The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"A person from No. 5 Middle School?"

Kong Zhi, another of the three students who used swords, noticed Qin Yi's school uniform at first glance.

He showed a surprised look.

Xu Ze said with undisguised contempt: "So you are from No. 5 Middle School."

"You even spent money to come to the martial arts hall to practice swords."

"Hehe, you still use the weapons provided by the martial arts hall, what a waste of money."

It was mainly because Qin Yi was shining when he was shining.

He suddenly attracted everyone's attention, which was really annoying.


Xu Ze was right.

If it was a real swordsman, he would bring his usual weapon, right?

Even though they all practiced swordsmanship, everyone's methods of practice and their emphasis on different styles were different.

For example, Su Wanning used a scimitar.

And he used a heavy sword.

Of course, after all, they were students from No. 5 Middle School, so it was normal that they were not as professional as them.

In this world, many people's martial arts talents were actually fixed at birth.

If both parents are martial arts masters, the probability of their children being talented and excellent will certainly be much higher.

Compared with No. 5 Middle School, Nanjiang No. 1 Middle School.

The quality of students is much better.

In addition, the family conditions and the training of teachers are also very different, and the gap will only get bigger and bigger under normal circumstances.

A very simple example.

This time, Sun Shan brought three potential swordsmanship students from No. 1 Middle School to Muchuan Martial Arts Hall to find the deputy head of the hall who is proficient in swordsmanship for sparring and guidance.

How could the teachers of No. 5 Middle School have connections and know such people?

For No. 5 Middle School, those who can reach the threshold of the first-grade martial arts blood and have the opportunity to be admitted to the worst martial arts university are the best among the students.

Only the top students have the hope of fighting for a key martial arts university.

But for Nanjiang No. 1 Middle School, their better students are very confident of being admitted to a key martial arts university.


When Xu Ze saw the school uniform Qin Yi was wearing, he naturally looked down on him.

"Indeed... the way of the sword is not that simple." Wu Menghai on the side also said.

"However, maybe he has just entered the door and has not found the path that really suits him."

"Huh? This kid's posture..."

Suddenly, Wu Menghai's eyes condensed.

Qin Yi, who was present, was now a little familiar with the long sword in his hand.

Then... let's start.

In an instant.

Qin Yi's whole momentum was different.

Others only felt that the young man seemed to have suddenly become more profound.

But in the eyes of Sun Shan and Wu Menghai, two martial arts masters who have touched the mysterious operation of the energy of heaven and earth, there is a feeling that a sunny and cheerful boy suddenly turned into a Shura from hell.

That's right.

You know, in this world, many people have their own aura.

If you control the power of a large group for a long time and have the final say on many decisions.

Then standing there, you will naturally give people the aura of a superior who cannot be disobeyed.

If you are a powerful warrior who has been fighting in a sea of ​​blood and corpses for a long time, it will be even more terrifying. A glance is enough to make a weak-minded person mentally collapse.

Even some people can produce evil spirits that are almost condensed into substance!

And Qin Yi.

At this moment, the aura emitted from his body.

It gives people a sense of withering that makes the surroundings full of dead silence.

Is it an illusion.....


The next second.

Qin Yi held the long sword in his hand and began to swing it.

Each move.


Each move looks simple, but it is extremely effective.

The most important thing is that at the beginning, Qin Yi was still a little unfamiliar.

But as time passed.

He became more and more proficient in the use of the Demon Slayer Three Swords.

"This kid... although his swordsmanship is weird, it is very particular when you look closely." Wu Menghai slowly exhaled and gave a fair evaluation.

Of course, for him, the mystery of the Demon Slayer Three Swords may not be as good as his swordsmanship.

But you have to know.

The handsome boy in front of him is just a high school student.

The strength of Qi and blood, physical fitness must be limited.

Even if you want to forcibly perform many mysterious moves, the body may be overloaded and directly injured.

It is already amazing to be able to do this step.

Sun Shan was also surprised: "It's unbelievable that there is such a good seedling in No. 5 Middle School

" "Son?"

Sun Shan is not a swordsman, and the Demon Slayer Swords are very strange, so it is hard to tell whether Qin Yi's swordsmanship is stronger than his three students.

But since Wu Menghai commented like this, he must be quite skilled.

"It seems that even some middle schools with weak teaching staff can still produce geniuses who grow up in adversity."

"Before the martial arts college entrance examination, you must be very alert..." Su Wanning opened her red lips and murmured.


Xu Ze listened to Su Wanning's words and saw that the limelight that originally belonged to him was taken away by a kid from No. 5 Middle School.

He was immediately furious.

He couldn't help but sneer: "It's just a showpiece."

"In real combat, he couldn't break through the defense of Director Wu. "

Xu Ze's words were meaningful.

After all, for him, being able to cause a little damage to Wu Menghai's weapon during the sparring was definitely an impressive record.

Wu Menghai's mind moved when he heard this.

To be honest.

Qin Yi's swordsmanship did look very different.

He also wanted to know what effect this swordsmanship would have in actual combat.

Maybe it was just fancy moves.

It's a simple truth. When you are practicing swordsmanship alone, you can follow the most perfect route you imagined for every move. to proceed.

But in actual combat.

Will the opponent use weapons?

What moves will he make?

These are all unknowns. After the rhythm is disrupted, it is important whether you can change your moves in a coherent manner.

If you can't do that.

Then this set of swordsmanship is no different from those used for performance.

Just looking at this weird angle of swordsmanship, Wu Menghai really couldn't imagine how to change his moves.


Adhering to his obsession and enthusiasm for the way of swordsmanship.

He immediately walked forward quickly and said with a smile.

"Little brother, I think your swordsmanship is very interesting."

"I wonder if we can have a competition."

"If possible, I will pay for your venue."

"Maybe, I can even teach you."

"Of course, I only use the strength of about 10 blood value to fight."

Seeing this scene.

Everyone around couldn't help but discuss.

"Wu Guan is mainly teaching this young man? ”

“You know, his tuition fee is not low. This young man has made a fortune.”

“Alas, that’s wrong. I also practice swordsmanship. This young man’s moves are weird and unpredictable.”

“After fighting, maybe Master Wu will learn something from it.”

“Hiss——, what you said is a bit outrageous. Let Master Wu learn something from it? You might as well say that the master is eager to learn talents. "


Qin Yi raised his head.

Looked at Wu Menghai.

When he came in with the long sword, Wu Menghai had already finished teaching the three people.

Then when he was practicing sword, there were a lot of inexplicable comments from people around him.

Qin Yi didn't take it seriously.

Because... the venue fee here is expensive.

I'm not here to accept praise or show off. In a limited time, the right thing to do is to polish myself.

I didn't expect this guy to take the initiative to come up and compete with me?

Use 10 Qi and Blood The combat power is about the value of , which is a bit disrespectful. be called a gym owner, this guy must be really strong.

If the crushing duel with Cao Shichong is not counted, I have never fought with anyone seriously.

Look at my current strength.

It is not impossible to reach any level.

Moreover, in the fierce battle, because the cells are excited and mobilized, it is easier to break through their own limits, which is also common sense.

And the expenses can be reimbursed, so why not.

"Okay, then let's spar."

Qin Yi thought about it and agreed.

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