"Lu Ming……"

Looking at Lu Ming's departing back, Catharine's eyes flashed with a strange light, and she murmured Lu Ming's name.

From childhood to adulthood, this was the first time she was rejected.

But she didn't want to give up.

So far, no one could leave such a deep impression on her like Lu Ming.

Thinking of Lu Ming's mountain-like figure.

And the invincible posture when he just defeated Orlando.

Catharine's brilliance in her heart couldn't help but come even more.

At the same time, in the beachside cabin.

After comforting Yang Tao, Lu Ming returned to the living room. He happened to bump into Liu Ruyan who had just returned.

Seeing Lu Ming, Liu Ruyan couldn't help but joked.

"I never thought you would reject the invitation of that martial arts daughter."It was not difficult for Lu Ming to imagine that the martial arts daughter Liu Ruyan was talking about should be Catharina.

That bright and charming European and American woman

"I said, women only affect my pulling……"

Lu Ming was halfway through his words when he suddenly remembered that the person in front of him was Liu Ruyan.

Thinking of her last response, he stopped talking abruptly and changed the subject.

"A martial arts heroine?"

"Why do you call her that?"

Liu Ruyan also noticed that Lu Ming was trying to change the subject.

She covered her mouth and smiled, not caring, and introduced her to Lu Ming.

"Catharina, the world-renowned flower of Gaoling"

"Now she is only twenty years old, but her cultivation has reached the third level, and she has passed the physical and spiritual tribulations."

"Before you and the three martial arts masters rose to prominence, her training speed had never been surpassed."

"She is also likely to enter the road to heaven and become your enemy."

Liu Ruyan's introduction gave Lu Ming a new understanding of the bright girl and he was slightly surprised.

When facing her, he could indeed sense that she was very advanced.

However, she was still young, which was hard for him to imagine.

"Cultivation genius is only one of her identities"

"Her other identity is the daughter of Augustus, the current head of the Martial Saint Hall."

"Therefore, even if it was Nick, she could just castrate him."

Liu Ruyan said this, and it also cleared up Lu Ming's doubts.

He was still thinking that even if it was the Martial Saint Hall, it would not be likely to make such a radical reaction.

There must be something about Catharina's intention.

"I didn't expect that someone would take a fancy to you."

"Being able to be a gigolo for this martial arts heiress is a treatment that countless people dream of."

Liu Ruyan teased Lu Ming, but the latter ignored her.

"I don't want to be a gigolo."

"The pinnacle of martial arts is my ultimate pursuit."

As he spoke, a determined look flashed in Lu Ming's eyes.

The strong true meaning of climbing high also emerged on his body.

It was cold at high places, and there was a sense of loneliness and arrogance, which was sensed by Liu Ruyan.

She couldn't help but think of Lu Ming's invincible appearance when he beat Orlando.

Such strength, such a mentality.

Even a mature woman like Liu Ruyan could not resist such charm.

She could understand why the heart of the flower on the mountain, which had never bloomed, was revealed to Lu Ming.

"Rest early."

"Three days later, the Tianjiao Tournament will officially begin."

Liu Ruyan did not stay in the living room for long.

In front of the boy, she was afraid that she would not be able to help but lose her composure like Catharina.

In the wooden house on the other side of the beach.

A black man who looked as ugly as Nick, but taller and more coordinated, had a slightly livid face.

He was Nick's brother, Negan.

He was unable to attend the dance tonight because of his training.

The three followers who followed Nick, as well as Nick, were dealt with by Catharina Thunder and thrown out of the Maldives.

Guardian Orlando was seriously injured by Lu Ming and was still recuperating.

Therefore, he did not get the news until now.

The black attendant in front of him lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Negan also took out his mobile phone at this moment. During his training, Nick had already called him countless times.

But he only saw it now, so he hurriedly called back.

The video was quickly connected.


Seeing Nick's miserable state, even Negan couldn't help but cry with red eyes.

Although he had applied medicine on his face, the high swelling was still visible.

Because of the loss of a certain part, Nick's face was constantly shedding tears, and his expression was uglier than crying.

"Brother, you must make the decision for me!"

"That Lu Ming, he colluded with Catalina"

"Now, I am no longer a real man."

When Nick said this, he couldn't help but think of the part of him that was anesthetized and had no feeling, and he was even more heartbroken.

Nigan had heard Lu Ming's name from the servant.


But Catharina was also involved in this matter, which made Negan raise his eyebrows.

This was not because of Catharina's noble status.

Rather, when Negan first saw Catharina, he was deeply attracted by her appearance. He even regarded her as his woman. Even though her cultivation was much higher than his now, he believed that sooner or later he would surpass her.


"That bitch sent someone to take me away!"

"He even invited Lu Ming to drink together!"


Hearing this, Negan couldn't help but yelled angrily and slammed the table heavily.

As a brother, Nick was shocked by Negan's reaction. Nick also realized Negan's feelings for Catharina and didn't dare to say anything.

After a long time, Negan calmed down and snorted.

It was because of Nick's call of a bitch and also because of what Nick said.

Lu Ming, how dare you snatch his beloved woman away

"I know what you said."

"You wait."

"In the Tianjiao Tournament, I will make that Daxia monkey pay the price."

Negan's eyes were cold.

Whether for Nick or for Catharina, he would not let Lu Ming go easily.

After saying that, he hung up the video call.

Beside him, the black attendant who came to report the news could not help but speak.

"Lord Negan"

"That Lu Ming is not only the son of Lu Yue"

"And his cultivation has reached the peak of the fourth rank, able to crush Orlando"

"You need to think twice before you become his enemy."

The black servant's words were interrupted by Negan's muffled groan.

"I, Negan, have done things throughout my life without the need for anyone to tell me!"

"I said that the big Xia monkey must pay the price, and he must pay the price."

Negan's words were full of confidence.

Although he was only at the peak of the fifth rank now, no one could have imagined that he was not incapable of breakthrough. Instead, he had been accumulating strength for a long time.

"Just right, if there is no foil"

"How can I show my strength?"

Negan's intelligence network is naturally not weak.

He also knows everything about Lu Ming.

Thinking of being able to trample such a genius under his feet.

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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