The projector was projected.

Xie Tianfang was stunned when he heard the news.

Then he fell into a short silence.

Qin Yi... This is the most evil genius in Donghua this year.

He is even more than one level ahead of Lu Qianhan.

Qin Yi entered the magic cave space from the fifth test site, which means that if the crack is to be closed.

This evil will never come back.

No wonder... Even if he gave the order, the people in the observation room were still standing there like wooden stakes.

Of course, Zhang Cheng on the side really hoped that Qin Yi would die.

But in this case, it jumped out to agree.

It was too abrupt.

Very easy to be exposed.

And if the sub-body is allowed to continue killing in space, the harvest may be greater.

After all, in its eyes, Qin Yi will most likely die at the hands of the sub-body...

"Xie Shi."

"So now... is it still closed?"

Ye Lingyun broke the silence and continued to ask.

He wanted to confirm Xie Tianfang's order again.

But he had made up his mind. Even if Xie Tianfang still ordered to close the crack, he would never allow it.

Even if he had to guard the No. 5 assessment point in person.

Even if he was sent to a military court for disobeying the orders of his superiors, he would not hesitate!

In Ye Lingyun's heart, Qin Yi's potential is definitely worth doing this.

Anyway, he has already taken the blame for his incompetence in this incident.

It doesn't matter if there is one more.

"Close it, close it."

"Fuck, why did it have to be Qin Yi."

Xie Tianfang cursed again.

If it were someone else, even someone of Lu Qianhan or Hu Xiaofang's level, he would have considered it for a while.

But Qin Yi?

At his level, he understood the importance of top-level experts to the current situation of mankind.

Just right.

Qin Yi is such a seed with great potential.

If he died in the hands of his own people.

If it gets out, those demons will laugh at him!

"Xie Shi, there's a call from Qingtian."

A faint voice came from the other end of the projection.

Xie Tianfang heard it.

Finally, he said something.

"Repair it quickly, at any cost of resources!"

After saying this.


The video call was hung up immediately.

The experts in the observation room looked at each other.

Only then did they dare to speak out to discuss.

"Fortunately, Mayor Xie did not ask to close the artificial space crack at the No. 5 test site."

"Otherwise, Qin Yi would have died inexplicably in it."

"I expected it a long time ago."

"Mayor Xie is such a smart person, and all his decisions are based on maximizing the interests of our human race."

"Qin Yi has such amazing potential. In his eyes, even the lives of thousands of students are difficult to compare with him."

"If it were the other test sites in Nanjiang, Mayor Xie would probably close them without hesitation."

"Doesn't that mean Qin Yi saved the lives of the students at the No. 5 test site?"

"You can also say that he indirectly forced us to passively accept the slaughter of the demons."

"I can't agree with what you said. The fault of the demons cannot be attributed to our compatriots."

"Indeed, I made a slip of the tongue..."


Just as everyone was discussing.


Jiang Tianming received another message.

Then he showed a happy expression.

"Everyone, good news."

"The repair of the crack has made significant progress."

"The speed has increased greatly."

Everyone was excited when they heard the news.

Good guy, you finally said something good.

"That's great."

"God bless my Great Xia, God bless my Donghua."

"I hope it can be repaired quickly."

"Every time the blue light disappears, it means a fresh life has passed away."

"Indeed... and those who can choose to take the Demon Cave College Entrance Examination are the cornerstones of our Great Xia country's future. It's a pity to die like this."


In the crowd.

Ye Lingyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be good if it could be repaired as soon as possible.

I'm afraid that the No. 5 test site is not closed, but Qin Yi still dies in the hands of the Liquid Sky Demon.

That would be a big loss.

The Thousand-Faced Demon hidden under Zhang Cheng's face was in a very bad mood.

So fast?

Those human researchers are really damned.

No, the plan needs to be raised.


Most of the forces must be mobilized to surround and kill Qin Yi!

Xie Tianfang could see the importance of Qin Yi and gave up the original plan.

The Thousand-Faced Demon was not a fool.

If Qin Yi could not be killed in this operation, it would mean that half of the goal had not been achieved.

Then, it had a thought.

The order was issued!

Soon the human warriors in the observation room discovered the changes.

"Hey, look, many extremely fast demon light spots on the radar began to gather."

"What do they want to do?"

"It seems that they are planning to go deep into the next level of the demon cave together."

"Could it be..."

"They want to find Qin Yi!"

"Damn it, these demons actually know how to capture and kill the most evil students on our side first."

"You must hold on, Qin Yi, until the cracks are completely repaired."

In an instant.

Everyone began to pray for Qin Yi.

Ye Lingyun frowned even more.

Began to ponder.

Something is wrong.

As soon as they received the news that there was significant progress in repairing the cracks, the demons immediately began to change their plans.

There is a traitor!

Ye Lingyun glanced around.

However, nothing was found.

Is this demon hiding too deep...


The second floor of the demon cave space.


The knife flashed.

A dog-shaped monster with a body length of nearly three meters and hard scales on its skin fell to the side.

[Congratulations to the host for killing the demon evil dog and gaining 212 ghost points]

[Congratulations to the host for killing the demon evil dog and gaining 130 experience points]

[Do you choose to suppress the evil dog]


However, what makes Qin Yi happiest now is not killing this monster again.

Gaining ghost points and experience.

Instead, a natural passage leading to the next floor appeared in front of him.

Well, I can finally go to the third floor.

Although the ghost points he had obtained had exceeded 20,000, they could be exchanged for two blue-grade Hades Long Signs.

But Qin Yi was still not satisfied with this improved efficiency.

For other students.

This unformed demon cave was equivalent to a place of great danger, with dangers at every step.

But for Qin Yi, it was a treasure land, with cultivation resources everywhere, which was simply too cool.

Therefore, in this limited time.

We must maximize the benefits as much as possible.

If we don’t make money, we will lose money!

At this time, we must have the thoughts and awareness of capitalists.

Let’s go!

Qin Yi jumped and jumped directly into this natural passage.

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