The fog is retreating, and the situation is getting worse.

What does it mean that the fog is retreating?

That means that humans can have more land resources!

This is equivalent to strengthening their foundation in disguise!

Why is the fifth rank enough to be called a saint for the Falling Star humans?

The lack of resources is definitely an important factor!

"Are you serious?"

"This has never happened in the past two hundred years!"

"Good news, great news!"

"Hahahaha, God bless my Falling Star!"

"But why did these fogs suddenly rush towards the Demon Valley?"

"Wait, didn't Qin Sheng just go to the Demon Valley? There must be a connection between the two!"

The people present were excited and also explored the reason.

And soon thought of Qin Yi.

This is not a difficult question to associate.

After all, the range of the fog has not changed for two hundred years, and no Fallen Star people dared to challenge the Demon Canyon for two hundred years.

Or even if there were, they died at the entrance.

It is not a challenge at all.

These two things happened at the same time, and the direction of the fog was still the Demon Canyon. I am afraid that only a fool would think it is a coincidence.

The scholar nodded: "Yes, the time of the two things happened is exactly the same. Our institute believes that there is a 99.99% probability that there is a connection."

Hearing this analysis.

Most of the people present were speechless.

Aren't you talking nonsense? Do you need to say it?

But the people in the institute are like this. To put it nicely, they are more rigorous, so no one complained.

Lu Yan frowned: "There are two key issues now."

"One is whether the fog will fill up after it dissipates."

"The other is whether the fog will affect Qin Sheng's situation?"

If the fog will fill up, then the temporary dissipation is useless. Maybe the crops are not yet ripe, and the fog will erode again.

There is also the issue of Qin Yi's safety.

It is also a matter of concern to everyone.

Now, the Luoxing Base basically regards Qin Yi as one of their own.

With such a powerful fighting force, to be realistic, life safety is more guaranteed, isn't it?

But the fog poured into the canyon.

It is equivalent to adding variables to the already dangerous forbidden area.

It is hard not to worry.

The scholar nodded, flipped through two pages of documents, and continued.

"What the Army Chief said is correct."

"So regarding this issue, our research institute also conducted data analysis and discussions at the first time."

"First of all, before we can figure out whether the fog will be filled back, we must determine one thing, that is, whether the fog has been consumed."

"According to our research, the volume of fog that has disappeared far exceeds the scope of the Demon Grand Canyon."

"Based on the premise that the fog is a fixed mass and cannot be superimposed."

"Therefore, it can be concluded that a large amount of fog has been consumed."

"In short, the conclusion is that it will not be filled back."

The Demon Grand Canyon covers a large area.

But you have to know that the fog is wrapped around the entire Falling Star Base for dozens of kilometers!

The circumference radius of the outer perimeter of the fog is also an astronomical figure. If it retreats a few thousand meters, it will be enough to fill several Demon Grand Canyons.

Hearing such an inference.

Everyone was excited.

This is indeed great news!

More land means more food can be grown, which means more places for people to survive.

A large base.

The probability of strong people appearing will also increase. This is a virtuous cycle!

However, although excited, the people present still tried to control their voices to avoid interrupting the scholars' conversation.

After all, there is still a key question.


The document turned the page, and the scholar continued to speak.

"As for the influx of these mists, does it have any impact on Qin Sheng's situation..."

"The answer is yes."

"Not only does it have an impact, but it is definitely a very bad impact."

"There are two possibilities for why these mists fill up the Demon Canyon."

"The first is that the internal structure of the canyon was completely destroyed by Qin Sheng, and the hotbed of these demons suffered heavy damage."

"In this case, perhaps the mist is a repair agent."

"The second is that the demons in the canyon are awakened in large numbers, and the medium that activates them is these mists."

"Everyone, please look."

The scholar pointed to the large electronic screen behind Wei Tianxing.

At this moment, a

A data indicator chart appeared.

There were many curves on it.

There were also some small words.

"This picture shows the detection of the fog whenever the evil demons invaded."

"You can see that whenever the evil demons are active, the fog will fluctuate."

"Normally, these fogs may just be a trigger, and a small amount can awaken some evil demons."

"But now it is forced awakening, so such a huge amount is needed."

"In summary, we can infer that there are already a large number of evil demons active in the canyon at this moment!"

"Of course"

"I personally tend to believe that both possibilities occur at the same time, which will cause so much fog to surge."


Everyone was speechless for a while.

If the first one is great news.

Then the second one is bad news that can be comparable to it.

How dangerous is the situation Qin Sheng is facing at this moment? !

Just thinking of the line of words "evil demons besieging one person".

The scalp of the fallen star people present was numb.

"What should we do?"

"What can we do now?"

"Yes, can we just sit there and wait for death?"

"Why don't we go too?"

"Start a decisive battle with those beasts!"

"Not appropriate, this is equivalent to fighting on the territory of those beasts, which is very disadvantageous."


At this moment, the conference hall was in chaos.

People kept making suggestions.

They were rejected again.


"Quiet!" At this moment, Wei Tianxing slammed the table hard, stood up and shouted.

This made the conference hall temporarily calm down.

Then, Wei Tianxing said solemnly: "The fog is still surging, which means Qin Sheng is still alive and fighting!"

"Those evil demons can only be fought by a steady stream of people."

"Qin Sheng is right."

"With our strength, we will die if we go."

"Going together will only distract him and hinder him."


"This is the only thing we can do now."

Wei Tianxing's words made everyone fall into desperate silence.

Can we only pray?

Damn, he is still too weak after all.

I hope Qin Sheng can return safely...

At this moment.

Everyone's admiration for Qin Yi, who dared to face the Demon Canyon, became stronger and stronger.

This is also the reason why Qin Yi's contribution ratio is still rising.

If at this moment.

Qin Yi returned and asked them to open the protective shield, there would be absolutely no hesitation.

As for Gongsun Qing and other students in the Demon Sea.

Then they would definitely refuse.

There is a huge difference in discourse power...

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