The enemy was killed, and the enemy was killed.

You know, before the large-scale invasion of the evil demons, he also arranged a killing game against outsiders.

Killed two people.

But now, the evil demons have invaded.

These outsiders are helping the Falling Star Base to resist?

Could it be that... haven't they discovered it yet?

In any case, Lu Yan has already felt a little regretful at this moment.

Maybe he shouldn't be so reckless.

What will happen if everything is exposed later?

However, except for a few high-level people of Lieyang who know the hidden story behind this, the rest of the people present are happy and excited.

Wei Tianxing, one of the current leaders of the Falling Star Army, waved his fist vigorously: "Hahahaha, great!"

"I was worried that those evil demons would cause irreparable damage to our rear."

"I said don't be hostile to these people."

"If they recover their memories, it might be an opportunity to help us get out of this fog."

"Lu Yan, what do you think?"

Wei Tianxing looked at Lu Yan with a smile.

This guy has proposed many plans against outsiders during this period of time.

But they were directly rejected by the brothers Wei Tianxing and Wei Dixing, who were praised as the twin stars of humanity by the people of the base and the current helmsmen of the Falling Star Army.

After all, these two are fifth-grade martial artists, and they are the other two saints in the Falling Star Base, so their words still carry a lot of weight.

Now, the Falling Star Base has suffered a great disaster.

Outsiders have played a crucial role.

Wei Tianxing naturally believes that this should be able to reduce a lot of hostility and resistance in Lu Yan's heart.

Facing this gaze, Lu Yan just felt uncomfortable.

Yes, he did regret targeting outsiders now.

But the problem is.

There is no regret medicine in this world.

Even if outsiders are willing to help them now, once the news of the Lieyang Army besieging their companions is leaked, it is estimated that it will be difficult for both sides not to have a conflict.

Should we hide this matter?

It just so happens that the evil demons are attacking. If we pretend to be the evil demons in time, we may be able to conceal the truth.


Just when Lu Yan frowned and thought.

The sound of a large number of footsteps rushing in the distance came again.

After a while, a large number of monsters appeared from the field of vision.

Weidixing raised the long stick in his hand.

He smashed it hard on the ground.



"Hey, let's talk about the outsiders later."

"Let's work together to deal with these evil demons first."

"Anyway, there's nothing to worry about now!"

After hearing this, Lu Yan had to temporarily put his worries aside.

The fire element particles in his body were surging: "Fight!"

Another round of fierce fighting began.

Under the leadership of three fifth-grade martial artists, the soldiers of Luoxing and Lieyang fought hard.

The blood of the monsters was splattered.

Broken limbs were scattered.

Of course, the soldiers also suffered heavy injuries.

But overall, the base still had the upper hand in terms of combat power.



The ground trembled slightly.

The gravel shook up and down like dancing.


"What's going on, an earthquake?" Wei Tianxing was slightly stunned.

However, the changes in the ground the next second shocked everyone.

A bulge appeared from a distance and was still moving forward.

"It's an evil demon!"

"Everyone be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell.


The cement road exploded.

The soil was splashed.

A human-faced centipede with a length of hundreds of meters and thick scales suddenly emerged from the ground.

The densely packed but tree-like antagonists made people's scalps numb at a glance.


The human face on the head of the centipede, which looked like an old man and had a sinister expression, opened its mouth and spewed out a large amount of dark green venom the moment it emerged.

The venom turned into raindrops.

It fell and sprinkled downwards.

When it dripped onto the soldiers, the clothes and flesh quickly dissolved.


"My face!"



Damn evil demon!

Wei Dixing, who was closest to him, gritted his teeth.

A hazy light bloomed from his body.

Holding a long stick, he immediately jumped up.

Facing the raindrops of venom falling, he ignored them and let them drip onto his body.

However, the moment these venoms came into contact with the layer of light on his body.

There was a sizzling sound, and wisps of white mist rose.

As a light warrior who absorbs light element particles into the body.

It is no problem to resist these venoms for a short time.

Wei Dixing moved forward rapidly in the air.

The long stick was aimed at the face of the human-faced centipede.

The veins in his hands bulged, and he smashed it hard.

However, the human-faced centipede showed a playful expression at this time.

Not good!

Wei Dixing had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next second.

From the cracks on both sides of the scales under the face of the human-faced centipede.


A pair of shining sickles suddenly stretched out.

Clamped the long stick.

At the same time, it also suppressed Wei Dixing's ability to move.

Should I give up the long stick...

It was just a moment of hesitation.


The human-faced centipede took advantage of this gap and sprayed a large amount of venom again.

The frontal impact of such a huge amount of liquid almost wrapped Wei Dixing up.

The terrible impact made him fall rapidly downwards, forcing him to mobilize all the light in his body to resist the invasion of toxins.

He had no spare energy to control the direction of landing or make any other movements.

The body of the human-faced centipede slid forward, tilted rapidly, and the pair of sickles chopped at the falling Wei Dixing.

"It's bad!"

"Be careful!"

Wei Tianxing and Lu Yan shouted anxiously.

At this moment, it was obvious that Wei Dixing's whole body strength was focused on resisting the venom.

It was equivalent to an unguarded state.

If the sharp sickle chopped down firmly.

I'm afraid he would be seriously injured if not killed.

The situation was too critical.

They were still some distance away and could not be rescued at all.

It can be said that this secret move of the human-faced centipede evil demon was extremely insidious!


At this moment, a black figure jumped out of the dense woods on the right side of the road.

The scarlet long sword, held tightly in both hands and raised high, emitted a faint cold light under the sunlight.

"Dark Soul Slash!"


Qin Yi slashed with all his strength from top to bottom.

The dark crescent-shaped sword energy whistled out.

It attacked the face of the human-faced centipede.

This sword energy was too fast and too urgent.

The human-faced centipede had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​beating the drowning dog.

The sickle was formed into an X shape for defense.


At the moment when the dark crescent sword energy came into contact with the sickle.

A sound similar to the roar of metal collision resounded through the world.


The sword energy actually exploded like this!

A ball of black gunpowder smoke bloomed on the centipede's head.

Sharp energy escaped.

The aftermath of the explosion made the human-faced centipede twist wildly.

Painful scream.

It was at this time that Wei Dixing fell heavily to the ground.

A small hole was smashed in the cement floor.

Fortunately, with his physical fitness as a martial artist, such an impact should not be a big deal.


Qin Yi fell in the middle of the empty Beihua Avenue.

Looking at this human-faced centipede.

His eyes condensed.

This quite strong.

[Monster: Human-faced centipede monster (energy body)]

[Monster level: three stars]

[Evaluation: A monster with extremely strong defense and agile speed. A pair of sharp sickles hidden under the human face can often catch opponents off guard. It can also release corrosive venom from its mouth]

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