The two of them were very happy.

"Hello, Director Gao."

"This is..."

From a distance, Qin Yi saw Gao Zhiyuan and greeted him.

When he saw the faces of several people clearly.

He was a little surprised.

Gao Zhiyuan actually brought people who were obviously from foreign countries to visit the academy?

You know.

The Magic Sea Academy is the martial arts holy land of Daxia.

In order to prevent the outflow of many teaching resources and information.

There are no international students and exchange students.

And these three people, two of them are obviously not very old, looking around like curious babies, and no one knows what they are here for.


"Qin Yi?"

"What a coincidence." Gao Zhiyuan also responded enthusiastically.

He would naturally not forget this demon who had realized a trace of simplified Taoism before he became a master.

He was deeply impressed.

When he approached, Gao Zhiyuan directly introduced him.

"Qin Yi, these three are friends from the Kingdom of Gala."

"Yunas, Hassan and Alifa."

"Three, this is Qin Yi, the undisputed ace of our new students in the Demon Sea."


After hearing Gao Zhiyuan's introduction.

The three of them immediately became interested.

The undisputed ace of this class of freshmen?

Such an evaluation can be said to be quite high.

It can be fully understood that none of the supreme students in this class of the Demon Sea can compare with him.

"Hello, classmate Qin." Yunus quickly extended his right hand.

Qin Yi also smiled and shook hands with him: "Hello, three of you, welcome to the Demon Sea Supreme Academy."

The Kingdom of Gala is not far from the Great Xia Kingdom geographically.

The relationship between the two sides has also warmed up relatively quickly in the past two hundred years, and there are cooperation in many project fields.

So even if they don't know what they are here for, there's nothing wrong with being friendly.

And behind Yunus.

Hassan and Alifa looked at Qin Yi curiously.

Is this the Supreme Freshman of the Demon Sea?

Doesn't that mean he is the same age as them?

Ace... doesn't look that powerful.

He looks sunny and handsome, and his smile is like a spring breeze, giving people the feeling of a big boy next door.

He doesn't look very powerful.

What they don't know is that this is after Qin Yi comprehended the way of the underworld god, he was able to fully restrain the power of the underworld.

The reason for not leaking anything.

If Hu Xiaofang and Lu Qianhan could hear what these two people are thinking at this moment.

They would definitely refute loudly.


Big boy next door?

What a joke.

Qin Yi is usually serious.

The aura that emanates invisibly.

Makes their hair stand on end.

This is also the reason why Hu Xiaofang, who has a lively personality, dared not refute or joke with Qin Yi.

If it was a battle,

That's not to mention.

When facing that scarlet and indifferent look, life and soul felt like they were being deprived.

That kind of terror is simply not something a normal person can bear.

Suddenly, Jonas thought of something: "Hey, since he is the top strong man among the freshmen."

"Then he should be Hassan and Alifa's opponent tomorrow."

"You are meeting each other in advance now."

"Today we can have a friendly conversation, but tomorrow, everyone must not hold back, this is respect."

The opponent for tomorrow's battle?

Qin Yi was a little confused when he heard this.

What's going on.

He has never received any news that he will fight with foreign students in the simulation battle.

Shouldn't the opponent be Class 31?

So, Qin Yi looked at Gao Zhiyuan with a puzzled look.

Gao Zhiyuan touched his nose: "It's like this, we have a cooperation project with Gala."

"We want to help their highest institution build a more advanced simulation cabin."

"This time, Yunus and others came to discuss this specific matter."

"By the way, let these two little guys experience our simulation cabin technology and have a friendly exchange with our Tianjiao."

The technological level of Gala is completely different from that of Daxia.

The level of their simulation cabin is still at the stage where at most two people can enter and transform into an open space for them to fight.

In this case, it is difficult for students to practice mutual cooperation.

So this time I took the initiative to find Daxia.

I want to build several simulation cabins in the highest institution that can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

I don't want to be as advanced as the Demon Sea Supreme Simulation Cabin.

But I want to be able to transform some complex terrain as much as possible.

As a reward, Gala

The country will bring out hundreds of tons of rare-ink meteorite.

This is a precious ore that can only be produced in a secret realm in Gala Country.

It is used in the construction of space channels and has strong compatibility. It is a resource that Daxia Country is currently in urgent need of.

So, the two sides basically hit it off.

This time they came here to finalize the specific details and exchange ideas to see how big the gap is with the geniuses in Daxia Country.

Hassan and Arifa, who represented Gala Country in the battle.

They are freshmen in Barbaro Academy, the only highest holy place in their country.

"But... Yunus." Gao Zhiyuan said to Qin Yi and changed the subject.

"Although Qin Yi is the face of this year's freshmen, he is from Class 7, not Class 1, which you will face tomorrow."

According to the practice of the Supreme Demon Sea.

All the elite Class 1 will fight in this kind of foreign country.

This is the only way to show the strength of Daxia Country.

Not in the class to be faced?

Jonas and the other two showed surprised expressions.

Hassan spoke directly: "Director Gao, since we are here, we must face the best masters."

"I, Hassan, am not afraid of how badly I will lose."

"I am only afraid that I will not be able to see higher peaks."

"Among my peers in Gala Country, I have no rivals. This time I want to see the scenery at a higher altitude. Please help me!"

At the end, Hassan bowed deeply.

Young people don't have so many twists and turns.

Whatever comes to mind, just say it directly.

Jonas was also embarrassed: "Brother Gao, after all, I brought the two most outstanding geniuses in the country."

"You deliberately let the second class fight so that we would not lose so badly. I appreciate your kindness."

"But... please satisfy our wishes."

"If you want to fight, fight the strongest, so that these guys will have a goal to pursue."

"This generation of our Gala country is not so fragile, and will not be easily defeated!"

Ah, this...

Gao Zhiyuan was confused.

How did things suddenly turn out like this.

He didn't mean to deliberately let Class 1 be the opponent.

It's just a convention.

Can you say that Class 1 is the strongest?

That's indeed only in previous years. This year, Class 7 led by Qin Yi is the first in the completion of the first round of simulation battles!

Qin Yi looked a little weird on the side.

Good guy, what happened to me?

A foreign genius is rushing to fight with me?


"Director Gao, I wonder if there are any rewards for exchanging ideas with this foreign genius?" Qin Yi suddenly asked.

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