After a hard day's work, I had a good sleep.

After waking up, I thought about the leap in strength.

The blood, means, and trump cards all increased exponentially.

In addition, I had the most delicious breakfast in my life in the morning.

How can I be in a bad mood?

But the points were spent a little too fast. I just got 500 points, and only 200 points were left.

So as soon as I woke up, I brought the materials harvested in the wilderness area yesterday to recycle.

Walk out of the path.

Qin Yi stopped.

"Well... this is it."

At this moment, in front of Qin Yi, a huge, dark blue square building was standing here.

On the plaque directly above the door.

There are five big characters written: Material Recycling.

Qin Yi walked in without hesitation.

The smooth tile floor was spotless.

The already quiet hall seemed even emptier.

Qin Yi walked quickly to one of the processing windows and found that there was no one there.

He couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "It is clearly written on the Spark bracelet that it is open all day..."

"Ah!" Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, a pretty receptionist behind the counter suddenly looked up and woke up.

There were red sleep marks on the right side of her cheek.

"Sorry, sorry, I just fell asleep."

"Excuse me, are you going to handle material recycling?"

The receptionist apologized quickly, very panicked.

In theory, today is the first day of the open class, and many courses will be held together.

Based on past experience, students will never miss it.

With this mentality, and because she had been sorting out the recycling list until late last night, the receptionist couldn't help but take a nap and wanted to take a nap for ten minutes.

Unexpectedly, she ran into a student.

This was over.

If the boy complained seriously, her job would be lost.

This was a job with a monthly salary of 9,000 Daxia coins, and her family was counting on this income to support her younger brother to go to martial arts high school.


Qin Yi was not the kind of person who cared a lot.

He said directly: "Yes, the materials here, please help me count them and see how many points can be exchanged."

"Okay, please put your backpack into the conveyor belt."

"Put the Spark Bracelet on the sensor slot to sense it." The receptionist breathed a sigh of relief and pressed a button at the same time.

Click, click, click——

At the bottom left of Qin Yi, the alloy baffle slowly opened, revealing a conveyor belt with an eight-shaped pattern.

Qin Yi swiped the information and put the backpack on it.

Feeling the gravity, the conveyor belt began to move, and the backpack was quickly sent in.

These materials will be sent to the detection chamber along the conveyor belt.

"Okay, classmate, the total value of your materials is 35 points. Do you choose to recycle?"

In less than a minute.

The receptionist who received the result smiled and answered.

Because the wilderness area near the Spark Training Camp has been specially cleaned up.

All the remaining monsters are recorded.

The value of the materials on the body is naturally determined.

It is very convenient and quick to count.

Qin Yi nodded: "I am sure to recycle."

If based on the purchasing power of points, these materials are worth about 170,000 to 180,000 Daxia coins.

This is more than 30% higher than selling to those corporate groups in the outside world.

In fact, this is the subsidy given in the training camp.

In the camp, students are not allowed to sell monster materials collected outside the nearby wilderness area.

"Okay, classmate, wait a moment."

"I'll input the information right away, and the points will be credited to your Spark Bracelet later."

Qin Yi was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

In this free time, he couldn't help but sigh that his money-making speed had actually reached this level.

These points were worth 170,000 or 180,000 Great Xia coins.

But he earned them in one day.

Even if there is a reason for recycling premium, it is very easy to find monsters that match their own combat power in the wilderness area, without too much risk.

But even if these factors are excluded, Qin Yi can earn 70,000 or 80,000 Great Xia coins a day if he fights carefully in a normal wilderness area.

In the past, it was two years of living expenses.

Exaggerated, too exaggerated.

The speed at which warriors make money is really not to be underestimated.


Soon, the Spark Bracelet

The points were shown on the screen.

The storage backpack was also sent back by the conveyor belt.

Qin Yi nodded with satisfaction.

At this critical moment when expenses are flowing like water, it is very good to have some income.

Then, he picked up the backpack and walked out of the hall.


The bright sunshine was falling.

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes and whispered, "The weather is really good."

"It's just right to go out of the base and hunt monsters..."

That's right, Qin Yi's plan today is to go deep into the wilderness again and kill monsters.

There is no way, the economic pressure is great.

You must subsidize the family more.

Another main reason is that practicing "Sixth Layer of Shura Body" requires killing, and the dead air generated at the moment of annihilating living beings is used to nourish oneself.

So fighting in the wilderness is equivalent to practicing for Qin Yi.

As for taking martial arts guidance classes, or meditating and comprehending the gains and losses of battles?

For Qin Yi, there is no need for this at all.

Like the Five Ghosts Conjoined Sutra, the Six-Layered Shura Body contains many different types of subsidiary methods.

However, most of the methods have level requirements.

Some methods can only be used when the physical strength reaches the third level, while others require the fourth or fifth level.

In other words, as long as Qin Yi practices the Six-Layered Shura Body to a deeper level, he can unlock more martial arts methods.

Even a little practice to make the muscle memory familiar is the realm of naturalness.

At that time.

The understanding of swordsmanship, boxing, body skills, etc. will skyrocket.

So go to class?

It's just a waste of time.

Qin Yi naturally has no such plan.

Soon, Qin Yi strode to the gate of the base.

"Hello, I apply to go out of the wilderness area for training."

Qin Yi greeted the guard.

He took out the Spark Bracelet and swiped it on the sensor slot.

The personal information was entered.

"Student, please wait a moment. The higher-ups are reviewing it."

"It will probably be done soon."

The middle-aged security guard responded with a smile.

The Spark Training Camp originally encouraged these students to go out to fight and hone themselves. The so-called review was just a process.

It won't take much time.

Beep, beep---

Suddenly, a quick phone call sounded.

After the security guard answered the call, his expression changed.

"Yes, yes, I got it."

"I'll definitely pass it on."


The phone was hung up.

The security guard looked at Qin Yi with a puzzled look.

"Uncle...what's wrong?"

"Student, you may not be able to go out for the time being. Instructor Jiang asked you to go to his office."

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