The sky gradually darkened.

In the living room of Qin Yi's house.


Qin Yi poured a cup of hot spiritual tea and handed it over.

"Mr. Ye, please."

"Thank you."

Ye Lingtian took the tea and sipped it.

Then, his eyes lit up: "Good tea, I didn't expect Qin Xiaoyou to have such leisure and elegance."

"Haha, it's okay." Qin Yi touched his nose.

This tea was purchased from the treasure house of the Spark Training Camp.

It's worth a lot.

According to the normal market price, it is estimated to be at least 50,000 Daxia coins per tael.

It has a fruity fragrance when you drink it, which can easily relax people's minds.

Qin Yi deals with evil spirits and death all day long, so he is mentally exhausted.

Paying attention to food is a way to regulate emotions.

"By the way, Ye Si."

"What is this demon...?"

"I haven't heard of it before." Qin Yi asked in confusion.

When he saw that Li Jianan was a demon and still had consciousness, he was actually surprised.

This really subverted his understanding of this world.

"You mean the demon..." Ye Lingyun put the teacup on the table.

Then his index finger slowly tapped the table.


It seems to be organizing words.

After about five seconds, he continued: "Well, it's normal that you haven't heard of it."

"In fact, the official has always tried to downplay the news about the demons."

"After all, compared to those monsters, the demons have intelligence and their own way of thinking."

"This is too scary for humans."

"Even if ordinary people know about it, it won't be of much use. Instead, it will cause panic."

"But with your current potential, it's only a matter of time before you come into contact with these things. I might as well give you a shot in advance."

So that's how it is...

Qin Yi nodded.

It seems that I thought I had been in this world for so long and I almost understood the whole picture of the world.

In the end, I was just sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

Ordinary people, isn't this what I was like before? I had to rely on the Great Xia Kingdom for relief even for my basic life, and I tried my best to get into the bottom martial arts school.

I guess after graduation, I can be a security guard in a larger enterprise in Nanjiang, and I can still make ends meet. That would be great.

For ordinary people like this, what's the use of knowing the existence of the Heavenly Demon.

Judging from the combat power of the Thousand-Faced Demon Body just now, the average strength of the Heavenly Demon is probably much higher than that of the monsters.

It is estimated that if ordinary people can "lucky" to see the Heavenly Demon, then they are not far from death.

However... I have won the first place in the Spark Training Camp by crushing, and now I have the qualifications to know some truths.

"You should know that there are some forbidden areas in the wilderness area, right?"

Ye Lingyun changed the subject and asked back.

"I know." Qin Yi nodded.

"It is said that those forbidden areas are powerful demon caves that have not been cleaned up and still exist in the world."

Sometimes there will be news of the death of a peerless strongman on TV and the Internet, and the place of death is basically a certain forbidden area or something.

This shows the danger of those forbidden areas.

But why did Ye Lingyun suddenly mention this? Could it be that...

"Those forbidden areas have a name, that is - the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

Sure enough!

As Ye Lingyun revealed more and more secrets, Qin Yi's eyes condensed.

It seems that this world is much more complicated than he originally imagined.

Ye Lingyun picked up the teacup again and took a sip.

Then he continued: "As the name suggests, these forbidden areas can be called Heavenly Demon Caves, and there are Heavenly Demons behind them all."

"Otherwise, although these monsters are ferocious, they are not conscious after all."

"Looking at the entire Blue Star, our human geniuses are constantly emerging like crucian carp crossing the river, but we can't attack and kill those mindless beasts?"

"That's too much of an underestimation of our human heroes!"

When he said the last sentence, a subtle arc flashed in Ye Lingyun's eyes, and a murderous aura unconsciously spread out.

However, Qin Yi looked indifferent.

In terms of the purity of murderous aura, he might not be weaker than one of the two official giants of Nanjiang.

"Then Ye Si, the source of the Heavenly Demon...

Have we humans investigated it clearly now?" Qin Yi continued to ask. Those forbidden areas have existed for a long time, which means that humans have been dealing with these demons for a long time. I am still a little curious about how much I have learned so far. Unexpectedly, Ye Lingyun shook his head when he heard this question. "There are many speculations..." "But none of them can be completely confirmed." "The only thing that is certain is that as long as we can destroy those unformed demon caves, we can cause a great blow to those demons. "

Unformed Demon Cave.

Qin Yi's mind moved.

I know this thing.

Because the current martial arts college entrance examination is conducted in this unformed Demon Cave.

If it is a completely formed Demon Cave, just like the multi-crack Demon Cave that appeared in the Nanjiang turmoil this time, it will actively manifest in the world, and many bloodthirsty monsters will emerge from it.

But the problem is that the monsters in your Demon Caves can't just appear out of thin air at a certain moment.

Before they came to the world, they must have stayed in a certain space.

And what were these monsters doing before that?

Since the mysterious energy of Blue Star came, countless researchers have been struggling to think about this problem.

Finally, a few decades ago, scholars from the Institute cooperated with powerful space power users to achieve a major breakthrough and found the location of the space before the Demon Cave manifested.

This was equivalent to causing a major earthquake at the time.

Big Scholars from other fields were drawn to this project, and this project was ranked as the most urgent research.

Hard work pays off. With the ideas and suggestions of geniuses, many difficulties were overcome.

Humans found the weak point of the magic cave space.

After breaking it, they can enter it in advance!

However, the space barriers of these unformed magic caves are still too weak, and those with too strong blood and qi values ​​cannot pass through at all. Forcing to enter will cause the channel to collapse.

It was also from then on that the martial arts college entrance examination was gradually replaced by the current magic cave examination from the previous wilderness area examination.

Of course, this is for students who want to take the key high school entrance examination.

Those with average blood and qi can directly participate in the internal examination of ordinary martial arts universities.

The reason is very simple. Even if this magic cave is not formed, it is still too dangerous for them.

"In other words, participating in the martial arts college entrance examination is actually contributing to the eradication of the demons?"

Qin Yi said with a smile.

I didn't know this before.

"Yes, not only that. "Ye Lingyun rubbed his chin.

"In addition to attacking the Heavenly Demon Society, the weak monsters in these Demon Caves will be killed in advance. When the Demon Cave cracks reach a certain level, they will never appear again."

"You should know that in the past, the frequency of Demon Cave cracks was much higher than it is now."

"The survival base can be stable now, and the space exploration technology has played an indispensable role."

Qin Yi also showed an expression of approval.

Pre-destruction is indeed a good way to control the cracks.

It can also transfer the main battlefield from humans to the Demon Cave, and the losses caused are also much less.

So if powerful warriors are the foundation for humans to exist in this era of rampant demons.

Then the researchers have played a role in filling the gaps in the foundation.

The top ones also have a very high social status.

"By the way, Ye Si, I have something to tell you here."

"Today's Heavenly Demon, according to my special means of detection, seems to be... just an extended creature, that is, a sub-body. "

"Behind it, there is a demon mother body that may be able to create this kind of creature. We must be careful with it."

Qin Yi brought up this topic seriously.

The strength of the Thousand-Faced Demon Child is almost the top six-grade great martial artist. The mother body should be at least a master, right?

And this kind of creature can blend into humans without anyone noticing.

It's really a bit difficult.

Reminding Ye Lingyun can also give the Demon Suppression Division more direction for investigation.

"Huh? There is also a mother body?" Upon hearing this news, Ye Lingyun also showed a surprised expression.

He even questioned Qin Yi's judgment at first.

After all, no matter how evil this boy is, he is just a high school student who has not yet taken the martial arts college entrance examination.

But on second thought, it is incredible that Qin Yi can kill such a powerful demon.

It is not impossible to detect such information.

"I know."

"The Demon Suppression Division will treat this information with caution. "Ye Lingyun nodded solemnly.

That is to say, it is very likely that

The more powerful demon is still hiding in Nanjiang.

This is too dangerous.

If we let it go, if this kind of incarnation incident happens a few more times, even close comrades will lose trust.

Everyone is in danger!

Is it only possible to ask for external help.......

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