziyun Empire, two mid-stage gods, and one late-stage god.

How could they think that a little god-level mid-stage monster is so powerful?

There are three of them!

A gigantic sword fell suddenly, hitting Fen Tian's back fiercely.

But there was a flash of fire and lightning, and Fen Tian didn't show any expression.

Instead, he stared at them jokingly.

"how is this possible?"

Only then did the three of them understand that this god-level monster was not simple.

Letting go of their contempt, the three directly attacked together, wanting to quickly deal with each other.

But it was still resolved by Fen Tian.

He even blocked it directly with his body.

The three of them attacked continuously for several minutes before realizing that this guy is not simple.

I'm afraid it's not an ordinary god level!

As for what it was, they hadn't seen it either.

"We must report to the empire and pass on what happened here!"

The strong man in the late stage of god level and another one in the middle stage directly burst out their strongest power, trying to entangle each other so that the other person can leave safely.

This matter is too serious, and the empire must pay attention to it, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

"Want to escape? Have you asked the deity?"

Fen Tian's eyes suddenly lit up with a purple light, and the human race in the middle of the god level was immobilized on the spot and could not move.

And the strong man in the late stage greeted Fen Tian's strongest dragon's breath head-on! A full blow.

The aftermath will be engulfed by the powerful human race and die on the spot.

In an instant, even the space was broken a little, but it quickly returned to its original state.

And the mid-stage god-level man who was about to escape was directly taken away by a phantom of dragon claws on the spot.


Fen Tian took a few breaths, and then returned to his arrogant appearance.

There was a trace of pity in his eyes.

These three strong men of the human race are all great tonics, but unfortunately they couldn't be swallowed, and they were all smashed into scum.

"By the way, the baked ones should still be useful, right?"

With suspicion, Fen Tian found them who had turned into ashes, and patted his forehead helplessly.

But the four holy lights descended, making Fen Tian feel as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

This disgusting smell made him want to tear it into pieces.

Taking a closer look, four, oh no, five figures appeared in the air.

Is there a white tiger among them?

A trace of disdain could not help but appear in Fen Tian's eyes!

"Fortunately, it came in time, otherwise it would be a pity!"

As soon as the paladin finished speaking, four figures appeared in the holy light.

It was the four strong humans who were killed by the dark purple dragon!

"Huh? What's the matter, am I not dead?"

The four couldn't help but 440 kept touching their bodies, and even the two who were close slapped each other across the face.

When the pain came, the two cried with joy, they didn't die!

"Damn, what the hell? What's your relationship with Kai, your bird man?"

The dark purple magic dragon turned around and saw the four resurrected people, and was shocked.

This kind of resurrection ability is impossible for the main god level.

Except Kyle the Birdman!

But that guy Kyle died tens of thousands of years ago with the alien gods and demons, how could he still be alive?

Is it his descendant?

"This time it's mine, Tyrande, don't rob me!"

"I won't fight with you, you go!"

"Hey, why are you so generous this time?"

The demon hunter looked at the priestess suspiciously, but didn't see two and three.

With doubts, he rushed up.

Soon he was back again.

It flew back and was beaten!

"Your uncle, how strong is the middle stage of the god level? This is unscientific!"

Rubbing his aching chest, the demon hunter grinned and said.

"Didn't you see that the gods of the four Ziyun Empires have all died? There is still a later stage!"

The priestess' words were like enlightenment, and the demon hunter immediately understood.

"Then don't stop me from ordering!"

The demon hunter looked at the priestess resentfully, then stared fiercely at Fen Tian. .

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