After all, the Demon Sea mentors spoke for Hassan and the others. But their words still hinted at their immaturity. As the only elder from the Gala country present, it would be strange if he could be happy. It was normal for him to not be able to help but explain. So, when all the instructors turned their heads in surprise, Jonas continued, "Excuse me for being blunt."

"It's not that the students of Gala Country want to prove anything, but you students of Class 31 are really a bit cowardly."

"Before the war, Qin Yi was obviously seriously injured under so many life-saving attacks."

"But he chose to hide in the imperial city?"

"What's the difference between this and handing over the fruits of victory?"

"If we humans were so conservative when we encountered difficulties, we would have been destroyed by the demons long ago."

"And...Hassan did this because he had the confidence and strength to rely on."

"You can rest assured."

This conversation fully reflected Jonas's belief that the students of Gala Country were not necessarily inferior to the Supreme of the Demon Sea.

It can also be seen.

He was a little anxious.

At this point, Gao Zhiyuan, on behalf of the Supreme of the Demon Sea, could no longer continue to smooth things over.

"Brother Yunus."

"I don't think your Gala country's genius is weak."

"But... don't underestimate the value of our Demon Sea Supreme Ace!"

Looking at Gao Zhiyuan's cold voice, a hint of green flashed in his eyes.

Yunus was also speechless for a moment.


The simulated world where Class 7 is located.

The territory of the Red Orcs, a city called Moguan.

At this moment, Hassan and Alifa have already entered the city.

The fierce battle has started completely.

The main road in the city, the shops on the street, and the bricks and tiles on the ground have all been shattered.

A mess.



One after another, the blue energy tigers let out a deafening roar and fought with the heavily armored Red Orc soldiers.

But...the power of these tigers is too strong.

The sharp claws grabbed with great force.

The heavy armor on the red orc soldiers was directly torn apart.

The flesh and bones were torn in half.

Blood splattered.

Behind these tigers, Hassan put his hands together, and his pupils shone with dazzling blue light.

His expression was excited.

"Hahahahaha, kill, kill, kill all these guys."

"Go, my dear babies."

"Not enough, not enough, not enough."

Suddenly, Hassan's palms opened to the left and right.

Then they suddenly closed again.


A crisp sound echoed.

Strands of green hair flowed out from the slits between the two palms.

Then, like cotton candy, it expanded rapidly and condensed into shape.

A brand new green energy tiger was born.


After a deafening roar.

The green tiger sniffed.

Sensing someone on the left, it immediately rushed over.


The hoarse screams of the orcs came immediately.

Hassan showed a smug smile on his face: "Hahahahaha, under my Qinghu's search, anyone with strong blood and qi can't escape."

"All the resistance forces will be wiped out before occupying, so that we can feel at ease."

"Speaking of which, this simulated world is really real." Hassan couldn't help but sighed at last.

These brick and tile objects, shop interiors, and ordinary red orcs in the city who saw him and hurriedly hid.

All made Hassan feel like he was in the real world.

It's really exquisite!

It's nothing like the simulation cabin of their Gala Country's Barbaro Academy.

Just simulate an empty space.

Sometimes when there is a problem with the instrument, there will be pits similar to mosaics on the ground.

Greatly reduce the experience.

It's really out of play.

Humph, as long as I can defeat Qin Yi, the ace of Daxia Country, head-on in the simulation world this time, and enhance my country's prestige.

I think Daxia will definitely pay attention to our Gala.

I realized that this is a place with outstanding people and heroes.

In this way, Daxia will definitely do its best to help build a good relationship.

Hassan thought so.

Although this idea is very naive, it does inspire his fighting spirit from the side.


Another place in Moguan City.

A few kilometers away from Hassan.

Arifa is on the street that is now empty of beasts.

, walking slowly.

There were many messy empty stalls that had not been cleaned up in time after being attacked suddenly.

Some lantern pendants and gauze cloth were scattered all over the ground.

Flying in the wind.

At this moment in front of her.

A pearl with a diameter of 30 centimeters was floating.

Emitting a dim light.

Suddenly, a deafening shout of killing came from the alley.

"Brothers, follow me!"

"This damn invader, damn demon!"

"Don't hold back!"


A team of sturdy, heavily armored orc soldiers with long axes and machetes rushed out directly.

With fierce eyes, they rushed towards Alifa.

Raising the weapons in their hands, they seemed to be about to cut her into pieces.

And their skin was covered with red light.

It was the power amplification blessing of the formation in the city.

Facing these aggressive red orcs.

Alifa bit his lips and flicked his right hand outwards.

The light of the huge pearl became more dazzling.

The next second.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh——

Rays of light emerged from the pearl and shot towards the red orc soldiers.

It pierced through their armor and flesh without any fancy moves.

The pupils of the red orcs dilated instantly.

The vitality slowly dissipated.

Then they fell to the ground with a thump.

Raising clouds of dust.

Blood flowed out of the holes on their bodies, gathering into small pools of blood.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Alifa bowed his head slightly to apologize to the orc corpses.

Then he continued to stride forward.

On the roof of the restaurant next to it, a thin red orc with a narrow scar on his cheek was lying quietly with a spear in his hand.

His breathing was almost still.

His palms were slightly sweaty due to excessive tension.

Although Arifa looked like a pretty and shy girl from a human aesthetic point of view.

But in the eyes of the orcs.

Demons are demons, and they can't distinguish the details of facial features.

Especially the strange behavior of Arifa apologizing after killing so many red orcs.

It made it even more creepy.

Three steps, two steps, one step...

Here it is, this is the best time and angle to attack!


The thin red orc suddenly jumped up.

The surging explosive force caused the bricks and tiles to crack.

The whole body fell straight towards Arifa like a cannonball.

The tip of the spear flashed with cold light.

Alifa looked up in surprise.

He silently recited a few syllables.

The huge pearl shone again.


Many light particles escaped from it, forming a thin white gauze net in the air.

It looked very fragile.

However, when the orc's spear tip pierced the gauze net.

A shocking scene occurred.

The red orc only felt that he had poked something extremely solid.

He couldn't move forward at all!

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